
Chapter 2

[_Again sitting._

And yet--perchance it is as well they come Now ... while there yet is time for more withdrawals.

_Osio_ (_starting_). More?

_Bianca._ For--I fear all trust in you is folly; And that the heresy of Rizzio Which I agreed with you to take unto Monsignor Querio--

_Osio_ (_clenching_). Shall not be taken?

[_She rises._

Not! but you leave the brunt to me alone?

_Bianca._ You purpose more, I think, than to restrain him.

_Osio._ And you more than abjuring! You would gaze Upon his G.o.dless schisms, ...

Upon the naked luring of his lies!

_Bianca._ No! Tho the beauty of them--

_Osio._ Beauty! beauty!

[_Striking the Pan near him._

That wind of infidelity from h.e.l.l He blows out of his lips do you call beauty!

No!--and he with his poets and philosophers, His Platos And star-mad Copernicas, And that Dominican, Giordano Bruno, For whom the stake to flames will yet be lit, Shall learn you are too late in your relenting!

_Bianca_ (_stricken_). Too ... late!

_Osio._ His heresies shall reap their due.

_Bianca_ (_death-pale_). Which means--that you already have revealed them!

Have sent unto Monsignor Querio To-day-- Rizzio"s wedding-day!-- For that It was you sought out Matteo, who, pledged Unto Marina, As were you to me, Has broke his troth?...

And now, now you await him?--O was not Your promise to me that a week should pend Ere any step?

_Osio._ I will not lose my soul,

[_Turns away._

And dallying is the feebleness of fools.

_Bianca._ And will lies save it--tho they be for Heaven!-- To one who nigh has lost her soul for you?

[_When he does not answer, more penetratively._

We have been friends, Osio, long been friends, And, woman that I am, I would "twere more, But in this I suspect--

_Osio._ Enough! we prate!

[_Rankling, uneasily._

I say enough.

_Bianca._ And I say all too little,


Until I tell you now plain to your face, And to your heart Plunging toward this pa.s.sion, That not alone a hate of heresy Is haunting you to it, but that the lips And eyes and brows and soul of--

_Osio._ Will you cease!

_Bianca._ I tell you that you love her--Porzia!

And veer but to the vision of her face!

_Osio_ (_who after strangling silence finds words_).

If you say that, Bianca, ever again Or if, by all the demons that Avernus Pours out upon the black Phlegraean fields, You hint it or suggest it to her, till--

_Bianca._ Till you achieve her! and have wrapped the rites Of the Church round your achieving?

Till you have severed her from Rizzio-- Have swept her from perdition-- Into your swathing arms! I say you shall not!

Me you have set aside, but there an end!

[_Starts toward door._

_Osio._ Stop! whither do you go?

_Bianca._ To call them! call!

And to betray your treachery--and mine!


Rizzio! Porzia! Rizzio!

_Osio._ Maledictions!

[_Seizing her wrists._

Will you become a dagger, and not know, Stiletto that you are, what thing you stab!

_Bianca._ The infatuation festering within you!

Till, deaf with the desire of it and dream, You cannot tell their voice from Deity"s.

[_Calls again._

Rizzio! Porzia! Ta.s.so!

[_The music ceases._

_Rizzio_ (_within; startled_). It was Bianca!

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