Power and Wealth

Chapter 441 – Swimming with a Beauty

Chapter 441 – Swimming with a Beauty

Dong Xuebing drove all over Da Feng County and did not notice anyone following them.

Dong Xuebing felt disappointed. This incident made him realize his experiences are still far from Xu Yan and Xie Huilan. Whenever anything happens, Dong Xuebing can only think of using his fists or scold the other party. But Xu Yan just boarded his car without saying anything. If Da Feng County had sent someone to follow them, the officers would be in trouble. This is killing someone without using any weapons. What Xu Yan did is called political struggle, and Dong Xuebing still has lots to learn.

“Sister Xu, I think those people will not be coming again.”

“I think so too.”

“I still want to thank you for your help today.” Dong Xuebing sincerely replied. “Other than my parents, I respect you the most. Just let me know if you need any help. I might not be able to help much in many areas, but fighting and being your vanguard is not a problem.”

Xu Yan laughed. “I can become the City Bureau Chief is because of your help. I should be the one thanking you.”

“Err… let’s not thank each other.”

“You are the one who started it first. Haha… I have never treated you as an outsider. Although you are always impulsive and rash, but not many young men are like you now. When you were in State Security, you had shouldered all the blame for your subordinates’ mistakes, and I was impressed. Your character is not suitable to be in the government service, but you have the charm.” Xu Yan adjusted her seatbelt, causing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to jiggle.

Dong Xuebing felt a bit embarra.s.sed. “What charm do I have? I am almost the public enemy in my County.”

Xu Yan laughed. “Let’s not talk about all these anymore. Send me back to my hotel. I need to change and then accompany me to a place.”

“Where are you going?”

“You will know when we get there.”

3 pm.

In front of an indoor swimming complex in the western district.

Dong Xuebing parked the car and looked at the signboard. “Swimming complex?”

Dong Xuebing had never expected Xu Yan to come here.

Xu Yan had changed out of her uniform and is wearing a sports attire with black tights. She looks extremely s.e.xy in it. “When I was in charge of the General Affairs Department, it is considered a deskbound job. But I am the Bureau Chief now and cannot spend all my time on paperwork. I must still maintain my fitness. It would be embarra.s.sing if I got beaten down with one blow during emergencies. Haha… I was trained in martial arts when I entered State Security. But my body cannot keep up as I got older now. That’s why I intend to swim at least three hours and jog every week.”

Huh? But why did you ask me to come along?

Xu Yan is going swimming? Dong Xuebing’s heart is racing as he imagines how she will look like in a swimsuit.

Xu Yan continued, and Dong Xuebing understood why she asked him to accompany her. She looks around unsuspectingly. “This place is not far from Rui He Hotel, and we had driven past earlier. If those people had lost us in the afternoon, they should be here soon. Let’s go in and wait for them. Don’t park in the carpark. Just park along the roadside, which is more noticeable.”

After Xu Yan finished, she made a phone call. “h.e.l.lo, Xiao w.a.n.g… Yes. Get someone over to the swimming complex beside Rui He Hotel… that’s right. There is a Camry with registration plate 2239 parked outside. Monitor the surroundings and see if there are any suspicious men following or watching that car… If you all notice anyone suspicious, just arrest them and don’t need to wait for my orders… alright. That’s all.”

Xu Yan is doing this to help me.

Dong Xuebing suddenly felt Xu Yan is scheming. She purposely changed out of her State Security uniform and asked him to drive past Rui He Hotel to get their attention. They will just wait for them to fall into this trap.

Dong Xuebing is touched by what Xu Yan is doing for him, but he is also worried it will affect her work. “I had warned them this afternoon, and I think they will not be here. You…”

Xu Yan laughed. “It’s fine as I have nothing to do this afternoon. Just treat it as you are accompanying me to exercise. When my son was young, he kept asking me to bring him swimming. But after he grew up and followed his father, I have never step foot into any swimming complexes again. I love to swim in the past.”

Xu Yan sounds sad, and Dong Xuebing quickly says. “Then I will accompany you today. But I am not good at swimming.”

“We will know after we get into the water. Your biggest problem is being modest.”

“Huh? I am not modest now.”

Indoor swimming complex.

Both did not bring their swimsuits, and they went to a counter selling swimsuits after they enter. Dong Xuebing picks a swimming trunk randomly, but Xu Yan took her time to pick one she likes. In the end, she picks a black swimsuit, and Dong Xuebing did not notice the designs as it was not nice to keep looking at her swimsuit.

After that, they went to change.

Dong Xuebing finished changing and entered the pool area. There are several pools within the complex. There is a shallow pool, deep pool, and heated pool. It is a Sat.u.r.day, and it is not crowded. Most of the people there are families with their kids and couples. It’s been years since Dong Xuebing swam.

Let’s swim!

I should also take some time off to relax!

Splas.h.!.+ Dong Xuebing jumped into the heated pool and felt like he is soaking in a hot spring. It is very comfortable.

“You are quite fast. Have you start swimming?” Xu Yan asked behind him.

“Oh, I just got into the water to test the temperature. The water is quite warm.” Dong Xuebing turned and looked at Chief Xu. Her swimsuit is quite conservative without a lot of colors or designs. Almost 90% of it is black. But Xu Yan has a voluptuous figure, and the swimsuit enhances it.

Xu Yan saw Dong Xuebing looking at her and smiles. “How is it? Is my swimsuit fitting?”

Dong Xuebing quickly looks away. “It suits you well.” It’s more than fitting, and he even felt it enhanced Xu Yan’s charms.

“Good.” Xu Yan walks over to the side of the pool and slides into the water after testing the temperature with her toes. “Hmmm… it’s warm. Oh, I had called my men, and they have arrived. But they did not notice anyone suspicious. Let’s just ignore them if they are not coming. We will continue to swim.”

Dong Xuebing nodded and waddle in the water. When Xu Yan’s back is facing him, he quickly glanced at her body and b.u.t.t. Although Xu Yan is much older than him, he cannot control himself.

“Let’s race.” Xu Yan waved to Dong Xuebing to get closer.

Dong Xuebing walks to the starting point. “Alright. You must slow down for me to catch up.”

Xu Yan laughed. “Ready… three… two… one… Go!”

Xu Yan’s sudden burst is quite strong, and she swam in freestyle. Very soon, she is leading by two to three meters. Dong Xuebing cannot be compared to her and doesn’t know freestyle. He only knows b.r.e.a.s.t.stroke and can’t catch up with her. The warm pool is quite small, and they reach the other side of the pool in no time.

Xu Yan held onto the side of the pool and looked at Dong Xuebing. “Are you letting me win?”

“No. I am not good at swimming. I did not train when I was young, and it’s not because I don’t have stamina. I just cannot move as fast as I want to in water.”

“Come, let’s race again.”


After swimming for around twenty minutes, Xu Yan notices Dong Xuebing’s swimming posture is incorrect. No wonder he cannot swim fast. She reached over and pulled his arm. “… you are so young, and you can’t even win against me? Come over. I will teach you the correct posture. Your arms should not be moving like this. Here… it must be from this angle. Also, your kicking is too wide. Carry on swimming. I will correct you.”

Dong Xuebing smiles. “It’s fine as long as I can swim.”

“How can you be so unmotivated at your age? Huh?” Xu Yan patted Dong Xuebing’s back. “Quick!”

Dong Xuebing has no choice but to swim beside Xu Yan. She remained beside him and started correcting his arms’ postures and touched his legs to correct them. She has soft hands, and it felt good to be touched by her. His body even starts to react because of her touches. Dong Xuebing got a fright and didn’t dare to stop, as he is afraid she will notice it.

d.a.m.n! This is too embarra.s.sing!

Suddenly, a few men entered the pool area and got Dong Xuebing’s attention.

“Eh? Why are there here?” Dong Xuebing looks at those people.

Xu Yan also turns and looks at them. “You know them?”

Dong Xuebing stopped and ma.s.saged his aching arms. “That skinny guy is w.a.n.g Bo. Li Feng’s secretary and the group of men with him are Korean investors. Have you heard of Park Yongxi?”

“Oh, no wonder I find him so familiar. Is he that Tae Kwon Do Grandmaster and is one of the top Tae Kwon Do pract.i.tioners internationally?”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “Why are they here? Swimming? But they did not change into swimsuits.”

w.a.n.g Bo had entered the pool area with Park Yongxi and his men, and a man, who seems to be from Da Feng Investment Promotion Agency, is showing them around. w.a.n.g Bo also points to the ceiling, pools, and other facilities to introduce them to the group of Koreans.

Dong Xuebing suddenly remembers that he had heard Park Yongxi is going to invest in an integrated sports complex comprised of tennis, gyms, bowling alleys, swimming, etc. Is he here to inspect this indoor swimming complex?

Xu Yan looks away. “Let’s ignore them and carry on swimming.”

Translator’s notes: I find Xu Yan seems to be seducing Dong Xuebing purposely, and he is attracted to her. Will she be his fourth woman?

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