Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 170: Mountain-Carrying Monk

Chapter 170: Mountain-Carrying Monk

The remaining people understood why the sect master had decided to beg for help once they’d heard his words. Although the Fuyao Palace would no longer interrupt Elder Bai’s seclusion, the palace had pretty much confirmed the person inside was who the Jiang clan was searching for. Once they received the news, the Jiang clan would surely send someone to come for the same purpose, and by then it would perhaps not be so simple as just interrupting a seclusion. If the Jiang clan were to be angered by the Qing-Yun Sect, it was likely none of the people living in the Qing-Yun Sect would be spared….

The opponent this time would be the Jiang clan, after all! The Jiang family, from the eastern continent where Daoism began!

The land of Tianyuan had hundreds of thousands of years of history and Daoism. Within the rivers of history, it was impossible to know how many names had risen up in the short term, only to later be lost in time. These people had been strong and powerful, yet they were forgotten all the same; only the large and powerful clans that had been there from the beginning managed to survive and pa.s.s on generations of wealth and tradition.

Such large and powerful influences stood at the top of the entire realm. The southern continent of Jambu, the western continent of G.o.daniya, the northern continent of Kuru, and the eastern continent of Videha; each continent had their own such clans that had been flouris.h.i.+ng for hundreds of thousands of years, and their wealth was beyond imagination. They were the ones who had control over everything within the entirety of the realm of cultivation. They were the true rulers of this land.

And among these four continents, the ancient clan from the eastern continent of Videha was the wealthiest of them all.

The reason for its great wealth was that Videha was the birthplace of Daoism. Of the disciplines and techniques that were spread out in all of Tianyuan today, it was said all of them originated from Videha. This was also why the ancient clans of Videha were viewed with such high status, and every person in these clans entered the spotlight with an existence well-known throughout all four continents. As for the "Jiang clan from the eastern soil" that Xuan Si’nyang had mentioned, it was one of Videha’s oldest and most respected families.

It was as though the Jiang clan was a giant, and the Qing-Yun Sect was merely a tiny little ant. If for whatever reason an ant were to come into conflict with a giant, then the only outcome would be for the ant to be stomped to death.

The Meat-Wine Monk did not speak, his mouth still tightly kept shut. This caused Chen Xuanhua some anxiety, and so he sent a look towards Fang Xing with obvious meaning in his gaze. Although Chen Xuanhua didn’t know whether or not it was true the Meat-Wine Monk had forced Xuan Si’nyang to retreat to repay Fang Xing, Fang Xing was still the only person within the Qing-Yun Sect who could talk to this monk, and so the sect master hinted to the boy to help.

Seeing how the esteemed sect master had even sent such a glance his way, Fang Xing could only reluctantly make his way near the Meat-Wine Monk. "Big monk, since the sect master has already mentioned it, you should at least give him some face…."

The Meat-Wine Monk looked at him and replied, "This poor monk has already repaid your debt."

"What about the interest? You have to keep your promise!"

Speechless, the Meat-Wine Monk released a long sigh. "Fine. If the Jiang family sends people over, just pin all the fault on me!"

Chen Xuanhua hadn’t expected Fang Xing’s words actually work, and so he was left overjoyed by this turn of events. He continued to deeply bow while asking, "Thank you for your help, great master. But how is the great master going to…?"

The Meat-Wine Monk showed a slight smile. "If the person in seclusion isn’t here anymore, such troubles will naturally not be here, either!"


those words, the monk clasped his hands together as though in prayer. Strong wind suddenly formed from nothing and began to grow stronger within the mountains, whirling amidst the land and blowing past the trees and stones with a frightening amount of force. Everyone—even Chen Xuanhua—was taken aback by this, and they hastily fled upwards on their clouds. Even the daotongs within the mountain ranges were taken up into the air, and everyone looked horrified down at the Meat-Wine Monk below, completely baffled at what kind of skill he had just performed or what his purpose was.

A solemn chant could be heard amidst the violent gusts of wind below, the words filled with an ethereal sincerity. A golden light shone against the mountain ranges as the Meat-Wine Monk’s body began to grow from a ten-foot-tall man to one that was a hundred feet tall, then a thousand-foot giant that touched the heavens. His body shone with the same golden ray, as though he was a genuine G.o.d that had descended from the heavens.

The monk then turned and bowed towards the Qing-Yun Sect’s main peak—where the Fuyao Palace guests were staying—and took out his monk’s staff. As the wind continued to whirl, the staff began to extend over a thousand feet in length and grew as wide as a mountain ridge, and the Meat-Wine Monk soon pushed one end of the staff into the Peak of Flying Stone where Bai QIanzhang was in seclusion. Suddenly, the monk sensed something else and exclaimed in surprise, "Nn? There’s another person!" before he pushed the other end of the staff into the Yunyin Summit as well. From there—with each end of the staff bearing a mountain peak—the Meat-Wine Monk simply rested the staff atop his shoulders like a pole and walked into the forest with large steps.

The earth rumbled and shook, smoke filled the air, and the colors of the sky changed.

When all was finished, the seven peaks of Qing-Yun had now become five.

"This…." Sect Master Chen Xuanhua was so terrified he was unable to speak.

No one had expected the method the monk would use to save the Qing-Yun Sect was to physically take the two peaks somewhere else. Furthermore, it was not only the Peak of Flying Stone where Bai Qianzhang was in seclusion, but also the Yunyin Summit, where the grand-elder was currently in seclusion as well. Such a method was rather unusual and even comical, but no one dared to laugh when faced with such a powerful ability—there were only feelings of fear.

After a long period of silence, Chen Baoyan—the chief elder of Shuwen Valley—released a sigh. "Well, with this… it might indeed work…."

Chen Xuanhua did not know how to respond to this, but he did agree. Since even the mountain peak holding the person had been taken away, if the Jiang clansmen were to come, they would naturally have to look for the Meat-Wine Monk first before they could confirm whether it was the person they were searching for. With this, at least the Qing-Yun Sect would be safe until the Jiang Clan was able to confirm it, and the sect wouldn’t be annihilated in its entirety.

The Meat-Wine Monk carried both mountain peaks as he walked with a pace that was extremely fast despite his enormous size. The clouds surrounded him with each footfall, and he arrived at the horizon with only a few steps before disappearing in the distance. There were plenty of Foundation Stage masters here, but they couldn’t find even any hint of the Meat-Wine Monk’s presence even when using Mystic Eye; there weren’t even signs of any footprints in the soil.

As for the two peaks, there were no signs of them aside from the mountain bases they had once been atop. It was as though these peaks hadn’t existed in the first place.

Just as the Meat-Wine Monk’s silhouette disappeared, tens of thousands of lights s.h.i.+ned atop the Breakwater Grand Hall and a jade carriage rose up. The yellow-turbaned men were positioned in front and a few old women with powerful, immeasurable cultivation levels followed closely behind as the Fuyao Palace began to depart as well. Chen Xuanhua and the rest naturally did not dare to offend them either, so they all raced higher into the air to bow towards the direction they were leaving.

As the jade carriage disappeared off into the distance, Chen Xuanhua straightened his back and turned, his expression filled with defeat. "Aiii, our Qing-Yun Sect will see a lot more trouble in the future…."

Tie Rukuang sighed. "Indeed. Xiao Shanhe didn’t hesitate to take advantage of others’ kindness and sold out Elder Bai in exchange for an Ancient technique from the Fuyao Palace. He certainly won’t content himself with mediocrity. Elder Qin’nyao also received an Ancient technique in exchange for her beloved pupil, but this can’t be taught to anyone else, so who knows if she’ll be able to stop Xiao Shanhe in the future…."

"Even if she can, I doubt she would…. Aiii, let them be!" Chen Xuanhua appeared full of loneliness and stopped speaking after only those few words, as though unwilling to speak further on the subject.

At that moment, however, Tie Rukuang’s words caught the attention of another. "Qin’nyao exchanged a beloved pupil for an Ancient technique? Which beloved pupil?" Fang Xing looked up and asked, slightly startled.

"Who else within the Danxia Valley could be chosen by the Fuyao Palace? It was naturally the girl named ‘Xiao Mahn’," Tie Rukuang replied.

"Xiao Mahn now belongs to the Fuyao Palace?" Fang Xing was initially dumbstruck, but he suddenly let out a loud, jubilant laugh.

Tie Rukuang was left speechless. "Why are you so happy?"

Fang Xing proudly replied, "Do you know who Xiao Mahn is? She’s my slave, and no matter where or when, she’s always on the same boat as me. If she manages to learn some super powerful stuff from the Fuyao Palace, I—as her young master—will also be able to benefit from all her glory…. Hahaha…."

"Since when did Qin’nyao’s pupil become your slave?" Tie Rukuang muttered before sighing. "To enter the Fuyao Palace is like reaching the heavens in a single bound and her future potential is without end, so you should no longer refer to her as your ‘slave’. Within a hundred years from now, this girl will at the very least become a concubine for the master of Fuyao Palace and her status will be extremely high. Don’t let your words bring you trouble!"

"Concubine? What do you mean?" Fang Xing repeated, his smiling features immediately s.h.i.+fting into a startled look.

Tie Rukuang was actually a little surprised by Fang Xing’s reaction. "Concubine to the master of Fuyao Palace…. Within all of the Fuyao Palace, there are only two men. One is the current master, and another is the future master. All of the female disciples within the Fuyao Palace—aside from those directly related by blood and the single future Lady G.o.ddess—become concubines for the next master. That’s already common knowledge…."

"Wha—…. f.u.c.k his uncle!" Fang Xing abruptly jumped up while shouting.

Fang Xing was still atop the cloud with Tie Rukuang, and he leapt off the side as though throwing himself to his death. "Goldy, come over here!" he loudly called, and a golden cloud came rus.h.i.+ng forward to catch him. The "cloud" was the golden crow who’d been circling nearby, and Fang Xing stood on his back while urgently yelling, "Hurry, hurry…. Faster, faster... hurry up and take me there…."

Although the golden crow was a bit startled, he still took the boy flying past Qing-Yun’s main peak. When Fang Xing arrived in front of the Breakwater Grand Hall, he found Elder Qin’nyao and Xiao Shanhe chattering quietly amongst themselves with smiles on their faces. Next to Elder Qin’nyao were a few female Danxia Valley disciples, and although Xiao Mahn would normally also be beside her at times like this, this time she was nowhere to be seen.

A layer of sweat formed on Fang Xing’s forehead as he loudly shouted at Elder Qin’nyao, "Xiao Mahn? Where’s Xiao Mahn?"

Elder Qin’nyao was startled and gave a displeased look. "What a rude child! I am your senior, yet you do not even address me, first? Xiao Mahn has found great fortune and I sent her to serve under Fuyao Palace’s Xuan Si’nyang. She has already left with Her Highness!"

Fang Xing felt as though he’d been struck by lightning. "You turtle egg b.i.t.c.h, exchanging Xiao Mahn for your own gain! I—your grandpa—am going to cut you in half someday!" he cursed at the top of his lungs. Once he’d finished, he hastily directed the golden crow towards where the Fuyao Palace’s jade carriage had departed and began to give chase.

Qin’nyao had been so caught off guard by what Fang Xing yelled at her that it took her a few moments before she realized what just happened. Her pale face immediately turned bright red as she yelled out, "What a vile devil child, how dare you insult me like that! Do you really think I don’t dare to kill you?" As she spoke, she directed her cloud with the intent to chase after him, but it was at that moment that Sect Master Chen Xuanhua arrived as well. He saw her actions and immediately grabbed hold of her, stopping her from following.

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