Physician's Odyssey

Chapter 838 - The w.a.n.g Family still has Bloodline

Chapter 838 - The w.a.n.g Family still has Bloodline

Dong Yun looked at Su Tao in hesitation.

She yearned for the answer, but Su Tao had rejected her.

At this moment, Dong Yun began to regret. She regretted causing such a din in the Three Flavour Hall.

The seed of conflict was planted, and it was already too late for her to do anything to save it.

Su Tao knew that he was in the advantage in this psychological warfare. BY speaking things vaguely, his words had caused Dong Yun to suspect the truth in it.

By keeping Dong Yun in suspense, it allowed her imagination to run wild. Now that she had her concern, it was effective in resolving the conflict.

While Dong Yun was stuck in a difficult position, a black vehicle arrived. A middle-aged man came out of the vehicle. It was Dong Yun’s husband, w.a.n.g Rui.

w.a.n.g Rui immediately rushed over when he heard that his wife came over. He was worried about the possibility of his wife being bullied. After all, Su Tao had some backing in Beijing. He had a close relations.h.i.+p with the Ni and Ye Families.

w.a.n.g Rui paced into the Three Flavour Hall swiftly. His hair was ashen, and he shared a resemblance with w.a.n.g Guofeng.

“Martial Uncle w.a.n.g?” Ling Yu greeted as he sighed inwardly. After all, w.a.n.g Rui had a high position in the Medical Dao Sect, and he could be considered Ling Yu’s elder.

“I dare not deserve it.” w.a.n.g Rui snorted as he gave a glance to Ling Yu.

He was thoroughly disappointed by Ling Yu. He had shown his admiration for Ling Yu, but Ling Yu was actually standing on the same side as his son’s enemy. Hence, w.a.n.g Rui wasn’t polite with Ling Yu in his words.

Ling Yu smiled bitterly when he heard w.a.n.g Rui’s reply. It seems that w.a.n.g Rui had a huge opinion about him, and the misunderstanding ran deep. But he has an amiable temperament, and he was someone who didn’t like conflicts. Thus, he had brushed it off with a smile.

Su Tao was naturally unhappy to see Ling Yu snubbed. It felt more terrible than w.a.n.g Rui scolding him. Looking at w.a.n.g Rui’s face, Su Tao sneered inwardly.

“I’m here today for an explanation, and I can let this matter go if you can promise me two things.” w.a.n.g Rui snickered.

Su Tao wore a grim expression. He could understand w.a.n.g Rui’s current feelings, but he had his shop smashed today. All his patients were chased away, and even several employees were injured. Looking at this matter from the surface alone, w.a.n.g Rui was at an advantage.

Su Tao would naturally take revenge with his personality, and the reason why he wasn’t doing it was because the time wasn’t right.

“Go ahead.” Su Tao replied.

“Firstly, you are to apologise to my son. You are to kneel before his grave and kowtow. This is what you ought to do. After all, you were related to his death.

“Secondly, you are to retire from the TCM industry so that no one else will come into harm. There’s an issue with your personality, and you’ve fooled the entire world by basking yourself in a good reputation.

“Lastly, Ling Yu has to leave the Three Flavour Hall. If he’s willing, he can come to the w.a.n.g Family’s Pharmacy. I can treat it as nothing has happened, and he was just blinded by you.”

How can there be someone so conceited in the world?

“And if I don’t agree to your terms?” Su Tao grinned despite the anger burning in his chest.

“I have lots of ways to make your Three Flavour Hall close down if you refuse my terms. Furthermore, I will also get you removed from the National Healer Team.” w.a.n.g Rui had a smug on his face. Evidently, he was confident about what he said.

In his view, Su Tao was just someone who had entered society, and he had no idea how deep the water ran.

However, Su Tao was just looking at him with a sneer without any response.

When w.a.n.g Rui saw that Su Tao wasn’t replying, he misunderstood it as Su Tao was afraid.

“I’ll give you some time to consider, and I expect an answer within three days. Young man, consider this a lesson for you. Don’t be so arrogant when you’re doing things. My temper is still considered tamed. If you’ve offended someone formidable, I’m afraid that he won’t be speaking to you as nicely as I am now.” w.a.n.g Rui continued.

“There’s nothing for me to consider. I refuse!” Su Tao raised his brows.

“Then we’ll see! Honey, let’s go! We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” w.a.n.g Rui pointed at Su Tao in rage. He had his nose crooked from the anger burning in his chest.

However, Dong Yun gave a complicated look at w.a.n.g Rui before she shook her head.

There was no way she could leave. After all, she still hadn’t gotten an answer from Su Tao, so how could she possibly leave?

“You…?” w.a.n.g Rui knitted his brows when he saw that his wife wasn’t leaving. He immediately knitted his brows together as he could sniff that there was something else to the story.

In the end, Dong Yun sighed and lowered her head, “I got too impulsive today, and I"m wrong for causing you so much loss. Please forgive me. I’m also willing to make compensations.”

w.a.n.g Rui’s face changed upon hearing that. At this moment, he was still confused. Just what was going on?

He had just spoken those words to Su Tao, and his wife had undermined his plans. Wouldn’t that make what he said earlier in vain?

He came to support his wife, but his wife submitted? w.a.n.g Rui felt unhappy that he was backstabbed by his own wife. It felt similar to being cuckolded.

Dong Yun also wasn’t in a good position to explain to w.a.n.g Rui about her actions.

w.a.n.g Guofeng’s death was already in the past. But if he had left a bloodline behind in the world, it meant that the w.a.n.g Family still has a bloodline in the world.

Dong Yun’s actions had also left Su Tao shocked. He initially took the photo out to make Dong Yun fearful about taking things too far.

She might be a woman, but she was still someone who could be reasoned with. At this moment, she felt that she couldn’t afford to provoke Su Tao, not to mention that she anxiously wanted an answer. Hence, she had lowered herself.

Standing by the side, the employees of the Three Flavour Hall began to chatter among themselves. Dong Yun had changed too quickly, and they were also caught by surprise. At this moment, they were confused by how things went out.

Standing beside Su Tao, Ling Yu sighed. The chaos had finally been calmed down after Su Tao’s appearance. And judging from Dong Yun’s att.i.tude, it seems that Su Tao had grasped her weakness.

Just when w.a.n.g Rui was about to speak out, he was stopped by Dong Yun, who gently replied, “Please be magnanimous and tell me about the photo you showed earlier.”

Waving his hand, Su Tao replied, “Shouldn’t it wait till you pay for the damages here?”

“Is ¥200,000 enough?” Dong Yun gritted her teeth as she took a deep breath.

Su Tao replied as he shook his head, “I earn ¥200,000 from consultations in a day. Do you think that it’s enough?”

“How about ¥500,000 then?” Dong Yun gave another offer. When she saw that Su Tao wasn’t rebuking what she said, she waved her hand to the youths that she had hired and left the Three Flavour Hall with his husband.

Seeing Dong Yun leaving, the employees of the Three Flavour Hall began mocking. When Dong Yun and w.a.n.g Rui heard those chatters, their faces alternated between blus.h.i.+ng and pale.

Entering the vehicle, w.a.n.g Rui questioned, “What’s going on? Why did you offer to pay ¥500,000 as a compensation when you’re here to smash things up?”

“Su Tao showed me a photo earlier, and there’s a child in it that looks just like Guofeng.” Dong Yun shook her head with a bitter smile.

“Child? How old is he?” w.a.n.g Rui doubted.

“It’s a newborn. Probably three or four months old.” Dong Yun tried her best to recall details from the photo she had just seen.

“How can you possibly tell from the looks when the child is just a few months old? You…” w.a.n.g Rui shook her head. His wife had always been wise, but she was so easily fooled.

“There’s a birthmark on that child’s arm, and it’s in the same location as Guofeng.” Dong Yun’s eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears from being emotional. “Old man, I noticed that the child is also a male. If he’s really Guofeng’s son, doesn’t that mean that the w.a.n.g Family’s Pharmacy still has a bloodline?”

w.a.n.g Rui was stunned by those words. Although he doubted what Dong Yun said, he still had some expectations in his heart. He still had a daughter, but her child would follow the surname of her husband. On the other hand, Chinese paid great attention to their family heritage.

“You made the right choice.” w.a.n.g Rui had agreed to Dong Yun’s actions tactfully. “But if Su Tao is using this to brush us off, I will definitely not let him go.”

But as Dong Yun started recalling Su Tao’s words, she replied, “Furthermore, I heard from Su Tao that Guofeng might be murdered instead. As for his death note, there was a high possibility of it being forged.”

w.a.n.g Rui was startled upon being reminded by Dong Yun as he asked, “Where’s the death note? Do you have it with you?”

“I do have a photocopied version.” Dong Yun took out a death note from her purse and handed it to her husband. “He said that Guofeng is a perfectionist, and it’s impossible for him to have so many mistakes in his death note. Furthermore, he wouldn’t have written it so casually.”

w.a.n.g Rui began to study the death note. He was earlier masked by the sorrow of losing his son, so he did not study the death note carefully. Now that he was reminded by his wife, he grew increasingly startled as he studied the death note.

w.a.n.g Rui was probably the only person in the world who understood w.a.n.g Guofeng’s handwriting well. Although there weren’t any issues with most of the words written in the death note, he could still recognize flaws from some details alone.

Roughly half an hour later, w.a.n.g Rui smiled bitterly, “Su Tao was right. This death note wasn’t written by Guofeng, and there was a possibility that he was murdered.”

With shock on her face, Dong Yun replied, “Then what are we going to do now? We can’t possibly let Guofeng’s murderer go freely! We must take revenge for him!”

“His corpse has already been cremated, and the autopsy is also saved. Even if the police want to open up the investigation, I’m afraid that they won’t be able to find anything new.” w.a.n.g Rui shook his head with a bitter smile.

“Then are we just going to let it go?” Dong Yun said reluctantly.

“Let me think of something.” w.a.n.g Rui felt complicated at this moment. He had just known that there was something to the death of his son, and there was also a possibility that he might have a grandson.

“I feel that we can ask Su Tao about it. He seems to know a lot.” Dong Yun sighed.

If she had known about this earlier, she would definitely not provoke the Three Flavour Hall rashly.

“Pay them a visit tomorrow and get the compensation resolved.” w.a.n.g Rui was a divine physician of his generation. Although he was lacking when it came to educating his son, he still had medical ethics. The reason why he acted in such a way before was because he felt that Su Tao was in the wrong. Now that w.a.n.g Guofeng’s death note was forged, it meant that Su Tao wasn’t related to the death of his son. When he came to realize that, he was immediately plagued wit guilt.

The couple then sat in the vehicle quietly with a fire pent up in their hearts.

They had a channel to vent their emotions when they misunderstood that Su Tao was the one culprit who caused the death of their son. But after knowing that there was a different story in w.a.n.g Guofeng’s death, they could only pent up their frustration.

And there’s no greater pain in the world comparable to this. Despite knowing that their son might be murdered, there was nothing they could do about it.

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