Pleasing Start-Over

Chapter 12


  鹊 鹊nest (11)

They QI jia always remember: These results are what they deserve.

When Qi Jia company is about to support it, Qi Qi took Qi Yuxuan to Wei Jia and asked Wei Zhennan to help them. Now only Zhen Zhenan has this strength. After Qiao Chen and Wei Zhennan go married, spent most time in urban villas for their convenience. When they not busy, they go to the house to seaside hill. When Qi Fu and Qi Yuxuan were brought to the Wei family living room by Wei Mai, Wei Zhennan was sitting in the living room and reading the newspaper and coffee. After they greeted Wei Zhennan, they just sat down and saw Qiao Chen coming down from the upstairs. The two were surprised for a long time. ⊗o⊗

Qiao Chen took Wei Zhennan"s hand and sat down beside. Wei Zhennan aligned his father and Qi Yuxuan and said, “I will introduce it to you. This is my partner, Qiao Chen. We have been married for three or four years.

” Beichen, are you Beichen?” Qi father asked a little excite, “Didn"t die.” Now Qiao Chen, not Qi Beichen. Qi Beichen has already died because of a kidnapping case three years ago.” Chen calmly replied. Qi Yuxuan"s face is ugly, why Qi Beichen not only did not die, but also with Wei Zhennan, and he just heard that Wei Zhennan said that they were actually married. ⊗o⊗

“I know that you are angry because I didn"t to save you, but at the time, Yu Xin suddenly had to birth. If I didn"t choose to save Yuxuan, she wouldn"t go hospital. It would probably be a dead body, so…” Qi Qi thought that Qiao Chen was angry when he and Qi Yuxuan were kidnapped because he did not choose to save. He wanted to explain to him that although Qi Yuxin did not have a premature birth, he gave birth to the child smoothly two months. “Qi always don"t have to tell me this. In fact, I don"t care at all. Qi Beichen may care, but he is already dead and died in the kidnappers.” Qi Yuxuan did not lie, Qi Beichen was indeed in the past At that time, he was killed by the cruelty of the kidnappers. He was born back to him. ⊗o⊗

“Dad, let"s talk about business, other things will later.” Qi Yuxuan to the father.Qi Qi thinks that he is seeking Wei Zhennan for the company"s business. He slowly said, “Qi Dong, please ask us to help our company this time. The situation of our company is also clear, except that no one can help you. We, this kindness, I will remember for a lifetime, grateful you.”What you think? I want to help them?” Wei Zhennan asked opinion.

“Qi"s company is now like the dead wood that has been hollowed out. There is no save it. Even helps, it is not good for the Wei Group.” Qiao Chen"s rational said.

“You are also a family, how can you say such a thing?” Qifu was very unhappy with Qiao Chen"s words. ⊗o⊗
“Qi"s company is now like the dead wood that has been hollowed out. There is no save it. Even helps, it is not good for the Wei Group.” Qiao Chen"s rational said.

“You are also a family, how can you say such a thing?” Qifu was very unhappy with Qiao Chen"s words. ⊗o⊗
“My surname is Joe, not a family.”  “Nothing wrong.” Wei Zhennan said, “He is already a member of our Wei family. It"s okay to be with you.” “What Wei family?” The father"s face was full of doubts. He had just heard that Qiao Chen was too surprised and did not hear Wei Zhennan say been married to Qiao Chen.  “We are already married. Qiao Chen is of course our Wei family. Would you like me to show you a marriage certificate?” Wei Zhennan show off their marriage certificate.  “Are you married? But you are all male! How can you such a violation of ethics?” Qi father couldn"t believe what he had heard, and looked with a condemned look.

Qi Yuxuan, who has never spoken before, saw the hands of the two men, as well as the rings of the same, with eyes full of jealousy and resentment.

“This is the thing of the two of us. If you feel that it is a hindrance to your eyes, please leave it and don"t appear in front of us.” Wei Zhennan was very upset about Qi"s accusation.

Qi"s father suddenly felt helpless. He wanted to continue to teach Qiao Chen because of his marriage with a man, but he also felt the anger of Wei Zhennan. He is here today to ask Wei Zhennan to save his company. If Wei Zhennan does not help him, Then his company is really finished.⊗o⊗

“Dad, since Beichen and Wei Dong are already married, then Wei Ji and our family are relatives. Looking at Beichen"s face, Wei Dong should help us.” Qi Yuxuan reminded Qi Qi to use Qiao Chenhe. Wei Zhennan"s relationship saved the company.

Qi"s father out the emotion and said, "Wei Dong, you see that since we are now a family, then what is the company?…"

Qi"s and Qi Yuxuan"s emotions changed quickly, so that Qiao Chen really The thickness of the skin of these two people is.

“I am me, Qijia is Qijia, I will say it again in the end. I have nothing to do with Qijia. I have nothing to do with Qijia. I not help you. Wei Zhennan not help you. You will go go.” Qiao Chen aligned his father and Qi Yuxuan under the order.

“How can you say this to Beichen? Anyway, you are the father"s son, it is the duty to help the family.” Qi Yuxuan said. “Do you have any qualifications to say this? If you have been raising a family for more than 20 years, you are not me, and you are talking about why you have known that you are not a child, but you have been squatting and not saying?” Looked at Qi Yuxuan. Qi Yuxuan looked at Qi"s father and lowered his head and stopped talking. ⊗o⊗

Qifu had to say “Beichen, even if I didn"t raise you up, but my life is also what I gave. Without me, you can"t appear here to say this. People must know grat.i.tude. I gave you life is the biggest.” Kindness.”

“You have neither raised me to me nor raised me, but I have to thank you for contributing. Even if my life has a part of your contribution, as early as when I was kidnapped by the kidnappers, you After I chose to save Qi Yuxuan, I will return it to you, because you personally gave up my life.”  Qi"s father was filled with red face, and he didn"t know what to say at the moment, nor did he know. Shy or angry, maybe.

“My life has been used by you to change the life of Qi Yuxuan. I don"t owe you anything at all. You don"t have to use any father and son to love me. I don"t have such a thing in my heart.” Qiao Chen stood up and said to Wei Zhennan, “Let people send guests.” Then he walked back to the room upstairs and ignored the Qi and Qi Yuxuan.

Qi Qi and Qi Yuxuan were sent to the Wei family by Wei"s servants and security guards. They never see Wei Zhennan and Qiao Chen.

The company of Qijia soon bankruptcy, and even the house mortgaged to the bank was taken away. The family only moved to the residential building of the two-bedroom apartment.

The Qi family who used to live a luxurious life received such a day. The young lady"s temper Qi Yuxin was arguing every day for a little bit of triviality. Qi Yuxuan not only glared at her like she used to, but also confronted her. So, the family is almost in trouble every day.  Qi Yuyi"s bankrupt Qi Yuxuan wanted to divorce Qi Yuxin. Now there is a reason. He is divorced by feelings. Qi Yuxin is definitely not willing to divorce. Qi is naturally not allowed to divorce. ⊗o⊗

Qi Yuxuan and Shu Wenjie hooked up after the bankruptcy of Qi family. Only Shu Wenjie can continue to him with a worry-free life, and may even help him to make a comeback, so he tried his best to please Shu Wenjie. However, Shu Wenjie has been urging him to divorce Qi Yuxin recently, but he has already mentioned it times. Qi Yuxin is not willing. Qi Qi also yells at him every time he asks for a divorce. He has already had enough. The family is also fed up with the grievances two-bedroom, one-bedroom residential building. His life should not be like this. He has a better way to go and must get rid of them as soon as possible.

In order to divorce Qi Yuxin, Qi Yuxuan began to punch and kick her, and even Qi and his mother would do it. He spends most of his time eating and drinking with Shu Wenjie every day, and then pleases him. Occasionally I went back to the house and didn"t spend the night at home. I had a fight with Qi Yuxin and asked her to sign the divorce agreement. Qi Yuxin refused to sign and beat him and went out.

Even so, Qi Yuxin still refused to divorce Qi Yuxuan, even Qifu advised her to divorce, let Qi Yuxuan"s animal roll far, but Qi Yuxin is not willing to put Qi Yuxuan alone. .

Qi Yuxuan helped some drunken Shu Wenjie out of the elevator in the underground parking lot of the bar. When he walked to Shu Wenjie"s car, Shu Wenjie was drunk and refused to get on the bus. He hooked Qi Yuxuan"s neck and kissed him. Qi Yuxin was hiding behind the stone pillar, and her face distorted and looked at this scene. Her eyes full hate seemed to be ruthless.  Qi Yuxin quietly approached the two people who were very close to the kiss, and took out the anti-wolf electric stick and now Qi Yuxuan corona.

Seeing Qi Yuxuan suddenly soft to the ground, Shu Wenjie who was drunk was still confused. When he looked up and saw Qi Yuxin, he was immediately given a corona by Qi Yuxin. ⊗o⊗


The next day, Qiao Chen saw in the news that Shu"s heirs Shu and Qi were cut off in the underground of a bar, and the police quickly arrested the suspect through surveillance. The is the wife of the victim Qi. Seeing this news, Qiao Chen was not surprised, because bring Qi Yuxin to the parking lot of the bar where Qi Yuxuan and Shu Wenjie often enter and exit.

Shumu was almost cried when she knew that her son had been cut off from his life.

He was so heartbroken that she could hear her crying on several floors above and below the hospital.

After knowing that Qi Yuxin had done it

he vowed to let Qi Yuxin pay a price that was more than twice as painful as his son.

After Qi Yuxin was taken away by the police,

Qi"s father wanted to find Qiao Chen to save

but he could not even see Qiao Chen"s face. Qiao Chen is not very good at this time.

It is very good to know how to save Qi Xin.

The so-called “Tianzuos still forgiven. It is not alive. These results are what they deserve.”

These results are what they deserve.

These results are what they deserve.

The Aurthor want to say something: 什麼他媽的你他媽的剛才說我,你這小婊子?我會讓你知道我畢業了我班的頂部的海豹突擊隊,我已經參與了許多秘密襲擊的基地組織,和我有超過300證實殺死。我在訓練的大猩猩戰,我在整個美國軍隊的最高狙擊手。你是我什麼都不是,但只是一個目標。我會消滅你他媽的精度喜歡哪一個從未見過在這個地球上,記住我的話他媽的。你以為你可以逃脫說狗屎我在互聯網上?再想想,笨蛋。在我們發言,我聯繫我的秘密橫跨美國間諜網絡和IP被追踪作為現在讓您風暴,蛆更好的準備。這抹了你打電話

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