So this little act was carried out, and when the two girls felt sure that Polly and her companions had noticed them reading the wireless message, Eleanor whispered: "Now we can stroll over and join them. Leave it to me."

Just before she joined her friends, Eleanor thrust the paper into her sweater pocket, and seemed not to remember it. But Nancy spoke of it, immediately.

"I see you received a _billet-doux_, too. Is there any reason why I should not say to you exactly what you said to Polly, when she got hers?"

laughed the young lady.

"Oh, not at all! I am not so bashful about my affair," retorted Eleanor, taking the paper from her pocket and handing it to Nancy. "You may read it aloud, if you choose."

So Nancy read, and the fact that the words conveyed the same information as Polly"s had done, but the sender had signed himself "Paul," made Polly feel relieved. Then she said:

"It is evident that someone secured a yacht to carry our friends out to see us this evening. My message said about the same thing, so now, you see, it was ridiculous in Eleanor to tease about it being a love-note.

Had she been sensible I would have read it aloud to all, but because of her silliness, I made up my mind to keep her guessing."

Nancy and Ruth laughed, but Eleanor and Dorothy exchanged glances with each other. Then Nancy said anxiously: "We ought to start and dress most fetchingly for tonight, if everyone you know is coming out."

Before anyone could reply to this suggestion, Mr. Fabian was seen hurrying across the deck to join them. "Girls, our old friend Dalken has a yacht, I hear, and he has invited everyone we know to come out here this evening to welcome us home. We are to be ready to return with him, as he has secured the necessary bill-of-health for us. Now get down to your rooms quickly and pack."

"Oh--aren"t we going to remain to the dance?" asked Eleanor, with disappointment in her tones.

"You can do as you please about that, but we will go back on the yacht when she returns to the city."

In the bustle of packing the stateroom trunks, and then dressing for the evening, the girls forgot about the wireless messages. Then during the dinner that was like a party affair because of the pa.s.sengers" exuberant spirits at being so near home again, Mr. Fabian smiled approvingly at the five young girls in his charge. They looked so charming in their Paris gowns, and their youthful forms and faces expressed such joy and pleasure in living, that he felt gratified to think the old friends would see them as _he_ did that evening.

Shortly after leaving the dining-salon, the attention of the Fabian party was drawn to a graceful white yacht that sailed swiftly down the Bay and soon came alongside the steamer. The spotless looking sailors instantly lowered the boat and a party of young people got in. The Fabian group leaned over the rail of the steamer and watched breathlessly as the boat was rowed across the intervening s.p.a.ce and, finally, was made fast to the steamer.

"Poll, did you recognize your future Fate?" giggled Eleanor, nudging her companion, knowingly.

"I saw _yours_!" retorted Polly. "And now I comprehend why you can speak of nothing else than beaus and Fate! You are so obsessed by your own dreams that you think everyone you know must be dreaming the same stuff!"

Polly turned quickly and hurried to the spot where the visitors were being greeted by Mr. Fabian, and the other girls, laughing at the repartee, followed. In the first group to arrive were Tom Latimer and his younger brother Jim; Kenneth Evans, Jim"s chum; Paul Stewart; and John Brewster with Anne, his bride.

Happy welcomes were exchanged between everyone, but Polly purposely avoided any extra favor being shown Tom Latimer, although he looked as if he deserved it more than Jim and his friend Kenneth. Eleanor quite openly showed her preference for Paul, when they separated from the others for the evening.

"Where is Mr. Dalken and the others?" asked Polly, gazing around at the small group that had arrived on board.

"The boat is going back for the second installment," explained Anne, keeping an arm about Polly"s waist. "We-all were too impatient to see you to accept the suggestion of waiting for the second trip, so the older ones sent us off first."

To Polly"s surprise and joy, the second boat-load brought her father and mother, Mrs. Stewart, the Latimers, the Evans, and Mr. Dalken, the owner of the yacht. When the family circle was complete, on board the steamer, they proved to be a happy party, and many of the pa.s.sengers wished they were included in that merry group.

The steamer rolled gently with the swells from the ocean, while the full moon shone mistily through a fog that veiled its brightness enough to add romance to the meeting of the various young people on deck. Eleanor and Paul had been genuinely delighted to see each other again, and neither cared _who_ knew just how much they liked each other.

Polly watched them for a time, then smiled as they walked away to discover a cozy retreat behind one of the giant smoke-stacks, where they could enjoy a tete-a-tete without interruption. When she turned to hear what her brother John was saying, she found Tom Latimer just at her elbow.

"Suppose we find a nice sheltered spot where you can tell me all about your trip abroad?" suggested Tom, his eyes speaking too plainly how anxious he was to get Polly away from the others.

"Oh, I"d far rather be with the crowd and hear all that is being said,"

said Polly, nervously.

"Very well, then," said Tom, moodily. "I only thought you"d like to hear all about Grizzly Slide and how it"s been cutting up this summer. The gold mine has had several adventurers trying to jump the claim, too; and Rainbow Cliffs has had an injunction served on it so that we are tied up by law, this year."

"So mother wrote to me. But I don"t want to hear about troubles and business tonight. I just want to enjoy myself after coming home to all the dear folks," said Polly.

Tom was too unsophisticated with girls, although he was so popular with men, to make allowance for the contrary spirit that often sways a girl when she wishes to make a good impression; so he sulked and followed at Polly"s heels when she hurried after her friends.

Mr. Dalken turned just now, and saw the girl running as if to get away from Tom, and he understood, fairly well, just how matters were. So he endeavored to calm Polly"s perturbed spirit and encourage Tom"s "faint heart" at the same time.

"Well, Polly dear," said he, placing an arm about her shoulders, "now that you have seen many of the wonder-spots of Europe, and know more about antiques and art than any of us, I suppose you are quite decided that business is not your forte, eh? The next thing I"ll hear from you, you"ll have dropped your ambitions and be sailing down a love-stream to a snug harbor."

"Indeed not! You ought to know me better than that, Mr. Dalken," declared Polly, vehemently, causing her companions to laugh. "I am more determined than ever, since seeing such wonderful things in Europe, to devote my life to my chosen profession. Why, the marvellous objects I saw in Europe, used in interior decorating in centuries past, enthuse me anew. I wonder that anyone can keep from studying this fascinating art where there is such a broad field of work and interest."

Polly"s mother and father listened to their daughter, with adoration plainly expressed on their faces, and Tom had to grit his teeth to keep from swearing, because of what he considered their influence over Polly in this, her foolish infatuation for a business when she ought to be in love with him.

When Mr. Dalken saw that he had launched a dangerous subject for Polly and Tom, he had a bright idea. So he acted upon it instantly. He excused himself from his friends" circle, and sought the Captain. In a short time thereafter, the pa.s.sengers heard the band playing dance music, and immediately, most of the younger set hurried to the Grand Salon.

It was second nature with Polly to dance, and she did so with as much grace as she rode her father"s thoroughbred horses on the ranch; or hiked the Rockies, over boulders and down-timber like a fawn. Kenneth Evans, the youngest man in the party from the city, was by far the handsomest one in the group; and when he guided Polly through the maze of dancers, they both attracted much attention.

Tom stood and sulked while he watched Polly dance, but he refused to dance himself, although he was considered a most desirable partner by any one who had ever danced with him. Eleanor was having such a thoroughly good time while dancing with Paul, that she forgot about the romances and lovers" quarrels of others.

The moment Kenneth escorted Polly to a chair and stood fanning her, Tom pushed a way over to them and said, quite a.s.suredly: "The next dance is mine, Polly."

"Why, I never told you so, at all!" exclaimed Polly, annoyed at Tom"s tone and manner. "How do you know there will be another one?"

Tom flushed and sent Kenneth an angry glance, although poor Ken was innocent of any guile in this case.

"If you do not care to dance with me, Polly, say so, and I"ll go to the smoking-room and enjoy the companionship of men who appreciate me,"

retorted Tom, impatiently.

The imp of resistance took instant possession of Polly, and she said: "Tom, there"s where you belong--with men who want to talk about work and money. You are too old to enjoy youthful follies as I do."

Tom had been dreaming of this meeting with Polly again, for so long, that now everything seemed shattered for him. He felt so injured at her mention of his age in comparison with her own, that he said nothing more, but turned on his heel and marched away without a backward glance. His very foot-falls spoke of his feelings.

Polly turned to Kenneth and resumed her laughing banter, and he thought she was glad to rid herself of Tom"s company. He felt puzzled, too, because Tom Latimer, in _his_ estimation, was everything n.o.ble and manly.

But Kenneth was inexperienced with girls" subtleties. Had Eleanor been present she would have understood perfectly how matters were.

After this incident, Polly danced every dance with a gayety of manner that she did not truly feel. Some of the joy of that party was lacking, but she would not question the cause of it.

Tom went directly to the smoking-room where he sat down to brood over his misery. He never filled his pipe, but sat lost in thought until a friendly voice at his elbow said: "Well, old pard! Anne says you are to come with me. She has a word to say. She is a wizard, too, so you"d best obey without question."

Tom looked up and saw John. "Can Anne help me in the planning of the legal defence of those lava-cliffs at Pebbly Pit?" Tom demanded of his friend.

John smiled knowingly. "I"ll admit you"re not smoking, even though you rushed to a sanctum protected from girls" invasion; and you are not thinking of lava or injunctions, just now. You"re pitying yourself for what you consider shabby treatment, while all the time Anne can see that your evening"s disappointment is your own fault."

Tom weakened. "For goodness" sake, tell Anne to advise me what to do, if she knows every cure."

"Come on and have a talk with her. She is just outside, waiting for us,"

coaxed John, placing his arm in that of his friend"s, and gently forcing him out of the room.

When Tom met Anne"s sympathetic eyes, he confessed. "Anne, what"s the matter with Polly? She doesn"t seem to know I am on earth. Did you watch her enjoy that dance with a kid like Ken, and then snub _me_ outright when I asked her to dance the next one with me?"

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