Phoenix Fight

Chapter 47

Bai Languo felt a dull pain on her wrist. She could neither beat nor curse Puyang Yue, so she was in despair. She pouted her lips, with tears in her eyes. She looked pitiable.

“Now . . . ”Puyang Yue had to teach her, saying, “you should find your cla.s.smate Mei as soon as possible. You should take him back to make an apology and return all things that he stole. Then, I will help exonerate him.”

Bai Languo nodded with a blank look.

Puyang Yue continued. “Where is he?”

Bai Languo sniffed and shook her head. She answered, “I don’t know.”

Puyang Yue frowned tightly. “You really don’t know?”

Bai Languo immediately said, “If you don’t believe me, you can open my brain and verify it for yourself. Compared to you and landlord Yang, I’m more eager to find him.”

“Can you find him?”

“I want to find him, but I don’t know how to find him, because I’m not familiar with this place.” 

“Signal detonator.”

“What?”Bai Languo was surprised after hearing this. She opened her eyes widely.

Puyang Yue continued slowly. “Last time, he called you, thanks to the signal detonator, right? So you can use it to call him this time.”

Last time, she had to use it in order to save someone. There were only six signal detonators; she and Mei Junzhi each held three respectively. How could they use up two signal detonators within three days? It was too wasteful. Bai Languo didn’t agree with him. She explained, “My teacher told us that we should economize these signal detonators, so I don’t want to waste them! There is no phone or signal in this era. n.o.body even knows SOS here. Thus, these signal detonators are our lifelines that are only supposed to be used for saving our lives.”

“He will be a wanted criminal after two days have pa.s.sed from the date he escaped, so do you want to economize one signal detonator or do you want your cla.s.smate Mei to stay in jail for two or three years?”

“I . . . I . . . ” Bai Languo hesitated very much, biting her finger.

At this time, b.u.t.terfly got in a word. “Poor brother, your senior sister apprentice isn’t willing to save you!”

Hearing this, Bai Languo instantly became angry. She rushed to yell at b.u.t.terfly. “Hey! Little girl, how can you make sarcastic comments about me right now? Did you forget that you make him a criminal?”

The little Princess b.u.t.terfly was frightened and immediately hid in the arms of Puyang Yue.

Puyang Yue at once looked at Bai Languo coldly.

Bai Languo immediately stopped when she looked at his cold eyes.

She secretly thought his daughter needed a spanking, but the stepfather was always partial to her. At this moment, he was glaring at Bai Languo. Bai Languo instantly felt wronged. She stood aside and bit her fingers. She grumbled,“You and your daughter are bullying me!”

“If you insist on refusing to call him back, there is nothing wrong with what she said.”

“. . .Who told you I’m not willing to save him?” Bai Languo questioned him with anger. “But, but it isn’t suitable to signal him here. Even if he came back, I’m sure that he won’t come in once he finds that the prince’s palace is quiet and peaceful. After dark, I will signal him in the woods outside the city.”

“I also want to go there!”Princess b.u.t.terfly said excitedly, as if she was going to a party.

“I will go there with you,” Puyang Yue agreed immediately.

Bai Languo stamped her foot with anger; she really regretted making such a decision!

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