Phoenix Fight

Chapter 12 What’s Your Name, Prince?

Chapter 12 What’s Your Name, Prince?

“Erm...” Languo stopped to think. How could she explain this? She just had to play it cool. “Horror films are a kind of show in my hometown, kind of like an opera.”

The Prince smiled and said calmly, “I wouldn’t do that.”

Languo kept chuckling. So this Prince is not as scary as those women out there made him seem... he is kind of friendly. She continued to ask, “what’s your name, Prince?”

The wheelchair stopped suddenly, and the Prince stopped it himself. The wheelchair was well-made, had an intricate structure, and looked much more advanced than the one Emotionless used in the wuxia film, “The Four Great Constables.” Languo could tell the wheelchair had plenty of features, since it took just a slight move of the Prince’s finger on the armrest for the wheelchair to stop safely and quickly.

“You don’t know my name?”

“Forgive me, Prince. I’ve been living in the mountains. I’ve not seen another woman in this Daqing Dynasty.”


“So I don’t know how my looks would rank in this country.“ She said this out of spite, since her cla.s.smate Mei Junzhi made fun of her before. 

“Not bad.” The Prince answered.

Languo didn’t love the answer but couldn’t keep asking, so she circled back to the earlier question. “Prince, you haven’t told me your name yet?”

“Puyang Yue.”

“Last name is Pu?”

“Double last name, Puyang.”

“Oh, I see. Please don’t mind me, I never graduated from elementary school.” Languo could almost see the frown on the Prince, or Puyang Yue’s face.

Yue pursed his lips, not smiling, but not upset either. He told Languo to keep pushing him toward the garden.

Languo couldn"t stay quiet, she asked more questions. “How did your legs disappear, Prince?”

“An arrow shot me in the back, paralyzing my lower body. My legs are still here.” Yue"s explanation was awkward and slightly impatient.

Languo had cold sweat. Of course, his legs and boots on the wheelchair seemed fine. Didn"t she just admire his boots earlier? How could she be so stupid to think he had no legs?

It was very sad his back was shot with an arrow, probably injuring his spinal nerves. This wasn"t treatable in ancient times.

Too bad, he had such a gorgeous face but he was disabled...

So G.o.d was fair, however, this kind of fairness was brutal. Languo complained, “what kind of evil person hurt you?”

 “I was ambushed during a battle.” Yue"s face wasn"t thrilled as he explained.

Languo finally stopped asking questions and just kept walking, but she couldn"t resist asking, “Why did you pick me to be your bodyguard? I thought you were healthy, so I could just goof off, but you"re... What I know isn"t enough to protect you from ambushes...”

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