Power and Wealth

Chapter 455 – Taking advantage of Huilan

Chapter 455 – Taking advantage of Huilan


The sky has cleared up, and the sun comes out behind the clouds.

Dong Xuebing walks out of the office building and drove the old Santana towards the Party Committee Building, leaving his Cayenne at the agency. This car is around seven to eight years old and is breaking down due to heavy usage. But it is good not to stand out. Dong Xuebing had created lots of trouble recently, and he dares not to drive his Cayenne to the Party Committee Building now.

County Party Committee building.

Zhao Xinglong’s Office.

Dong Xuebing knocks. “Mayor Zhao, I’m here to report.”

“Oh, you are back.” Zhao Xinglong smiles. “Did you have a good rest? How’s your health?”

“Thank you for your concern? I had gone for a checkup at the hospital, and the doctors say I am fine.” After some pleasantries, Dong Xuebing took out a doc.u.ment from his back. “I have something to discuss with you. I had gone through our data on our previous investment fair. Should we….”

Zhao Xinglong frowned. “Investment Fair?”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “Labor day is around the corner, and I am thinking of organizing a large-scale investment fair like Da Feng County during the Labor Day holidays.”

Zhao Xinglong thought for a while. “It’s not that I don’t support you, but it’s not easy to hold an investment fair. I remember we spent a lot on the investment fair the year before last, but we got only two small projects. Party Secretary was still the one who organized it, and we did not get any results. It had embarra.s.sed our leaders.” Zhao Xinglong did not hide anything from Dong Xuebing. This is the real reason why the County did not hold any investment fair for the past two years.

After putting in so many resources, but only a handful of investors appeared.

It did not look good on the County’s Leaders.

“Mayor Zhao, it will be different this time.” Dong Xuebing replied. “Yan Tai County has changed a lot, and I am confident of getting Master Park’s investment as we had discussed the details. He will sign the contract with us after his site inspections, and we can hold the contract signing ceremony during the investment fair.” With investment worth 60 to 100 million, it will not look bad on the County even if they did not get other investments.

Zhao Xinglong becomes excited. “Are you sure Master Park will invest in our County?”

Dong Xuebing confidently replied. “Yes.”

Zhao Xinglong took the doc.u.ment from Dong Xuebing and started reading it. It is an investment fair proposal. He paused for about two minutes after reading it and picks up his phone to make a call. “h.e.l.lo, Secretary Hu? I’m Zhao Xinglong… Yes… Is Mayor Xie in her office?” Zhao Xinglong needs to seek the County Government’s approval first, as they had not held any investment fair for two years.

Dong Xuebing could have gone straight to Xie Huilan. Still, Zhao Xinglong is the Deputy Mayor overseeing the County’s economic development, and it’s not right to override him. Both have a good working relations.h.i.+p, and Dong Xuebing does not want Zhao Xinglong to feel disrespected.

About 10 minutes after Zhao Xinglong left for Xie Huilan’s office, Dong Xuebing’s phone rang.

Hu Silian called. “Chief Dong, Mayor Xie wants to see you in her office now.”

“Ok. I will go over now.”

Dong Xuebing knocks twice on the Mayor’s office and lightly opens the door after hearing Xie Huilan’s voice. Every time he sees Xie Huilan, he will notice her smiling eyes first. Her eyes are attractive and seductive.

“Mayor Xie, Mayor Zhao.” Dong Xuebing greeted and closed the door behind him.

“Sit.” Xie Huilan put down her teacup and asked. “I heard your Investment Promotion Agency wants to hold an investment fair during the Labor Day holidays. Your proposal is ready, right? Tell me about it, and how do you want the County to a.s.sist you?”

What a.s.sist? Does this mean the County Government agrees to his plan?

Dong Xuebing is overjoyed. “I know the County’s budget is quite tight, but we need some funds….”

Xie Huilan narrowed her eyes. “Funds are not an issue. I will give them a call, and what else do you need?”

Seeing Xie Huilan agreeing without hesitations, Dong Xuebing asked for power. “Err… the investment fair will involve many departments, and we need to coordinate…” During the investment fair, the Public Security Bureau will need to supply manpower for security, and the accommodation has to be arranged. Special arrangements are also needed for projects involving agriculture and waterworks. The Investment Promotion Agency cannot organize the fair by themselves and needed support from other departments. He wants authority over other departments.

Zhao Xinglong is amused and thought to himself, ‘You are too daring to ask for power.’

Xie Huilan laughed. “Party Secretary Xiang and I will lead this investment fair. You will do all the planning and coordination and have authority over our County Government’s departments during this period. We will do our best to give you free rein. Haha… What other requests do you want?”

Dong Xuebing did not ask for too much. “That’s all. Thank you.”

Xie Huilan looks at Dong Xuebing. “You don’t have other requests? Haha… Then it’s my turn. The whole County Government will be supporting you all with the manpower and funds, and you will be held responsible if you cannot achieve any results. My condition is simple. You must bring in at least 150 million RMB worth of investments from this fair. Can you do it?”

150 million RMB?!

Even if Park Yongxi’s investment is included, there is still a huge shortfall.

Dong Xuebing felt it would be hard to achieve, but he is not willing to give up. He had wanted to hold an investment fair is to attract investors. If not, how is he going to achieve this year’s target of 500 million? He immediately agrees and promises to deliver results. It is not easy to get 150 million RMB worth of investment, and he needs to plan this out carefully.

The three of them started discussing the minor details of this fair.

After a while, Xie Huilan got an excuse to get Zhao Xinglong to leave. She asked him to prepare a report for him, leaving Dong Xuebing and her in the office.

Dong Xuebing immediately relaxed. He walked over behind Xie Huilan’s desk and sat on it.

Xie Huilan looks at him and smiles. “Why are you sitting on my desk? Huh? When can you behave like a good Government staff?”

Dong Xuebing doesn’t mind. “It is tiring to pretend in front of you.” Xie Huilan has an overbearing aura, and Dong Xuebing felt good sitting on her desk, looking down at her. “How are you these few days? Is your back still aching?”

“Hehe…” Xie Huilan ma.s.saged the back of her neck. “My back is fine, but my neck is feeling tight.”

Dong Xuebing felt his heartache when he heard this. “That’s because you are sitting at your desk all the time. Let me ma.s.sage your neck for you.”

“I’m fine.”

“Hurry and turn around.”

Xie Huilan shook her head and smiled wearily. “You are so good to me. Haha… my neck and back are old ailments. Most people will have these issues before they are thirty. Haha…you must be busy after coming back. Go back to work, ok?”

Dong Xuebing continued with his ma.s.sage. “I am not in a hurry, and this is not tiring.”

“I don’t want you to tire yourself. Alright… I am feeling better now.”

“Eh, stop moving about and turn over that side. It’s not over yet.”

Sister Xie’s body is slim, and Dong Xuebing can feel her bones on her shoulders. But her chest is not slim, and Dong Xuebing can see a deep cleavage down her blouse while ma.s.saging her.

“Are you trying to take advantage of me again?” Xie Huilan giggled. “You should start thinking about the upcoming investment fair. This fair is critical, and you must produce results.”

Dong Xuebing stops at her down-blouse. “Don’t worry about me. When have I disappoint you?”

“Don’t you feel embarra.s.sed when you say this? When have you not make me worry?”

“Hehe… why should I be embarra.s.sed? I had gone to Da Feng County and s.n.a.t.c.hed a major project from them. Don’t bother with the process and just look at the outcome.” Dong Xuebing does not want to be looked down on in front of his women. “I am not boasting. No one can bring Master Park back to our County except for me.”

Xie Huilan laughed. “Yes… you are the most capable, alright?”

“I know you are saying this from the bottom of your heart, and I will not argue with you.”

“You… haha…”

Dong Xuebing has not seen Xie Huilan for some time and likes to joke with her. After ma.s.saging for a while, his hands started moving down along her ribs. He can feel the soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s on her fingertips and started putting more pressure on his fingers. After she did not stop him, he became bolder and tried to slide his hand down through the top opening of her blouse.


Xie Huilan slapped and pinched Dong Xuebing’s hand. “We are in the office, and Xiao Hu is just outside. Can you spare a thought for me?”

Dong Xuebing slowly withdraws his hands. d.a.m.n! I failed again.

Dong Xuebing has always felt it’s easy to take advantage of Xie Huilan as it was easy to kiss her. But he realized it’s not easy to go further than kisses. It’s very hard to take advantage of her.

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