Tie Rukuang was definitely certain he wanted Fang Xing in his branch now, for three main reasons.

The first reason was that Fang Xing seemed to have some talent. Not only was he was able to win against a sixth-tier disciple despite being tier four—showing just how much potential he had when it came to battle—but Fang Xing was still young on top of that. If Tie Rukuang was able to carefully teach and nurture him, there was a chance Fang Xing would break into tier seven before even the age of twenty-one. If that occurred, it meant the Duanzhen Valley would have produced a core disciple.

The second reason had to deal with Bai Qianzhang. Aside from the Qing-Yun Sect"s great grand-elder of the past, Bai Qianzhang did not have any friends, and Tie Rukuang himself was one of the few people to have a close relations.h.i.+p with him after playing Weiqi against him so often. To Tie Rukuang, that was reason enough for him to guide and support this boy. He was also certain that even though the rumors said Fang Xing had been dismissed from the stone forest without learning anything from Bai Qianzhang, there must have been some kind of relations.h.i.+p between the two that had formed over the years.

As for the third and final reason, Tie Rukuang did indeed owe Fang Xing a favor. Bringing Fang Xing under his own wings to be carefully nurtured would not only increase the number of disciples within his branch, but also return the favor he owed. This was killing two birds with one stone; who wouldn"t do it?

It had to be known that even though the Qing-Yun Sect"s four main valleys relied heavily on one another another, they also competed against each other. Although all four valleys had their own specializations—whether it be in alchemy, smithing, talismans, or formations—none of them were specialized in combat, so all of their respective disciples would often duel each other for the status and prestige of their branches. Duanzhen Valley had always had more losses than wins in these scenarios, to the point that even Chief Elder Tie Rukuang could not bear it any longer. With this boy, there might actually be a chance for Tie Rukuang to regain some face by having him win duels against disciples from the other branches.

Of course, Tie Rukuang"s hadn"t antic.i.p.ated that Fang Xing would reject him outright after being asked to join the valley. In that moment of anger, Tie Rukuang was about to give the boy a good beating.

Seeing Tie Rukuang"s intentions, Fang Xing jumped and began yelling, "Why would anyone force something on someone like this? I"ll tell you now, the only place I want to join is the Hall of Heaven"s Tribute. Nothing else. No matter how much you try to force me, even if I did join your branch, I would not take up your specialization."

Just as Tie Rukuang had raised his hand, he heard Fang Xing"s explanation and lowered it back down. "You want to join the Hall of Heaven"s Tribute?" he asked with quite some interest.

"That"s right!" Fang Xing sternly responded.

"That explains it. No wonder his strength is so many more tiers above his actual cultivation. When s.h.i.+shu Bai had him under his wings, the boy must have chosen to only study things that would help him in battle…." Tie Rukuang considered before trying to persuade Fang Xing once more, "Kid, it"s not that easy to join the Hall of Heaven"s Tribute; you have to satisfy a few conditions. The first is to reach at least the sixth tier of Spirit Stage, the second is that you have to have been in the sect for at least ten years, and the third is that you have to take one of the top three positions at a sect tournament held every three years… and that"s before you even have a chance to join. But once you"re in, even if you"re not a core disciple, you wouldn"t be far off."

Fang Xing was left dumbstruck. Two of the three conditions were ones he couldn"t achieve right now, so what could he do?

Reaching the sixth tier would be easy, and if Fang Xing truly wanted to increase his cultivation level, it wouldn"t take too much time. When it came to the second condition of being inside the sect for at least ten years, though… even if his days spent as a daotong were counted as well, it would only amount to about four years. Did he really have to wait for another six years?

Tie Rukuang knew exactly what Fang Xing"s concerns were. "Of course, that"s just the rules as they are recorded. There are still ways around it."

Fang Xing jumped up in delight. "Like what?"

Tie Rukuang smiled. "If a Foundation Stage elder was able to give their guarantee of your merit, then not only would you no longer require the minimum ten years, you wouldn"t even need to meet the cultivation level requirement. As long as you feel your strength is enough, you"d be able to try your hand at the tournament trials."

"Do you know any Foundation Stage elders, then?" Fang Xing blurted out, now excited. As soon as he said this, however, Fang Xing realized just how stupid the question was. This frail old man in front of him was a chief elder and likely had a position much higher than any ordinary Foundation Stage elder; having Tie Rukuang as a guarantor would likely work even better than some run-of-the-mill elder.

Unsurprisingly, Tie Rukuang burst out in laughter. "As long as you join my Duanzhen Valley and do me proud, I will guarantee your spot in the Hall of Heaven"s Tribute within the next three years."

Fang Xing shook his head. "Three years? That"s too long!"

Tie Rukuang was at a loss for words. "If you think you"re capable, there"s a tournament trial at the end of this year."

Such news caused Fang Xing to smile. "Fine, it"s a deal!"

Tie Rukuang kicked Fang Xing"s rear. " "Deal" your a**! I was just informing you!" he cursed.

Fang Xing dusted off his bottom and stood up before trying to bargain, taking the matter rather seriously, "Well, we can talk about the exact time frame a bit later. I can join Duanzhen Valley, but you"ll have to agree to a few of my conditions, first…."

Tie Rukuang looked at Fang Xing blankly. "What conditions?" As a chief elder, although he had a positive impression of Fang Xing"s possible future prospects, this was after all only one of three reasons why he had extended an invitation. Another was that he did not want to break the promise he"d made to the boy during the game of Weiqi, and the other was for the sake of Bai Qianzhang himself. Who would have foreseen that not only was Fang Xing not appreciative of his offer, but had actually started to haggle conditions with him?

What Tie Rukuang didn"t know was that as far as Fang Xing was concerned, if someone asked him to do something he didn"t want to do, it was more than reason enough to make demands in return. Fang Xing didn"t have to give it much thought and revealed an enigmatic smirk. "I"ve heard that within the four valleys and hall, there"s a head disciple within each that has authority over the rest of the branch"s disciples?"

Tie Rukuang"s eyes widened as he guessed what was about to come next. "You want to be the head disciple of Duanzhen Valley?"

"Why not?"

Tie Rukuang laughed. "Kid, you"re too naive. It"s not easy being the head disciple; it"s not just about being the strongest or having the highest cultivation level. If you want to be the head disciple of Duanzhen Valley, are you going to be able to manage the entire valley"s various affairs on my behalf?"

"Not a problem!" Fang Xing answered, overflowing with confidence.

Unable to retort, Tie Rukuang decided that he"d at least lure this little monkey into his branch before anything else. "Fine then. It"s impossible to have you as the head disciple the moment you join, so I"ll have to test your abilities in management first. I"ll have you in charge of collecting Refined Iron for a month. As long as you can collect all of the required amount without any mistakes within the time frame, I"ll consider your request."

"That"s my task?" Fang Xing asked before giving a solemn nod. "Great! I promise there will be no mistakes!"

Tie Rukuang laughed. "Good, good. Pa.s.s me your jade plate, then!"

Once Fang Xing had pa.s.sed over his jade plate, Tie Rukuang engraved Duanzhen Valley"s insignia into the plate, marking him as one of the valley"s disciples as opposed to an ordinary inner court disciple. "Now that you"ve joined us at the Duanzhen Valley, I am now your s.h.i.+fu and am responsible for pa.s.sing on the knowledge of our specialization. You can also choose a cave estate within this valley to live in. I believe s.h.i.+shu Bai already taught you Blue-Flame Grand Smithing, so you don"t need me to teach this to you again, but you can ask me if you have any questions on cultivation or spirit tool smithing."

Fang Xing hastily answered yes to everything Tie Rukuang was saying; his mind was purely focused on how to complete the task he had been given.

Once that was completed, Tie Rukuang hurried Fang Xing to finish sorting all of the storage sacks so he could return them back to those who were waiting outside. It could be said that Tie Rukuang was also quite a character; as soon as Fang Xing had become a Duanzhen Valley disciple, the elder had begun to act on Fang Xing"s behalf. Since Fang Xing already had all of the sacks with him, he may as well keep the good stuff for his own pupil instead of truly giving it all back to the original owners.

Of course, Tie Rukuang had asked Fang Xing if the latter would be willing to return the [Saber of Azure Dragon] to Murong Ying, but had unfortunately received immediate rejection. It wasn"t every day that Fang Xing could get his hands on a weapon so ideal and suitable for his current level, so how could he so casually give it back?

Fang Xing was then thrown out of Tie Rukuang"s cave and off the peak of the mountain. With the saber strapped to his shoulders, he swaggered in front of the inner court disciples he had previously robbed and announced, "I, your grandfather, am now a disciple of the Duanzhen Valley! For my dear s.h.i.+fu, I shall give you back your storage sacks, and you better get lost immediately once you have them! To those who dare to make another scene or complaint, do you think I won"t cut you in half with one strike?"

Within seconds, all of the storage sacks were suddenly flying all over the place with the inner court disciples scrambling for their own. There were over several dozens of storage sacks being scattered about, and n.o.body could immediately figure out whose was whose. There were a small number of disciples who realized something was missing inside their sacks—only the items with very little value remained inside, after all—and there was once again a bit of noisy clamor.

Fang Xing brandished the saber right in the middle and pointed at the disciple that had started the commotion. "Didn"t I just say not to make another scene or complaint? Are you challenging the solemnity of our Duanzhen Valley?"

"Solemnity your a**, weren"t you the one that started all the chaos by coming here to collect some debt?" The inner court disciple wept without tears, wanting to complain to Tie Rukuang yet not seeing the elder anywhere. He had merely wanted to try once more since so many of his items were missing, yet this had sparked triggered Fang Xing"s anger.

Without need for further words, Fang Xing simply began waving his saber. The group was kicked out of the valley one person at a time, until they were left in a human pile shaped like a pyramid right at the valley"s entrance.

"Hmph!" Fang Xing glanced at the pile of disciples with contempt and rested the saber on his shoulder. Quite a few disciples belonging to Duanzhen Valley were watching the entire event as well, and all of their gazes were far from friendly. Fang Xing then pointed his weapon at these people and called out, "All you sons of bi*ches listen carefully! I"m now in charge of collecting Refined Iron. You all will hand me your required amount without any problems and on time, or else!"

Upon hearing this, a few of those disciples even let out disdainful laughs. "Does this kid really think us Duanzhen Valley disciples are pushovers? The reason our valley doesn"t have a lead disciple right now is because no one has managed to convince everyone yet!"

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