
Chapter 7

_Bianca._ Yes; I was near. Her words--that struck me stark.

I could not speak. Do you know aught of this, You who have seen these dark distractions in her?

Or does this ... drone of Signor Osio?

[_Toward Matteo._

What brings him here?

_Matteo._ Marina there.

_Bianca._ Ha, yes!

[_At door rear._

The honey from that flower--but what else?

[_At door right._

Marina, yes, for you have been with her Too often under the moon, but there is more Behind you than yourself. Your master has Not sent you?

_Matteo._ Yes, Signora. To your beauty He sends salute; and to your lady cousin Who ... O Signora, see! (_staring_) upon the terrace!

[_He has broken off awestruck._

See, see! Oh, in her hand there is ... Oh!--oh!

[_They turn and behold Porzia trancedly approaching, a stiletto before her and her lips moving obliviously._

_Porzia._ And should I not, Madonna, if ... O should I?

Would you in heaven not a.s.suage and shrive me?

Make the wound seem as holy as were Christ"s?

Miraculously make--

_Bianca._ Porzia!

_Porzia._ Make--(_dazed_)

_Bianca._ Porzia, do you dream!

_Porzia_ (_startled_). Bianca! (_dropping blade_) You?

[_A pause._

_Bianca._ This speech to weapons! this distraction. What And whence and why is it? Your child--

_Porzia_ (_quickly_). Yes, yes!...

[_A little incoherent._

I went into the garden to wait Aloysius, My uncle Aloysius, who is a leech.

I have not slept.... What is it I am saying?

[_Seeing Matteo._

Is that one come to tell--

_Bianca._ He is the servant-- Of Osio.

_Porzia_ (_with recoil_). Of Osio?... Of Osio?


_Matteo._ Signora, yes. He sends me with a message.

He begs that he may see you.

_Porzia._ See?

_Matteo._ Implores That this strange shrinking from him and aversion, This pale ... and unintelligible ... repulsion You have of late--

_Porzia._ Go back to him! go, go!

[_Struggling: with solemn abhorrence._

And say I cannot see him. He is my brother, My husband"s brother, Whom I pray to honor.

And is much like my husband: A likeness that unreasonably, it may be, I shudder to look upon: and yet--

_Matteo._ He bade me To say, Signora, nothing must prevent; That it concerns--

_Porzia._ See him I will not, ever!

[_With utter repugnance._

And cannot and should not tho he sought me in That time which lies beyond eternity, That s.p.a.ce which is beyond the brink of all.

What thing it is haunting his heart I know not.

But in his presence all my flesh becomes A shudder of horror, All my soul a fear.

My husband"s brother is he, my poor husband"s, But he.... Go, go!... and tell him that strange drawings And strange repulsions pa.s.s the hearts of those Whom grief has gathered upon; and that I who Upon my wedding-day had torn from me--

[_Suddenly, uncontrollably._

Say, say I would he were not on the earth!

_Bianca_ (_amazed, suspicious_). Porzia! what is this!

_Porzia._ I know not: go!

[_He goes, then Marina, fearful. An over-fraught pause._

_Bianca_ (_at length, jealously_). For this there is a reason--and but one.

You love, you love him!

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