"So what does s.h.i.+di suggest?" the short-bearded elder finally asked.

The elder in the cyan robe smiled. "It is very simple. Since the Python Toad is already dead, we will consider it a success. To the outside, we will downplay the death of Hou Qing and the rest of them while saying the boy was the first to complete a Duty Talisman mission among the new recruits. This way, when people see that someone like him was able to complete our mission, they"ll all come to us and we at the Duty Talisman Hall will get much more well-deserved respect from people."

The short-bearded elder listened while thoughtfully nodding.

One thing the cyan-robed elder did not mention was the fact that more disciples coming to the hall for missions meant their grey income[1] would also grow. This was something all three elders were well aware of; there was no need to say it out in the open.

"The sect has its rules. Is this really appropriate?" The awe-inspiring elder hesitated, as he was honest and frank.

To rid the awe-inspiring elder of his worries, the cyan-robed one smiled back. "Do not worry, s.h.i.+xiong Geng. The original purpose of the Duty Talismans was to help and protect the mortal realm. There was no such thing as exchanging them for resources; it was only when cultivators began to increase in number and the resources became scarce that it became the way it is now, and even then it was just an unwritten rule that was never recorded officially by the sect. As long as we can confirm that the Python Toad is indeed dead, we can declare that the mission was a success. This does not go against the rules at all."

Finally seeing the light, both of the other elders nodded once more in agreement.

The short-bearded elder agreed first. "Of the five disciples that left, only one has returned. It"s definitely quite depressing, so some reward might not be a bad thing. Besides, we all know too well how the boy survived and how luck must have been particularly favorable to him. In that case, why don"t we add icing to the cake by counting his mission as a success?"

"Indeed!" The cyan-robed elder clapped his hands as he grinned.

"Then there is no need to let anyone else know about him not bringing back the beast core," the awe-inspiring Elder Geng finally spoke after a moment of silence.

The cyan-robed elder responded, "Of course. Is s.h.i.+xiong Geng worried about future disciples who might imitate him? We definitely will not let it spill!"

The awe-inspiring elder agreed, "In that case, we"ll do as you"ve suggested."

The three elders nodded to each other one last time in affirmation.

Fang Xing sat nervously in the outer hall, unsure as to why he had been asked to stay behind. Specifically, he was worried that they might have found a plot hole within his story.

It didn"t take long before all three elders appeared, the cyan-robed elder nodding towards Fang Xing. "It"s your lucky day. We"ve discussed your situation just now and have decided that all five of you that accepted the Duty Talisman of Extermination were extremely brave and it was the righteous thing to do. Although the beast core of the Python Toad was not retrieved, the toad has indeed been killed. Especially since the loss has been so great, a reward is a must; for this mission, we will allow you an exception and count it as a success. Come with me to receive your reward."

Fang Xing was dumbstruck. In all his dreams, he had never imagined that a free meal so good would fall into his lap.

Still in a state of disbelief, Fang Xing followed the elder downstairs into the main hall, where the elder changed the recorded leader of who had accepted the Duty Talisman from Hou Qing to Fang Xing; this way—as far as the records were concerned—it would now have nothing to do with Hou Qing. Following this, the elder gave Fang Xing a reminder, "The reward is all yours, but you will have to remember not to let anyone know that we"ve allowed you this exception. If people ask, just tell them you"ve brought back the beast core and that this was no more than the standard procedure of reward at the Duty Talisman Hall."

It was only then that Fang Xing understood the reason behind all of this and he hastily bowed. "Thank you, sir! As you wish, dear elder!"

Smiling, the elder then ordered the boy next to him to bring the rewards: thirty Spirit Stones, three bottles of Revitalization Pills, one bottle of Solidification Pills, five bottles of Ansi Pills—all of which were fairly common—and of course a small clothed pouch with five ounces of Ore Essence Powder, the most crucial ingredient in making the Poji Pellet that was used to break through into tier four.

"Thank you, thank you, dear elder." Fang Xing was ecstatic as he accepted the rewards with great delight.

"No need to say any more, just work harder in the future. Qingfeng, go and fetch Xuanzhao and tell him to guide Fang Xing back down the mountain." The boy next to him was then seen off.

Fang Xing was puzzled and felt something was not quite right. If it was just to guide him down the mountain, this daotong boy named Qingfeng would be more than enough; why would he specifically ask for someone called "Xuanzhao"?

"Uncle, you"ve asked for me?" Soon, a man in his twenties entered the hall. His appearance was clean and bright with long dark hair neatly laid over his shoulders and a composed aura about him. Fang Xing scanned him as he entered and found that he was in the mid of tier three.

The cyan-robed elder smiled at the youth and nodded slightly. "Yes, this young man is called Fang Xing, your s.h.i.+di Fang. He has just finished a Duty Talisman mission, quite an achievement for someone so young. Please guide him back down the mountain."

As soon as the elder had explained it all, the youth responded with excitement, "Thank you, Uncle!"

"I knew there was no such thing as free meals in this world. At the end of the day, I"m just a delivery boy…." Fang Xing—being who he was—had now guessed exactly what was going to happen. Inside, he was already boiling in hatred, while on the outside he controlled his expressions and pretended not to notice their odd exchange of words before he followed Xuanzhao out the door.

Once the two left, the cyan-robed elder let out a sigh of relief. He had done a lot for his nephew by persuading the other two elders to recognize the success of this mission. He did not feel pity for Fang Xing, nor had he wanted to achieve a greater good for their Duty Talisman Hall; that had been nothing more than empty talk.

The elder"s sole purpose had been to create an opportunity for his nephew to get his hands on the Ore Essence Powder once it had been given to the boy. Under his wings within the sect, his nephew had been faring quite comfortably, and by now he"d finally reached the mid of tier three. It would not be too long before he"d be needing those Ore Essence Powders.

Every distribution of these powders would need to go through sect records with strict quotas and conditions, and even an elder like him would not be able to acquire it easily for his nephew. With a chance like the one presented to him today, there was no way he would let it slide. Besides, he did believe that his nephew had taken the hint and would do whatever it took to get these powders off the boy, and whether it was to buy them or to take it by force was not important as long as his nephew ended it cleanly. After all, this was just some low-ranked disciple with no particular background within the sect.

Certainly, Fang Xing did not know all of these thoughts that were going through the mind of the cyan-robed elder, yet he still instinctively noticed that this youth named Xuanzhao was there for his Ore Essence Powder. Despite this, there wasn"t much Fang Xing could do; even though the intentions couldn"t be any more obvious, Fang Xing could only go along with it as it came. Xuanzhao had his uncle, after all.

As Xuanzhao walked ahead towards the bottom of the mountain peak, everyone that walked past greeted him politely, and Xuanzhao would also return their greetings with courtesy. He seemed to be quite renowned within the sect, as he would occasionally introduce some of these people to Fang Xing, and they were all also well-known disciples. They either had ample backgrounds like that of Xuanzhao or had made a name for themselves within the Qin-Yun Sect"s outer courts.

Observing Xuanzhao"s actions, Fang Xing felt slightly embarra.s.sed about his own behavior after remembering how he had acted in front of Hou Qing that fateful night. "So this is what people are actually like when they"ve grown up in the sect with family ties and plentiful resources. I"ll need to play the role a bit better next time…."

"To complete a Duty Talisman at such a young age, s.h.i.+di Fang, you will have great prospects in your future." Xuanzhao had finally begun to steer the conversation to the reason he was here for. "What is your current level of cultivation, I wonder?"

"Ah, it"s a bit embarra.s.sing, but my cultivation resources have been extremely limited. No matter how hard I work, it just doesn"t seem to want to increase…." Appearing to be fl.u.s.tered, Fang Xing released some of his Spirit Force towards Xuanzhao, presenting himself as being at the peak of tier one.

Fang Xing naturally would not let anyone know of his actual level of cultivation. It had been increasing a little too fast for his own safety if others found out.

Xuanzhao comforted Fang Xing with a smile, "That is already fairly decent, especially since we all know how heavily dependent on resources the first few tiers of the Spirit Stage can be. With the rewards for completing this Duty Talisman, you will no doubt break through into tier two in no time!"

"Hopefully!" Fang Xing answered with enthusiasm, as though his emotions had been stirred up.


[1]Grey Income: Grey income is income that is in the legal "grey area" and not strictly legal nor illegal. It is stuff that is off the records, more or less, but isn"t strictly persecuted. It is usually in the form of a bribery.

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