Pokemon Pearl

Chapter 2

As Rico"s mother, Rosario, was cooking dinner for him and his father, Rico immediately lay Riolu on a sofa, and quickly get a textbook about healing Pokemon. As he flip page by page, he examine Riolu"s condition whether it got paralyzed, burned, frozen, or poisoned. When he found out that none of them affected Riolu, he got puzzled and flip the pages more. When he got to pages 52-53, he found out that Riolu is badly damaged and drained of energy. He read that a Revival Herb can do the trick, and he already knew that Revival Herbs and Revives are available in Pokemarts.

Rico then quickly ran outside, and speeds to a nearby Pokemart just three blocks away. As he enter the building"s main entrance, the cashier greet him. As he catch his breath from running, the cashier asked him, "h.e.l.lo, welcome to our Pokemart. How can we help you, sir?" Then he asked, "Do you have any Revival Herbs or Revives left?" Then the cashier responded, "Oh, unfortunately, all of our stocks of Revival Herbs and Revives are all sold out five hours ago. Sorry, sir." Stunned, he replied, "What? Is there any deliveries tonight or tomorrow? I need around four sets of it for my Riolu." Then the cashier replied, " Sorry, but a storm struck Unova eight hours ago. So all flights and ship voyages to here are cancelled. All of them will be postponed to Friday morning (It was Tuesday when he rescued Riolu)." Calms down, he replied, "Oh, Okay, I... understand that. I guess I need around six potions, three paralysis heals, five antidotes, and three burn heals." Then the cashier gave my request, calculate the cost, and said, "That will be 5,000 Pokedollars, sir." Then he get some Pokedollar banknotes from his pocket, and paid what was due. As he step out with a paper bag of his purchases, Rico was disappointed about the Revival Herbs and Revives being sold out.

As he arrived home, Rico"s father, Lucas, examined Riolu, and asked him, "Hey, son, where did you get this Riolu, and where did you came from?" Then he responded, "Dad, I rescued this Riolu from certain Pokemon thieves; and I ran to a Pokemart to buy some Revival Herbs, but they are all sold out." Then Lucas replied, "Oh, okay, son." Then Rico sat down on a sofa, and start feeling Riolu"s skin.

After a brief silence, Lucas, thinking, suggested, "Hey, I heard that there are Revival Herbs in a field called Soratas Meadows, just a mile east from here." Then Rico, stunned, replied, "What? Really?" Then Lucas, smiled, replied, "You can get some if need. They grow every two months, and the fields were huge and wild. You can get some tommorow morning." Then Rico, smiling, replied, "Wow, that"s amazing. Thanks, Dad." Then Lucas replied, "Your welcome, son. And it"s dinner time, come on, let"s eat."

After dinner and brushing his teeth, Rico get a book about Pokemon, went upstairs to his bedroom, and start reading and memorizing some easy Pokemon moves. He can also do and display his own battle style. When the time reaches 9:46 p.m., he closed his book, turned off his lamp, and went to sleep.

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