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All the people present, every single one of them were paused in their tracks. Their mouth were shut due to the immense pressure. They gave a respectful look to the armored man that was emitting a dominating aura.

Even before the armored man spoke,  his confident figure and aura that was similar to an emperor had long already broke apart the last line of defence in everyone"s heart.

If there ever comes a day, when the G.o.d of potatoes comes to the last leg of his days… 

You shall be crowned King!

But potato is still the one true G.o.d, this is the only thing that I will not make a concession about. 

The armored man slowly make his way to the podium in the village square, drew out his sword, and bashed it heavily against the wooden floor of the podium, almost making a hole in the floor.

"Slience!" Howled the armored man. His bra.s.s manly voice echoed in the crowd, lingering for a long time before dissipating. Hearing that, we heed the command of this emperor, and swallowed our saliva, preparing to hear the man"s orders.

As the man took off his cool helmet with his trembling hands. Our eyesights were forcefully took away from us as our line of sights were penetrated by a beam of dazzling light.

In the end, a skinny face belonging to an old man that was similar to a mummy appeared in our retinas. But even so, a sense of subservience still appeared naturally inside our hearts.

Up until he began to speak that is.

"The golden time of the day is the morning, and money makes the world goes round." A phrase with an unknown meaning came from that throat with a voice full of magnetism.

Why is it you again, previous village chief? Your speech from before had made me think for some time, and even made me doubt myself. And now, what kind of nonsense have you utter again? 

Interesting! Isn"t there any normal person in the village chief family?

"You… What are you doing here, dad!" All of a sudden, the current village chief that was below the podium watching the situation unfolds finally rushed up to the podium, and grabbed hold of the armored old man suffering from amnesia.

There, that middle-aged man with the squared face is the village chief of our village. Although he is a bit too old, you could still see some form of resemblance of Wu De from that bearded face.

Now that I thought of this, a feeling of anger welled up inside me.

Sorry, although you might be the only normal person left in the family, but I still dislike you! Drill a hole in the ground, and bring along your son with you to become nutrients to the soil!

"Un… Unfilial son! How dare you!" The old man  shook off the hands of his son, his serious face determined without any trace of compromise. But in the end, he could not win against his son.

With a twitching face, embarra.s.sment and a headache, the village chief dragged away the old man from the stage in a bad mood.

"The undertaking of the previous emperor has halted before it was half finished when he died, the world is now divided into three countries. Our province of Shu Han has exhausted its resources, this is now the time of crisis. The Guards and officials are busy with the courts affairs and the generals are outside fighting with their life on the line. This is because they are reminiscing the deeds of the previous emperor, and are now repaying them to you, my emperor!!!!" Following the last cry, the old man was taken away from the inspection place by Di Yana"s Dad.

What the h.e.l.l are you guys doing… Am I allow to go back now?


Right at this time, a second noise sounded from the direction where the old man first appeared.

Oh…Oh! Is it the appearance of another armored man with intimidating aura? …

Never mind. Take it that I didn"t say anything.

What came into sights of the entire villagers was a man with a half broken armor.

The once enormous dark blue armor was looking like it hasn"t been maintained for over a few tens of thousands of years, with its glow long dulled. An empty sword sheath hung at his waist meant that the sword which was symbol of knight was lost as well.

However, the saddest part was that the head of this man, was covered by a metal bucket with only three exposed small holes acting as the helmet.

This contrast is… really…

If we compared this S rank warrior with the old man, we could say that Lambert"s aura is literally the water molecules on the leaf which an ant was moving as he crawled along on the soil beside the feet of a child that was playing in the playground.

"Hehehe… I am Lambert Stevecia. Lancelot, the son of the hero [Stevecia] that killed the demon king. At the same time, I am the leader of the [S rank] adventurer squad——[Demonic sword of Fallen Abyss. Dangerous Thunder Warrior. Impact that shattered Heaven and Earth!]. Occupation is [Warrior], my t.i.tle is…"

Unfortunately, no matter how Lambert announces his t.i.tles with his prideful voice, all he had gotten were out slient depises.

Without any slightest amount of perception of our thoughts or any obersvation of our sour-gourd liked expressions, the hermit crab crossed his arms, and shouted without bringing any disgrace to the t.i.tle [Idiot] even in the slightest bit. "Today! I will be the main examiner of this inspection. Everyone, did you all feel very honoured about this?"

"… Yay!" After a few seconds of slience, the crowd finally uttered that sentence lifelessly.

That"s enough… I really want to go back home. This is literally a joke.

There are important things for me to do! I didn"t come here to watch you, the hermit crab to show off. My five hundred and forty one wives are still waiting for me to go back and look after  the young G.o.ds resting in the fields!

"Now then, I presume that you guys are feeling excited as well. In that case, I won"t waste time anymore, and properly introduce the main contents with regards to this inspection~"

I have no clue whether he was deaf in the ears or blind in the eyes; or was it just stupidness. Lambert ignored the dumb looks of the entire village, and carried on speaking to himself.

"When we talk about adventurers, there are four aspects with regards to their capabilities overall." Lambert that has entered the lecturer mode seems to be in a good mood but if his helmet was to drop down now, perhaps he would use [Earth tunneling skill] to escape from the sunlight and people sights.

"Firstly, stamina is of the it utmost importance, without stamina nothing could be done."

Ok… At least the things that he said still make some sense.

"The second aspect is endurance. If you guys cannot withstand the blow from a dragon"s claw, you guys are trash then."

Wait a sec…? What nonsense did you just say, you brat?

"The third will be magic affinity. Weaklings like you guys will be annihilated immediately once arrived at the demon continent if you guys are unable to resist the corrosion of Magic."

Hermit crab, you have insulted people until you have reached a new height. You are literally courting death.

"Lastly, it will be determination! Without the determination of defeating the demon king, you guys will ultimately become losers that can only eat potatoes in the streets."

Enough! I had enough! I am going up there to butcher him!

However, right at this moment… whispers sounded in my ears.

"Is it him…"

"Affirmative… Although the armor is different… But that is definitely that [Lambert]. That"s right."

"Follow according to plan…"


A sinister feeling crept up behind my spine, and I turn around immediately to look at the direction of the whispers. However…

There was no suspicious figure other than the villagers that were staring at the hermit crab with dead pan expressions.

Something… is coming…

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