“Jie Jie Jie Jie...” Wu De"s entire body trembled as he stared at the electricity that was 

flickering in front of him, the original face of his has been twisted out of shape. Standing 

right in front of the examination partic.i.p.ants, he couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of 

saliva known as [fear] when he heard the sizzling sound of electricity. 

As he was number one in sequence, he could only accept the cruel reality of being the 

first to receive the [electrotherapy] in silence. 

He hesitated. He had definitely hesitated. 

Rather let"s see this from another angle, any sane person will definitely hesitate as well 

when they are under such circ.u.mstances… 

Even if he was an annoying and naughty kid, he is different from Lambert. He still had 

some intelligence. 

Now then, as the last person standing at the back of the queue, let me briefly describe 

the situation at the front. 

A stout man towered eight feet tall wearing a garbage-like useless armor, was beckoning 

with his hand to invite the front most person of the queue to come over to his side. 

Beside the armored man, a cute creature stood there as well, waiting for her next victim 

to arrive. 

This scene literally resembled an imagery of an executioner inviting innocent young 

sheep to be on their way to the depths of h.e.l.l. 

Furthermore, the iron- black bucket-helmet was turning scarier and scarier with red 

lights seemingly shining through from within the 3 small holes on the bucket-helmet. 

The Lambert now... is literally looking like a maniac killer that appeared frequently in 

drama shows. 

However, even though I"m aware that my turn will eventually come soon, why… why am 

I feeling such happiness from this? 

Ah~ so happy~ 

So happy~ 

It will be fine Wu De. Perhaps your disrespectful heart towards the Potato G.o.d will be 

cured after getting some shocks. [Electrotherapy] can cure all kinds of ailments, even the 

defeated Demon King can be revived with this you know~ 

Don"t be afraid. Come receive the treatment. You need the treatment.  

And then get electrocuted to death... Ah, wrong. And then be rebirth from within the 

electricity, s.h.i.tty brat. 

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