Physician's Odyssey

Chapter 861 - w.a.n.g Xi’s dying wish

Chapter 861 - w.a.n.g Xi’s dying wish

“The Old Master is waiting inside.” The housekeeper came.

w.a.n.g Rui nodded his head and explained, “My father’s health has been poor lately, so he rarely goes out.”

Su Tao wore a smile on his face, but his emotions were stirred. Even a Divine Physician was ultimately still a human. As the saying went, doctors do not treat themselves. Even if w.a.n.g Xi were a brilliant physician, he would still encounter discomfort at old age. It wasn’t because he did not know how to maintain his health, but it was undeniable that body function declined when one grows old.

It was the same logic as the sun. The sun had to rise and set every day no matter what happens.

Even his grandfather, Su Guangsheng, was inevitably plagued by diseases when he became old.

w.a.n.g Xi sat in the antique chair with clear eyes.

When Su Tao saw w.a.n.g Xi’s complexion, he was shocked. He could tell that w.a.n.g Xi must’ve taken some medication to temporarily boost his energy, but it was still ultimately poison. After the medicine effect wears off, his energy will drop for days.

But from how w.a.n.g Xi handled this matter, Su Tao could tell that w.a.n.g Xi valued this meeting with him. Otherwise, w.a.n.g Xi wouldn’t have taken such powerful medicine.

w.a.n.g Xi was also examining Su Tao at the same time. Su Tao was tall with thick brows and a smile hanging on his lips. There was a natural friendliness around Su Tao, the standard face of a physician.

In reality, there was a facial requirement to be a famous doctor in this field. After all, who would look for you if you looked fierce?

Both Su Tao and Ling Yu were handsome. As for the deceased w.a.n.g Guofeng, he was slightly inferior due to the faint ‘ferocity’ in his appearance.

Taking a sip of tea, w.a.n.g Xi smiled, “Young heroes indeed. It’s a blessing that the TCM has the two of you.”

Su Tao humbly replied, “Senior w.a.n.g, you’re praising us a little too much. We’re still young, and we have much to learn. We still need guidance from a senior like you.”

When w.a.n.g Xi listened to Su Tao’s words, he was surprised. He heard rumors that Su Tao was arrogant, but when he met Su Tao personally, he could tell that Su Tao was a steady young man. From that alone, w.a.n.g Xi could tell that Su Tao must’ve received a good upbringing.

Waving his hand, w.a.n.g xi smiled, “I’m good friends with your two masters, Song Sichen and Dou Fanggang. We often write letters to each other every year to exchange our experiences. However, I know that they’ve only taken you as their disciples recently. So I’m really curious who taught you your medical skills?”

It wasn’t surprising for w.a.n.g Xi to feel curious. Su Tao appeared out of nowhere, and he only knew that Su Tao had a grandfather named Su Guangsheng, who was somewhat famous in Hanzhou City. However, he still lacked when compared to a National Healer.

“I studied TCM from my father since young.” Su Tao honestly replied.

“So, it’s your father!” w.a.n.g Xi smiled. He did not further enquire about it, seeing that Su Tao had no intention of explaining. China was big, and there was no shortage of talents. Looking at w.a.n.g Rui, w.a.n.g Xi spoke out, “We can’t underestimate everyone in the world.”

w.a.n.g Rui nodded his head. He knew that his father was reminding him to reflect on himself.

The w.a.n.g Family’s Pharmacy was rooted in General Lane for many years, and they had produced many famous physicians over history. w.a.n.g Rui and w.a.n.g Xi had also experienced their fair share of the storm before reaching their current position. It wasn’t exaggerating to call them the most influential family in TCM. But Su Tao’s words had left w.a.n.g Xi and w.a.n.g Rui sighing.

Su Tao quickly laughed, “Senior w.a.n.g, you’re too modest. My father’s medical skills are a lot worse than my grandfather, but he’s just strict when it comes to my education. How do I put it? I was mainly focusing on self-study. Even just recalling my experience would send a chill down my spine, and I had no idea how I endured through it.”

“No pain, no gain.” w.a.n.g Xi nodded his head. “Your father must be someone who loves TCM pa.s.sionately. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have forced you to study. He must’ve noticed your potential and also hope that you can fulfill his dream.”

Su Tao was slightly stunned when he heard those words. His feelings for his father were complicated, but when he heard w.a.n.g Xi’s explanation, it made sense now. Su Tao hadn’t been contacting his father ever since he left, and the hostility he had for his father was also slowly fading.

It was indisputable that it was thanks to his father’s rigorous education that forged him.

When w.a.n.g Rui thought about his son, he sighed, “I’m a lot more lacking when it comes to the responsibility as a father.”

w.a.n.g Xi also glanced at his son and sighed inwardly. He slowly stood up and entered the room behind him. A brief moment later, he came out with a box and waved his hand at w.a.n.g Rui.

w.a.n.g Rui naturally knew what his father wanted. He went over and received the box before looking at Su Tao, “This is my father’s medical notes, which contained his experience over the years. I will now leave it to you.”

Despite his light words, he knew that this contained w.a.n.g Xi’s lifelong essence of his medical skills. Even at w.a.n.g Rui’s level, he would gain something by reading his father’s medical notes.

w.a.n.g Rui’s words caused a change in Su Tao’s expression. He was shocked because he thought that the visit today was only just symbolic. But he never expected that w.a.n.g Xi would give him such a heavy gift.

This note that contained the lifelong essence of w.a.n.g Xi’s medical skill was equivalent to the treasure of the w.a.n.g Family’s Pharmacy. Now, w.a.n.g Xi wanted to hand it over to Su Tao.

“I can’t accept this. This is too precious.” Su Tao immediately refused.

He did not dare to take it because of the weight that came along. Logically speaking, it was more reasonable for w.a.n.g Xi to give it to Ling Yu than him.

Looking at Su Tao’s reaction, w.a.n.g Xi smiled, “You don’t have to be so serious about it. I know your medical skills, and you have formed your path. My medical notes won’t be much help for you, and at the same time, I would like to make a request.”

“Please, let me know if you have any instructions.” Su Tao smiled bitterly and sighed.

w.a.n.g Xi went silent for a brief moment before he spoke out, “I would like to entrust w.a.n.g Yi to you.”

w.a.n.g Yi was the son of w.a.n.g Guofeng, the great-grandson of w.a.n.g Xi.

“w.a.n.g Yi is only one year old this year, and I will not be able to watch him grow up. By the time he grows up, his grandfather would have already gotten old, and I’m afraid that he will not be able to teach w.a.n.g Yi. So I hope you can take him as your disciple and teach him your medical skill when he grows up. In the future, there will still be someone succeeding in the w.a.n.g Family’s Pharmacy.”

w.a.n.g Xi was making plans for w.a.n.g Family’s future. He was an old man who had toughed through storms. So he had a clear view of life, and he was making a brilliant arrangement that might affect the family’s future.

Standing by the side, w.a.n.g Rui kept his silence. He understood his father’s thoughts. After w.a.n.g Guofeng pa.s.sed away, it was no longer possible for the w.a.n.g Family to forge three generations of National Healers since they had one generation broken. Now, they only hoped to form a special relations.h.i.+p with Su Tao to allow the w.a.n.g Family’s Pharmacy to survive.

w.a.n.g Rui was in his fifties, and twenty years from now, after w.a.n.g Yi grows up, he would be in his seventies. It would no longer be appropriate for him to teach his grandson.

Su Tao was the unrivaled first among his generation, and if Su Tao was willing to take w.a.n.g Yi as his disciple, it was a decent guarantee. How much foresight was needed to make such a long-term investment?

Ling Yu, who had been keeping silent by the side, suddenly spoke out, “Senior Brother Su, please accept it. You can’t let down the two senior’s trust.”

Seeing that Ling Yu had spoken out, Su Tao could only smile bitterly and accepted the medical notes. At the same time, he decided to bring w.a.n.g Yi around with him when w.a.n.g Yi learned how to read.

Su Tao’s current disciples, Xiao Jingjing, Zhao Jian, and w.a.n.g Peng, were all accepted halfway through. Their foundation wasn’t laid by Su Tao, so they couldn’t be considered his true disciples. How now had thoughts or repeating what his father did to w.a.n.g Yi.

“Then, I’ll accept w.a.n.g Yi as my disciple.” Su Tao promised with a smile. “When he grows up a little, I will teach him everything I know. Besides, I will also look into the w.a.n.g Family’s medical skills and teach him with my method.”

“Haha, good!” w.a.n.g Xi’s eyes flickered with a gratified smile.

Although there was a hint of concern in w.a.n.g Rui’s eyes, it lasted briefly before he squeezed out a smile, “Dad, are you rea.s.sured now?”

“Yeah!” w.a.n.g Xi nodded. “I’m too happy today to meet two outstanding young men. Let’s have our meal together later. I want to make an exception today and drink a few cups!”

w.a.n.g Rui wanted to stop his father, but he ultimately kept silent.

They ate the meal in a happy atmosphere. w.a.n.g Xi was too happy today. He shared his experience in his career as a TCM. Although Ling Yu and Su Tao were both skilled, it was a rare opportunity to hear the experience of a grandmaster. Both of them had gained a lot from just listening to w.a.n.g Xi.

After they ate their meal, w.a.n.g Xi was exhausted and returned to his room for a nap, while Su Tao and Ling Yu left. w.a.n.g Rui personally sent them to the door. He waited for Su Tao and Ling Yu to board the car before returning to the pharmacy.

“Senior Brother Su, did you manage to see it?” Ling Yu sighed.

Su Tao knew why Ling Yu persuaded him to accept w.a.n.g Guofeng’s son as a disciple. It was because he could tell that w.a.n.g Xi did not have long to live, and he barely had about a month from now. So this was the reason why he gave in out of compa.s.sion. Otherwise, Ling Yu would not try to persuade Su Tao with his personality.

“Senior w.a.n.g Xi is a role model for us. There’s nothing to pick on his medical ethics and medical skills. I will not disappoint him.” Su Tao declared in a solemn voice.

Ling Yu swept a glance at Su Tao’s side face. He could see the serious expression on Su Tao’s face, and at the same time, he sighed inwardly.

Although w.a.n.g Rui was still around without w.a.n.g Xi, it would break the reputation of having two National Healers. The w.a.n.g Family’s Pharmacy would probably decline for a long period. It wasn’t a piece of bad news to the Three Flavour Hall, but it was a huge loss to the TCM industry.

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