
For a" that, an" a" that, An" twice as muckle"s a" that; My dearest bluid, to do them guid, They"re welcome till"t for a" that.


So sang the bard--and Nansie"s wa"s Shook with a thunder of applause, Re-echo"d from each mouth!

They toom"d their pocks, they p.a.w.n"d their duds, They scarcely left to co"er their fuds, To quench their lowin drouth: Then owre again, the jovial thrang The poet did request To lowse his pack an" wale a sang, A ballad o" the best; He rising, rejoicing, Between his twa Deborahs, Looks round him, an" found them Impatient for the chorus.


Tune--"Jolly Mortals, fill your"

See the smoking bowl before us, Mark our jovial ragged ring!

Round and round take up the chorus, And in raptures let us sing--


A fig for those by law protected!

Liberty"s a glorious feast!

Courts for cowards were erected, Churches built to please the priest.

What is t.i.tle, what is treasure, What is reputation"s care?

If we lead a life of pleasure, "Tis no matter how or where!

A fig for, &c.

With the ready trick and fable, Round we wander all the day; And at night in barn or stable, Hug our doxies on the hay.

A fig for, &c.

Does the train-attended carriage Thro" the country lighter rove?

Does the sober bed of marriage Witness brighter scenes of love?

A fig for, &c.

Life is al a variorum, We regard not how it goes; Let them cant about decorum, Who have character to lose.

A fig for, &c.

Here"s to budgets, bags and wallets!

Here"s to all the wandering train.

Here"s our ragged brats and callets, One and all cry out, Amen!


A fig for those by law protected!

Liberty"s a glorious feast!

Courts for cowards were erected, Churches built to please the priest.

Song--For A" That^1

Tune--"For a" that."

Tho" women"s minds, like winter winds, May shift, and turn, an" a" that, The n.o.blest breast adores them maist-- A consequence I draw that.


For a" that, an" a" that, And twice as meikle"s a" that; The bonie la.s.s that I loe best She"ll be my ain for a" that.

Great love I bear to a" the fair, Their humble slave, an" a" that; But lordly will, I hold it still A mortal sin to thraw that.

For a" that, &c.

But there is ane aboon the lave, Has wit, and sense, an" a" that; A bonie la.s.s, I like her best, And wha a crime dare ca" that?

For a" that, &c.

In rapture sweet this hour we meet, Wi" mutual love an" a" that,

[Footnote 1: A later version of "I am a bard of no regard" in "The Jolly Beggars."]

But for how lang the flie may stang, Let inclination law that.

For a" that, &c.

Their tricks an" craft hae put me daft.

They"ve taen me in, an" a" that; But clear your decks, and here"s--"The s.e.x!"

I like the jads for a" that.

For a" that, &c.

Song--Merry Hae I Been Teethin A Heckle

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