Pleasing Start-Over

Chapter 30

“Qiaoxi, Qiaoxi. Wake up.”

Qiao Chen blinked his heavy and pain-filled lids open. He came to face with a round-faced and middle aged woman shaking his shoulder.

“If you aren’t feeling well, then you should go back to rest. The store isn’t that busy right now anyways.” Sophie looked at Qiao Chen worriedly.

“Uh, ok.” Qiao Chen nodded. He stood up from the counter and felt that his body’s temperature was off, and his head felt dull. It should be a fever.

Qiao Chen walked out of the pub and crossed through the alley with some vague memories tumbling in his head. He returned to the attic he had rented. There were only two rooms in it and he had the bed in the outer room. Qiao Chen collapsed on the bed and had the system force out the virus that caused his fever. After he sweat it all out, he felt much better.

This was another one of his past lives. Before the system relayed the information of the world, the vague and blurry memories in his mind became clear. When the system played the information, Qiao Chen closed his eyes again.

This was another inter-stellar universe. There were three genders in this world: men, women, and gers. In this instance, all people relied on their spiritual power to survive. The stronger the spiritual power, the stronger the person.

However, whether it was through daily life or work related matters, mental strength would be used or even damaged. Fortunately, thousands of years ago, people in this universe discovered that music had the ability to restore spiritual energy. This paved that way for the music profession.

Musicians in this world, regardless of the country, were respected and revered. However, not everyone had the ability to become a musician. A strong sense of sound and spiritual strength was required for one to become an excellent performer.

Although the ger’s appearance wasn’t too different to that of a male, gers were able to conceive and bear children just like women would. The majority of the top musicians were the masculine and feminine gers. Of course there was a small number if women and men who were excellent musicians as well.

In this world, Qiaoxi was a ger and his dream was like most gers’: to become one of the top musicians. Unfortunately, someone had destroyed Qiaoxi’s dream.

Qiaoxi’s father was one of the few men to become a performer. When his father was still a boy wrought with poverty, his rare musical talent attracted his mother’s attention. His mother came from a strong and powerful background.

Despite his mother’s side of the family opposing the marriage between Qiaoxi’s parents, they married. Life after marriage was sweet and happy. Qiaoxi’s grandfather loved his dearly, so he couldn’t bear to let her live out the rest of her life poor and dest.i.tute. He eventually gave them significant financial support to lift them out of poverty.

Qiaoxi’s father was able to reach the sixth level and not a step further. He had no further breakthrough in his performance levels, so he, like most people, gave up his dream on becoming a musician and chose a different profession. Qiaoxi’s father chose to become a businessman instead. With the status of Qiaoxi’s grandfather within the country, Qiaoxi’s father’s business only kept growing and growing.

Like most people, Qiaoxi’s father lived his dream of becoming one of the top musicians through his ger child. Qiaoxi practiced his music every day since he was two or three years old.

However, Qiaoxi’s father didn’t only have a ger child. He also had an illegitimate son.

Qiaoxi’s father was depressed after he gave up on his dreams of becoming a musician. He felt that he has to rely on his wife’s side of the family for financial support. As a man, he felt that he had no dignity, but had no choice but to rely on it.

After Qiaoxi’s father started his business, he enjoyed the benefits from his wife’s side, but complained incessantly about how his father-in-law was just giving him charity.

At this time, Qiaoxi’s father began to get closer to one of Qiaoxi’s mother’s good friend (they wrote 姐妹 but they aren’t sisters. It seems like a close friend) who was from a smaller n.o.ble family.

There were these kinds of people in the world- the type who would flatter and fawn over the stronger or more important people, so they could get some sort of benefits. However, throughout the process, their inferiority complex made them feel like they had no dignity. But these types would never reflect over their behavior. They would just push the blame onto the one they are fawning over.

Qiaoxi’s father and his mother’s ‘friend’ were said types of people. They felt that they understood each other’s emotional struggles, so the two began to cheat on Qiaoxi’s mother’s trust and love. They even ended up with an illegitimate child with each other.

The illegitimate son was born a few says earlier than Qiaoxi and named Ferney. Ferny’s mother’s side hid his ident.i.ty after they knew that Ferney was Qiaoxi’s father’s child. They feared Qiaoxi’s grandfather and said that Ferney was adopted from a distant relative and brought into the main family.

(T/N: I hate all these ‘s having ‘s. Just give them names already ? )

Ferney’s mother instilled lies into him from an early age. She raised him with the idea that Qiaoxi’s mother stole his father away and the only way to bring his father back was to work hard and become a good musician.

One day, when Qiaoxi was a little over six years old, his mother returned to her father’s house for a visit. Qiaoxi’s father brought Ferney’s mother into the home for their affair. He also brought Ferney along, but left Ferney to play with Qiaoxi.

Qiaoxi spent most of his time practicing every day, so he was happy for a playmate. He even knew Ferney from an early age. However, he never would have known that danger waited around the corner.

Even though Ferney was only six years old, his hidden ident.i.ty made him an outcast at home. He was often marginalized and despised. This caused him to mature earlier than Qiaoxi. He believed that Qiaoxi’s happy family and life should have belonged to him. His heart was filled with hate and hostility towards Qiaoxi. While the two were playing, Ferney deliberately and secretly took Qiaoxi to the detector test site outside, near the intersection. He pushed Qiaoxi down and into the hole.

The detector test hole was used to detect changes in the ground. The sound waves from the hole didn’t have any big affects on adults. However, young children who hadn’t reached 10 years of age were at their most vulnerable period. Their mental strengths wouldn’t be able to withstand the sound.

Qiaoxi was pushed into the hole, and the noise caused his head to ache. He tried to climb up and out of the hole, but Ferney kicked him back down. Ultimately, Qiaoxi fainted in the hole.

Although Ferney became so vicious at a young age, he was still only six. After he saw Qiaoxi faint, his resentment gradually calmed down and the fear followed. His mother had told him that Qiaoxi’s grandfather was a powerful person, so they couldn’t offend Qiaoxi and his mother for now. If they did, then they wouldn’t fare any better.

Ferney fled back to find his mother. His father was still upset that their ‘happy time’ had been interrupted, but he was nervous when he heard that Qiaoxi had fainted in the detector hole.

Qiaoxi’s father rescued him from the hole and put him in his bedroom. He was afraid that his wife would find out, so he didn’t call a doctor to come out and take a look at Qiaoxi.

When Qiaoxi’s mother returned home, she found Qiaoxi asleep with a high fever. She immediately called a private doctor.

After the doctor examined Qiaoxi, he explained that Qiaoxi’s spirit energy had scattered. He also noted that the optimal time for medical treatment had pa.s.sed, so it would be extremely difficult to fix in the future. Qiaoxi’s mother had no idea how her son ended up in such a state after her return. She was saddened, but quickly tried all sorts of methods to treat Qiaoxi.

After he awoke, Qiaoxi’s father warned him not to tell anyone that Ferney pushed him down the hole. He even threatened Qiaoxi. He said that if Qiaoxi didn’t tell everyone that he fell of his own accord, than he would be locked in that hole for the rest of his life and never be able to see his mother again.

Even though Qiaoxi’s mother used countless treatments, his spiritual strength couldn’t be completely restored. This also indicated that Qiaoxi would have difficulties in making any breakthroughs as a musician.

Qiaoxi failed to enter the Imperial Academy of Performing Arts. Ferney, however, blossomed after he entered the academy and was known as a rare genius who stood at the top. Ferney already ama.s.sed a large number of fans and supporters in college.

As the emperor grew older, his mind waned. He was confused and couldn’t tell apart the one who were truly loyal to him and his empire. When Qiaoxi was fifteen years old, his military grandfather and two uncles were given a death sentence.

Qiaoxi’s mother suffered endless pain and shock from losing three of her loved ones. However, there was another thing that devastated her. Qiaoxi’s father showed Qiaoxi’s mother Ferney. He told her that Ferney was his biological son and that he wanted to bring Ferney and his mother home and give them a fair and dignified ident.i.ty. He gave her two choices: accept them or divorce.

Even if the family had been lost, with her father and brothers gone, Qiaoxi’s mother would never accept the insult of Ferney and his mother entering her family. She chose divorce.

Although Qiaoxi’s mother was sad and desperate, she had to persevere through her grief and sorrow for Qiaoxi. She took Qiaoxi far away to live on a planet in a small, remote country.

The mother and son lived a hard life. Their way of life lasted for ten years when Qiaoxi’s mother failed to resist her illness and suffering. She pa.s.sed away.

Qiao Chen arrived a few days after his mother’s death. He had just cremated her. His long work hours and longing for his mother caused him to become ill.

According to his past, Qiaoxi would die in two year’s time. However, Qiao Chen was here now and even though he had a task to complete, he also believed that heaven had its way. He would collect on those who owed him debts. Qiao Chen used the system to gather his scattered spirit energy and then continually strengthen its foundation.

Qiao Chen returned to the pub he had worked and resigned, He and his mother had lived there for ten years, and it was all thanks to the pub’s owners, Batu and Sophie. It was always these two who looked after them carefully.

“Are you sure? I’m afraid life would be harder if you went back.” Batu, the bearded man, asked. Then he took a drag from his cigarette.

“Yes. Although mom never said it, I knew she wanted to go back. Even though it was a sad place for the both of us, I still want to reunite my mother with my grandpa and uncles.”

“Well, alright. If you can’t live there anymore, you can always come back.” Batu approved his resignation application, but paid two months more for his ident.i.ty card.

“Thank you, Uncle Batu.” Qiao Chen was grateful to him from the bottom of his heart.

Batue personally walked him out and told him to pay more attention to safety on the way back. While they made their way through the pub’s lobby, Qiao Chen looked at the piano sitting on the terrace corner and asked, “Can I play a song?”

“Of course. It could be a souvenir.” Batu agreed.

In this world, music was a compulsory course. Even if one couldn’t play any musical instruments, you still had to understand the basics of what good music was. This knowledge helped you restore your spiritual power.

Learning how to play wasn’t a simple matter. Besides the sound and the spiritual strength, music required a lot of financial resources. However, for talented people, there would naturally be many people willing to sponsor a musician.

Qiao Chen wasn’t officially registered as a musician, but he occasionally earned some tips by playing some simple music he had learned. However, he couldn’t play very well, so he wasn’t tipped very much.

Qiao Chen played the song “The Street of Dusk”. It timed perfectly with the situation at hand. The sun was about to set, and the horizon had a beautiful fading yellow shade to it. People who worked busily all day were dragging their tired bodies through the street.

As soon as Qiao Chen finished playing the first piece, Batu was stunned. The level that was exhibited now was completely different to the level from before. The beautiful and soothing song was excellently expressed by Qiao Chen.

People in the streets stopped after they heard the sound of music being played. They found the source of the sound and quickly walked into the pub to find a seat to sit in.

More and more people entered the pub. Those who couldn’t find a seat just stood near the wall and enjoyed Qiao Chen’s performance. They were tired after a busy day and the exhaustion gradually left their bodies. Their spiritual strengths were greatly restored as well. They could only hear this level of musician at the Capital High Concert Hall. Even if these people worked hard for a year or two, they may not be able to listen to it even once. They didn’t know what luck they had today, but they were able to hear such a high level performance.

The pub was already filled with people. There were even people who couldn’t enter, but stood outside to listen. Many people took their ID cards, selected a tip, and swiped their cards.

After Qiao Chen finished playing, there was a demand for another song from the crowd. Qiao Chen played another song, and more and more people tipped. Although these people’s income wasn’t very high, this world’s people were never stingy about spending money for a good performance.

After the two pieces were finished Qiao Chen covered the piano to indicate the end of the performance. No one could see who was sitting behind the piano, but they all thought that those who could play such at such a high level must be an excellent musician. They didn’t dare offend and didn’t ask for another song. They all exited the pub, one after the other.

Batu returned to his office with Qiao Chen. He handed him the considerable amount of tips. “If you had shown this ability earlier, you wouldn’t have lived like you do now.”

“The famous musician Koloski once said that great sorrow could either make people die or give birth to a new. I think that I was in the middle of death when I suddenly gave birth to anew.” Qiao Chen said half jokingly.

“You have the ability to play like this, so you can get along with anyone where ever you go. You probably don’t need to come back. Go on and live well.” Batu patted Qiao Chen on the shoulder and said. “Good luck.”

“Thank you. If I get the chance, then I’ll return and see you. Let me play a piece here, yeah?” Qiao Chen said with a smile.

“That’s exactly what I was hoping for.” Bato laughed heartily and said.

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