Pokemon Pearl

Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

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Tomorrow is Sunday, the beginning of the week, and Rico, after rising in the morning, went to the beach to have training with Ben .

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Then their battle began, with Ben calling his Pichu out . Upon seeing a new Pokèmon, Rico asked, "Who"s that Pokèmon?" He then checked in is Pokedex; the Pokedex then responded, "Pichu, the Tiny Mouse Pokèmon, an Electric-type Pokèmon . Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans . However, if it does so, it also surprises itself . "
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"Wow, that"s electrifying," Rico commented upon hearing it; then to Ben with confidence, "Okay, let"s begin!" Then, Ben had his first move, "Alright, Pichu, use Thundershock!" His Pichu then used Thundershock, emitting a wave of electricity towards Riolu . But Riolu quickly dodged it . Rico then commanded it, "Riolu, use Karate Chop!" Riolu then used Karate Chop, delivering a sharp chop striking Pichu, eventually paralyzing Riolu . Thinking fast, Rico quickly commanded Riolu, "Quickly, use Quick Attack!" But Riolu is paralyzed, unable to move . Seeing an opportunity, Ben commanded his Pichu, "Use Thundershock!" His Pichu then used Thundershock, emitting a wave of electricity, electrifying Riolu . Thinking even faster, Rico quickly commanded Riolu, "Quickly, use Counter!" But before Riolu could use it, Ben"s Pichu quickly used Thundershock again, striking Riolu, fainting it . Accepting Ben"s win without hesitation, Rico called back his Riolu, and said, "Riolu, you are awesome . Have some rest . " Seeing him being a fair trainer, Ben brightly commented, "Wow, what a great battle . And you"re being a fair trainer . That"s good, Rico . "

"Thank you, Ben," Rico happily responded . Ben"s Pichu then electrifying-playing its ukulele . @@

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