Picked Up In Winter

Chapter with all its symbolism.

TL: Ranka

TLC/Ed: Barb

Picked Up in Winter <16>

"The Christmas tree in a fancy place" that Jun Hyung talked about was near a department store. The large tree was adorned with various decorations and lights, it was magnificently standing in front of the department store. Around it were people who looked like lovers. Of course, there were some people who came with their family, and same-aged friends of the same s.e.x.

Jun Hyung stopped for a moment and looked up at the tree. His eyes were filled with wonder. He looked so similar to a child happily looking at the tree, it was so like him, I thought. And I ended up staring at him, having forgotten about the tree.

"It"s beautiful, Happy. Isn"t it?"

"……. Yeah?"

When he turned around with an excited look, we made eye contact, only then did I realize that I was staring at him. Jun Hyung upon looking back at me with his sparkling eyes, made a sour face when he realized that I was looking at him.

"Oh…… ah. Pretty."

I got so fl.u.s.tered that I hurriedly shifted my attention to the tree. This time it was Jun Hyung who was staring at me, but I tried to ignore him, and instead looked at the tree. Come to think of it, wasn"t this the first time I came out on Christmas…….


…… Why were you still staring? Come on, shift your attention to the tree like you were doing before. Because Jun Hyung let out a suspicious sound and continued staring, I couldn"t help but turn to face him.

"…… What?"

My voice was unexpectedly confident. Maybe he was thinking of teasing me, but upon meeting my eyes, he made a somewhat fl.u.s.tered expression and quickly turned back.

"Oh, what…… Nothing. By the way Happy, shall we go somewhere warm for a while?"

"Somewhere warm?"

"Yep. I"ll buy you a Christmas gift."

Christmas present…….
Words that had no connection to me. It was the same Christmas, but the concept of "giving gifts" was new to me till that day. Or was it? Due to this Christmas gift giving tradition, I was at my wits" end. Turning around I walked after him. It felt a bit funny like I was a child waiting for Santa to give presents after having done a lot of good deeds. The street echoed with Christmas carols. Jingle bell, jingle bell…… I could also hear the loud voice of a child singing along somewhere.

Jun Hyung entered the department store. I walked diligently after him with my heavy heart. Shortly afterward, he stopped before a section which was lined with colorful scarves.


As we walked in, the sales girl greeted us. Ignoring her, Jun Hyung went ahead, he looked around with a pretty serious face for a while, then picked up a white scarf.

"Come here, Happy."

Then called me. Feeling awkward and embarra.s.sed, I hesitantly approached him. Jun Hyung held the scarf in his hand, and when I came to stand before him, he put it slightly around my neck.

"Hmm, not bad."

He murmured and started to wrap the scarf around my neck a few times. My body stiffened a bit, my sight locked on his arms which were in front of my eyes.

"It"s done."

After looping the scarf around my neck he mumbled with his arms still around my shoulder as he stared down at me. I also looked up at him. As our eyes met, he smiled.

"Like I thought, white color suits Happy."

…… Is that so?
I gawked at his back while he went to pay for it at the counter, then I turned to look at the full-length mirror beside me. The white scarf that Jun Hyung just bought was wrapped around the thick beige coloured duffle coat I wore when we left home.

─Like I thought, white color suits Happy.

The compliment he gave me. And the first Christmas present I ever received.

I felt really good. No, it would be more accurate to say, happy. I lifted my hand and carefully grasped the end of the scarf he bought. I felt the texture of the soft fur in my palm.
Yes, I was certainly happy now.

I also wanted to give him a present. Unfortunately, I didn"t bring any money with me.

Obviously, when I left home I took some spare money with me, but since coming to Jun Hyung"s house I didn"t have any special need for them, therefore the wallet was still in my bag.

If I knew this would happen, I would have brought my wallet…….

It was because I did not care about Christmas gifts that I couldn"t give him any present now, I haven"t even thought about it. For some reason, I felt sorry for him. Although Jun Hyung was a very caring person, he didn"t care much about himself. He had been walking around the streets, smiling and laughing at everything.


But why are we walking around the streets so aimlessly…? I want to go to a café or something.

Then it hit me, maybe he had spent all of his money…. I didn"t know the exact price, but I knew that the items sold at the department store were quite expensive than the ones sold elsewhere. It would have been obviously quite pricey for Jun Hyung, who was still a high schooler.

That thought made me even sorrier. I should have brought money with me. No, this scarf, it would have been okay to not buy it for me…….

"Hey, tha……"

I was about to thank him when suddenly his phone"s ringtone rang loudly. Jun Hyung"s cell phone had the current trendy ringtone.


Just as we left the department store, he held my hand as if it was natural and picked the phone with his free hand.

『Where are you now?』

Ah… It"s Seon Hyung-nuna.
I could hear her voice from the phone.


『Outside? Where?』

"The place with the fancy tree."

『……. Are there only one or two places with a fancy tree? Don"t simply say, yes. Anyway, is it far away from home? Did you go far?』

"It"s not close."

『Answer properly. How long do you think it"ll take to get home?』

"Uhm… About an hour and a half?"

『Really? Are you with Happy now? Then quickly come back home. Everyone has already gathered. Since we wanted to spend the Christmas with Happy, we returned early, don"t hog Happy all to yourself and come quickly~~』



When Jun Hyung was about to say something, the phone got cut off. I felt like she said everything she had to say before ending the call. Jun Hyung looked at the phone dumbfounded for a while before putting it in his pocket and clicked his tongue.


He seemed to be contemplating on whether to rebel or obey it sincerely.

"I can"t, Happy. Let"s go home."


As expected, Jun Hyung was weak towards Seon Hyung-nuna. Perhaps it was because he knew in his mind how much worried she was, and also tacitly felt it.

Only after riding again in the packed train for an hour did we arrive at the Bupyeong Station. After getting off the subway, the streets here were full of Christmas spirit as well.

The weather was cold as ever, and the wind equally chilly yet my neck and hands were particularly warm. Honestly, today we might have only walked around aimlessly, but even so, I felt myself enjoying that. Yes, it was really a pleasant Christmas.

Suddenly I remembered that I had stopped in the middle of thanking him earlier before his phone rang. I wanted to tell him when it"s just us two. It would be a little embarra.s.sing in front of his family…….

"That time……"

When we arrived in front of his house, I lightly called out to Jun Hyung. And Jun Hyung, who until then seemed to be pondering about something, abruptly turned around to look at me.



"Merry Christmas!"

"Ah…… y-yeah……."

…… Ah, no! That"s not it. I didn"t mean to answer like that.
Jun Hyung"s back was in front of me as he opened the door and was about to enter. Clutching the scarf tightly, I called him again.

"Jun Hyung."


"The gift, thank you."


"Sorry. But I haven"t prepared anything…."


"Still…… Still, first of all, Merry… Christmas…um."

In a really awkward voice, I spoke while he kept looking at me. These were words I never once spoke aloud, so it was truly awkward.

He paused halfway through entering the door and turned to look at me. Jun Hyung stared at me for a while, then without saying anything, walked in front of me.

"Thank you?"


He asked me with a playful look on his face.

"Oh…… y-yeah."

I still answered in an awkward voice.

"There"s nothing to be sorry about……"


"But if you say so, then instead."

"Give me that too. Reward."

I couldn"t believe what I just heard so I ended up staring at him with wide eyes. But Jun Hyung was looking at me with such serious eyes.


I let out a subdued cry.
What should I do? You think of it as something trivial, it may be nothing to you, but it"s better to think of it seriously, it"s a serious matter. Above all, my feelings for him are sincere. This wasn"t right.

That day when his lips touched mine playfully.
I didn"t get any sleep in the confusion.

A conflict arose. Even if I want to say no, I couldn"t decide how to say it. And saying that no, I don"t want to give you a reward……. The contents are so ridiculous it makes me laugh.

In front of me, who was unable to make a quick decision, he stood like a child waiting for his reward. His eyes glued on me.

…… Fine, I could.

I suddenly began to think like that. I had done many things before not knowing whether it was a kiss or a peck, but this time it was different. This time I was the one initiating it. Only for a moment, I just had to quickly put my lips on his lips and then lean back. Yes, that"s all. I might be too embarra.s.sed to do it, but once I close my eyes then there was no turning back.

"…… Okay."

I answered with a slightly trembling voice.

However, Jun Hyung who I thought would be delighted like a child, didn"t seem to have much of a reaction. He just stared at me with those serious eyes that I had seen before, but it seemed to shine even more. I was a little taken aback. He continued to stare at me for such a long time that it got so uncomfortable that I couldn"t bear it, yet I couldn"t approach him that easily.

Why was he… staring like that…….

I blamed him inwardly and my body stiffened in tension. Then I slowly reached towards his face. My stiff hand was shaking slightly.

I didn"t have the nerve to face his eyes. I couldn"t help but close my eyes slightly. And the moment my hand touched his cheek, my lips did too.


The cold winter had left those lips feeling cool. After I awkwardly put my lips on his, I quickly tried to back off.

But at that moment he suddenly pulled at my arm. Fl.u.s.tered, I quickly opened my eyes, but what I saw were his eyelashes. And at the same time, the lips that had been parted touched again.

Jun Hyung?!!

I was so surprised that I wanted to call his name, but no sound came out. He grabbed my shoulders and slowly backed me against the wall. And before I knew it, I was leaning against the wall. My eyes widened in surprise once again as he closed his.

He repeatedly bit my lips lightly. I was absolutely frozen. I couldn"t figure out why he was doing this. His warm tongue brushed several times over my stiffened lips. It felt really nice and warm, unlike his cold lips.

Intoxicated with the feeling, I unconsciously opened my mouth and as if he had been waiting, his tongue entered. The hands that were grabbing my shoulder at some point had gently wrapped around my hair.

I felt an unbearable confusion. This was clearly a kiss. An action that can"t be excused. Despite being embarra.s.sed by his gentle tongue activity, I couldn"t shake him off.


Only this word kept circling my mind.

Kissing me, you……? Why…… Why me…….

Something cold touched my cheek all of a sudden.
I must have been crying, I felt so numb. After what felt like an eternity, he slowly removed his lips.

And when I opened my eyes, I immediately knew what that cold feeling was.

It was .

The weather forecast was wrong.

It was a White Christmas.


It"s a beautiful Chapter with all its symbolism.


Really sorry for the late update again, guys, but procrastination kicked in (plus I got lost in watching YouTube videos and you know how that can go… ?). I"ll try to get the next chapter up on the weekend… Sorry again! ?

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