Pleasing Start-Over

Chapter 1 : The Origins of the Predestined Relationships

Note: This will be the only chapter until January. The releases should be once or twice a week from Jan. on.

Chapter 1 : The Origins of the Predestined Relationships

                       (Catching the Insects)

Qiao Chen went to the kitchen to open the pottery pot with last night"s porridge, filled a bowl, made a few refreshing side dishes, and placed them on the table.

Even if it"s a different world, he still retained some of his past life"s habits. As long as there is enough time in the morning, he must eat a bowl of porridge and have a few side dishes. This is so he can start the day off right. Furthermore, the technology of this world is advanced. To make food, one doesn"t even need to cook, only prep. This is not only convenient and efficient, but it also tastes good.

After leisurely enjoying his breakfast, Qiao Chen drove his hover car to work at the hospital.

Qiao Chen has been a doctor for two generations. ‘Two generations?" you may ask… Well that"s because he is a transmigrator.

In his past life, Qiao Chen was an orphan. He relied on his own blood, sweat, and tears to graduate medical school and become a doctor. He endured a lot, so sometimes he will recall that period of time.

In his old life, Qiao Chen was in the middle of a grueling surgery. After more than ten hours of work, he could not take a long break. Instead, he quickly went to the restroom. As usual, he finished up and went to the sink to wash up, but suddenly a vortex appeared on the mirror and pulled his soul in. As his soul was sucked into the mirror, he clearly witnessed his body fall limp onto the floor.

Qiao Chen woke up as a baby in an orphanage, just like his previous life. However, unlike before, this life took place during the intergalactic era. There is no planet with the name Earth. Perhaps there was many eons ago, but it has been long forgotten.

In this era, nearly everyone has ability. A person"s ability or attribute determined their future career. Qiao Chen"s ability was healing, therefore he fated to be a doctor again. His work ability index was rated well enough for him to receive preferential treatment at the Imperial Star Orphanage.

Not only was the attribute itself very rare among interstellar age, but there were also a very few people who had an innate ability to heal. Consequently, this new world still valued and respected medical pract.i.tioners. Qiao Chen, a medium on the ability index, was able practice medicine in a highly rated, public hospital within the Imperial Star Empire.

After making his rounds in the infirmary, Qiao Chen reviewed medical cases in his office.

Qiao Chen"s a.s.sistant, Mary, brought in a cup of coffee and placed it on his desk. She prompted him, “Doctor Qiao Chen, you have an appointment today at 10:10 with the family members of VIP room four"s patient.”

“Got it.”

Qiao Chen opened VIP room four"s patient files up on the screen.

When Qiao Chen was in the Imperial Star Orphanage, he had no name- only an a.s.signed number. In the orphanage, children would be able to name themselves once they were old enough. Qiao Chen was too lazy to think of a new name, so he just used the same name from his previous life. As an orphan, you can take on any name you want. If you"d be happy with the name Fighter, you can take on the name Fighter.

He really wasn"t joking. At the orphanage, a boy who shared a room with him seriously took on such a name due to his obsession with hand to hand fighters from ancient times.

There"s nothing wrong with that, but close combat is considered a thing of the past – ancient. Nowadays, people use starships and s.p.a.ce mechs in battles.

Qiao Chen looked at VIP room four"s patient files. He felt that this family had a lot of money to burn. The patient had no major health concerns or problems, yet he still lived in the hospital for several months and refused to be discharged.

You know, this hospital"s VIP room charged a considerable fee for each day, but who let such people be rich?

At that moment, Qiao Chen sighed. No matter the time or place, it was always good to be rich. His office door abruptly opened and ten or so soldiers quickly walked in.

Qiao Chen looked at the time. 30 minutes until the appointment with room 4"s family. These people were businessmen. They did not seem to have any relations with the military. Afraid that these people came with bad intentions, Qiao Chen cautiously stood up and openly watched them.

As soon as Qiao Chen saw a white haired individual walking in at the end, he knew that this person was the head of the soldiers. In one fluid motion, said person immediately entered while the office doors were closed without delay.

“Excuse me, you are Dr. Qiao Chen, right?” The man, who asked the question – although he had many wrinkles and fine lines covering his face, looked very stylish. He was standing with a tall and upright posture. He also wore ironed fatigues that made him appear exuberant.

“That"s me. And you all are…?” Qiao Chen"s mind quickly recalled all of his patients who had ties to the military.

“We are people of the First Legion. We will have to trouble you to please come with us.” Although these words were spoken politely, the tone implied that there was no room for refusal. After speaking, he moved his body sideways and signaled for Qiao Chen to go.

The First Legion? Qiao Chen was in shock. The First Legion was the empire"s Supreme Authority Management Bureau. When did he get mixed up with these kinds of people?

Although Qiao Chen was reluctant, he knew he had no power or ability to refuse. This was because even if these people decided to shoot him dead in the office and nonchalantly press a charge against him, no one would dare fight on the behalf of some orphan with no background.

Qiao Chen rode in one of the senior officers" suspension vehicle to the First Legion Base. He felt that in his previous life time, he could not see such a spectacular scene. The scenes of CGI"ed blockbusters of his past life didn"t amount to even 1% of what he witnessed now. It took merely 10 or so seconds of these sights to astonish him.

Qiao Chen followed the officers to a huge automatic sliding door. After both sides of the door slid open, Qiao Chen saw a laboratory in the shape of a semi circle. This location was large enough to accommodate thousands of people. The walls have hundreds of screens ranging for large to small displaying differing data. There are dozens of people, who seemed to be scientists, were busy working on the screens. The abrupt entry of the officers and Qiao Chen did not disturb any them at all.

Once again, with the officer leading Qiao Chen, they walked to the center of the room into a round gla.s.s pillar. Similar to how a syringe looked, the elevator lifted them to the top. They did not see a single gap throughout the column. Then, the lift stopped, opened, and they entered another room.

This was a luxurious bedroom. There were curtains that separated the beautifully furnished living room from the inner area. After the officers pulled the curtains opened, Qiao Chen saw a large bed and a variety of medical instruments arranged on the bedside

An exceptionally handsome man lay on the bed. The shape of his imposing figure could be seen from afar. Even when the frail body laid quietly, a prestigious and grand aura can be felt. Qiao Chen speculated that this man should have fallen into a severe coma. Therefore, he needing to rely on so many medical devices and equipment to survive.

“This is the General Ao Nan"an Deli. He was injured in the last conflict and has already been in a coma for more than a year.” the officer told Qiao Chen.

Qiao Chen couldn"t suppress the shock he felt in his heart. The effort he exerted to maintain a look of composed tranquility completely collapsed and shattered. An incredulous look flashed across his face as he stared at the man on the bed.

Imperial General An Nan"an Deli had the Emperor"s highest authority and was the only person in the entire empire who could operate the AA cla.s.s mech. The High General An Nan"an Deli was the guardian of the empire. With his presence, other countries on the universe did not dare to be rash and invade.

Over a year ago, it was said that the Fingara Empire, whom developed a weapon strong enough to rival against the AA cla.s.s mech, was defeated against the general"s a.s.sault. Although the battle ended with the Fingara Empire"s catastrophic defeat, who would have thought that General An Nan"an Deli, also known as the G.o.d Emperor, collapsed as well.

If this information were to be leaked, the entire empire would immediately fall into hysterics. Other countries would probably take this opportunity to invade.

“Why are you telling me this?” After recovering from his shock, Qiao Chen thought that this was the most puzzling thing. The Imperial General falling into a coma for more than a year must be the empire"s biggest military secret. Why would they allow an ordinary doctor know such cla.s.sified information?

“Your a.s.sistance is required in order to rescue the high general.” The officer"s serious expression and resolute gaze showed that he was not lying to him.

“I only attained a medium rank on the abilities index. These are all advanced equipment that I cannot operate. I"m afraid that I am unable to resuscitate the general.” Qiao Chen is able to state such a thing because the First Legion most certainly would have had the highest ranked military doctors treat the Imperial General. Furthermore, those busy scientists from the first floor should have also have exerted a great effort in order to save the general. If all of these people couldn"t do it, how could he?

“Since we came to you, then it is undeniable be that you are able save him. Besides, you don"t need to manipulate these devices -what you must do is something else.” The commanding officer led Qiao Chen past the curtains and back to the living room sofa. He intended to speak to Qiao Chen in detail as they sat.

“Following the High General"s coma, regardless of the numerous methods we used to treat him he did not wake up. The general"s physical injuries have healed, but even still, he has not awoken. We"ve gathered critically acclaimed scientists and doctors throughout the entire empire to research different methods to resuscitate the general. After dozens of experts- who were at the top of their field- worked for half a year, they found that the reason for the coma was because the general"s soul was trapped. The soul was in a different time and s.p.a.ce and couldn"t come back. We need you to go to those times and s.p.a.ces to bring the general"s soul back.”

If Qiao Chen was not a transmigrator, he wouldn"t have believed such a claim. How could someone even go to a different s.p.a.ce-time to save a person"s soul?

“Why do you believe that I"m even capable of doing this?” Qiao Chen felt the faint sensation of an inexplicable sense of guilt. Could it be that they found out that I am a transmigrator?

“Half a year ago, we began comparing the entire empire"s citizens" brain waves with the high general"s soul and brain waves that are located in a different s.p.a.ce-time. After repeated trials, we found that you matched with the highest compatibility with the High General. Therefore, you are the only one who is capable of smoothly transitioning to a different time and s.p.a.ce, and then encountering the High General"s soul.”

No wonder… Six months ago, the hospital began testing their doctors" brain waves every other month. They long zeroed in their efforts and attention to his self. This notion caused Qiao Chen to shudder.

Qiao Chen wants to refuse. Even if his soul pa.s.sed through the s.p.a.ce-time continuum once before, he doesn"t know what the vital circ.u.mstances and necessary preparations are needed to artificially replicate a soul crossing. No one knows whether there"d be any accidents or mishaps. However, the commanding officer already revealed all of this cla.s.sified information. He had to be prepared to comply with all that they asked of him. Besides the military did not ask him for his input or advice, they were merely informing him of the matter.

“You"re talking about crossing the time-s.p.a.ce continuum, but how does that happen? Is there any danger?” Qiao Chen knew he didn"t have any power to refuse. He already knew the empire"s greatest secret. Even if he didn"t agree, they would find a way to make him agree. However, he had questions that must be asked so that he can thoroughly understand.

“In order to enable the souls of the most qualified people to cross through the time-s.p.a.ce continuum, we created a soul transport system. In this system, we"ve set up numerous programs that will allow you to smoothly bring the High General"s Soul back. For example, the system will link your mind with the knowledge of this universe"s knowledge spanning hundreds of millions of years. As for the safety, you needn"t worry. You alone are the only person in this entire empire who meets the qualifications. Therefore, in order to rescue the High General, we will do everything in our power to guarantee your safety.”

“Can I refuse?” Qiao Chen asked with a little bit of hope. He is not a n.o.ble person. To save the High General is to save the entire empire. He didn"t have the spirit of sacrifice. Although he usually maintains a gentle way of communication with others, only he truly understands the extent of his innate apathy.

“From our previous investigations of you, we know that you are an intelligent person. It should be very clear to you on whether or not you can refuse. If you can successfully retrieve the High General"s complete soul, I will promise you that after he wakes up, we will ask the Emperor to grant you a t.i.tle. Furthermore, we also installed a program within the system to strengthen your ability. Each time you pa.s.s through the s.p.a.ce-time continuum and successfully complete the tasks, your ability index will increase.”

Inwardly, Qiao Chen sighed. They"ve begun luring him in by temptation. If he doesn"t agree, then their next attempt would be through threats and coercion. Either way, the final results would definitely be the same; therefore, there is no need to have them shed all pretenses of cordiality.

“Then can I drop the t.i.tle and instead receive a lump sum payment?” Although ordinary people may dream for the glory of receiving a t.i.tle, Qiao Chen absolutely does not intend to squeeze into the upper ranks of high society. He might as well take the lump sum, quit his job, and travel the universe.

“You can. At the moment you are successful, the money or t.i.tle are all at your discretion. ”

The officer frankly and straightforwardly accepted Qiao Chen"s request. It is apparent that this High General is an especially crucial and influential individual.


Example of how I choose the words:

      I don"t really do foot notes because I"d rather translate the metaphor or saying to a similar English one- to the best of my ability.

                        i.e. Qiao Chen sighed in his heart. —-> Inwardly, Qiao Chen sighed.

       I do make generous modifications to create a smoother reading experience. I try to get the meaning or the feeling of the words as best as I can.

                        i.e. 或許很年以前是有過的,但是早已經被人所遺忘

                             Perhaps there was many years ago, but it has been long forgotten

But I"d use:     “Perhaps there was many eons ago, but it has been long forgotten-  lost among                                      the stars”

Not a word for word translation but sounds more poetic while retaining the meaning. I can dial it back, if a lot of people think it"s too much.

Please let me know if I missed anything or really messed up the translation.

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