Phoenix Fight

Chapter 49

Bai Languo wisely closed her mouth, but Mei Junzhi asked indignantly, “Did you fire off a signal flare to me in the middle of the night only because you suspect that I’m the thief who stole from landlord Yang?”

Puyang Yue frowned and looked at Mei Junzhi with sharp eyes. He asked, “You said you sat on the hill outside the city all night. Do you have any witnesses to that?”

“Don’t you know that the hill outside the city is deserted?”Mei Junzhi asked back.

Pu Yangyue nodded and said, “You have been to landlord Yang’s house, haven’t you?”

“No!” Mei Junzhi denied.

Bai Languo was anxious about it. She said,“Mei, you should tell us the truth. I believe that you didn’t steal from landlord Yang, but you shouldn’t hide anything from us!”

“I didn’t hide anything from you!” He felt wronged, but he looked very shy. It seemed like he was having a hard time explaining something. He either pinched the corner of his coat, or rubbed against the bark. He looked very embarra.s.sed at this moment.

While Puyang Yue showed that cloth to him, he noticed, with sharp eyes, that there was the same shape of hole at the bottom of Mei Junzhi’s trouser leg. Then, he sneered, “Can you tell me what happened to your trouser leg?”

Mei Junzhi looked back at the cloth. Then he said in a surprise, “Ah! It was you who tore it. No wonder I found my trousers torn this morning!” Mei Junzhi was about to grab it, but Puyang Yue quickly made a fist, holding it tight in his hand.  

Mei Junzhi couldn’t grab that cloth, so he felt wronged.

Puyang Yue told him in a serious tone, “This was found on the red coral decoration in the hall of landlord Yang’s house.”

Huh? After hearing that, incredibly, Mei Junzhi didn’t feel hopeless or dispirited at all because of his “inescapable fate.” However, his handsome face turned pig-liver red.

Bai Languo said anxiously, “What on earth is the matter?  We can get you off the hook only if you tell us the truth!”

“Get me off the hook?” Mei Junzhi was shocked. “Is this cloth enough to convict me?Is it a crime to pee in landlord Yang’s house?”  

Pee. . .?!

Bai Languo was stunned. “What, what? Speak slowly and clearly!"

Mei Junzhi perked his mouth. He looked shy. However, looking at Puyang Yue’s sullen eyes, he also knew that he had to confess. He said, “Last night, although the prince was kind enough to visit me, I . . . I still don"t want to waste my best years taking care of a little . . . little princess. Therefore, although I was injured, I decided to abscond overnight! Before running away, I took a vase away and got ready to change some money! However. . . however, I didn"t expect that as soon as I walked out of the prince"s palace, I . . . I needed to pee. I was embarra.s.sed. I didn’t dare go back to the prince"s palace. I feared I’d be caught, so I had to sneak into the courtyard next door. I didn"t know it was landlord Yang’s house at that time. I didn"t expect landlord Yang’s house would be so big that I couldn"t find the outhouse anywhere. Finally, I peed in the water pool with the red coral sculpture. . .”

Bai Languo, who leaned against the trunk, was so embarra.s.sed that she wanted to bash her head into the tree. She thought secretly, G.o.d, how could I have such a disgraceful schoolmate?

Puyang Yue was shocked, too. He asked, “Is that all?”

Mei Junzhi kept on nodding. “That"s all! If you don"t believe it, you can go to the coral pond in landlord Yang’s house and have a look at my lad urine!”

Puyang Yue was completely speechless. He simply could not accept such a disgraceful fact.

Only b.u.t.terfly got in a word innocently to educate the elder brother, Mei. “That coral is dead. Even if you fertilize it, you won"t save it!”

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