Power and Wealth

Chapter 643: Reporter Liu Gang is a Spy

Chapter 643: Reporter Liu Gang is a Spy


Interrogation room.

Liu Gang denied he was following Xu Yan and is cursing Dong Xuebing countless times in his heart.

The Third Division Chief coldly said. “Are you still refusing to admit and tell the truth in front of our Chief?”

“I was only pa.s.sing by that area, and I did not follow anyone.”

“Then why did you run when you saw us?”

“I had to run because a group of men was running towards me. Who knows what do they want with me?”

The court seldom handles cases about tailing someone, and this crime is not very serious. Moreover, it’s hard to gather evidence to prove you are following someone. But this time, Liu Gang was caught red-handed.

The Third Division Chief nodded and took out that digital camera. He showed a few pictures and showed them to Liu Gang. “Explain these.”

These are pictures of the black Brilliance Auto car’s rear, the small estate, and Xu Yan.

Liu Gang’s eyes darted around. “I was not taking pictures of you all. It’s just scenery pictures for an article.”

The other man gave Liu Gang a stare. “Do you know what this place is? Ah? Are you going to write an article about our State Security Bureau’s Family Quarters?! Who gave you the orders to do this?”

Family quarters?

Xu Yan puts down the file and says. “This is a very clear picture of me. Is your newspaper agency going to write an article on me?”

Liu Gang started giving excuses. “I… I was pa.s.sing that area and…. I saw you. You are too beautiful, and I just took a photo of you. I don’t have other motives.” He knew the evidence was against him, and he couldn’t give a good explanation. It is common knowledge that State Security Bureau’s Leaders will never appear in media. If the leaders had to be interviewed, it would be written. Their faces cannot be exposed. Just taking a photo of the City State Security Bureau Chief is enough for him to be arrested.

Suddenly, someone knocks and enters the room. “Chief, we had retrieved the CCTV footage.”

Xu Yan narrowed her eyes. “Play it.”

That man walked to the PC beside and started playing the footage. A few video clips started playing on the monitor. These are the CCTV footage at the traffic junctions. The staff had retrieved all the footage and sorted them quickly. The monitor showed a black Brilliance Auto car traveling on the road and a red Charade following behind. When the black Brilliance Auto car turns, the Charade will turn. When the black Brilliance Auto car stops, the Charade will stop. This continued for almost an hour.

The Third Division Chief looked at Liu Gang. “Do you still dare to say you are not following our Chief?”

This is the evidence.

Liu Gang watched the video clip and noticed a few black cars following him while tailing Xu Yan. Those cars are the ones who arrested him.

Liu Gang kept quiet. He could no longer find excuses.

“Tell me…” Xu Yan tapped the table with her fingers. “What is your motive for monitoring me?”

Liu Gang panicked. “I am not monitoring you…. Alright. I will tell the truth.” He doesn’t dare to admit he was following a State Security Bureau Chief and decided to tell the truth. “I am writing an article on Guang Ming Subdistrict Office Director, Dong Xuebing. He had beaten up some students and a teacher in Yan Tai County School. The District is concerned about this incident. That’s why I decided to follow him around. Later, I saw Dong Xuebing boarding your car, and I continued to follow. Chief…. I am not following you. Have you seen my article in Nan Qi Morning Post today? It is about Dong Xuebing. You can investigate if you don’t believe me.”

Xu Yan calmly replies. “So, you are following Xiao Dong.”

Liu Gang nodded. He had to admit that the punishment would be lighter than following Xu Yan.

“Then where is Xiao Dong?” Xu Yan asked.

“I saw him going into your car and then leaving later.”

“Really? How come I don’t know about this?” Xu Yan shook her head. “I met Xiao Dong today, but he did not board my car. I had been alone in my car. You claim you are following him, and you don’t even know if he is in my car or not. Yet, you just tail me?”

Liu Gang is shocked. “You… You and Dong Xuebing were standing outside that neighborhood estate.”

Xu Yan looked at Liu Gang. “We did meet in front of the estate. I was Xiao Dong’s former Leader when we were in Beijing. He oversees my General Affairs Office for me. It’s been a while since we met, and we met for a short chat. Xiao Dong can still be considered a State Security personnel. But he did not board my car. Did you see Xiao Dong when I stopped my car to arrest you? Why did you switch and follow me instead of Xiao Dong? The only explanation is you knew my relations.h.i.+p with Xiao Dong and used this opportunity to lure me out. Your purpose is to monitor my movements.”

This woman is Dong Xuebing’s former Leader?!

Dong Xuebing had worked in State Security Bureau before?!

Liu Gang doesn’t know about this. But he knows Dong Xuebing is not alone when he set this trap for him. Xu Yan is also involved.

Liu Gang jumps up. “What are you all trying to do to me?!”

The Third Division Chief shouted. “What are you trying to do? Why are you monitoring our Bureau Chief?! What is your purpose, and who sent you?”

Liu Gang is furious. “I told you all that I was following Dong Xuebing, and I am a reporter. I am following him for a report! Why would I follow you all?!”

Suddenly, the door opened.

A young man entered and pa.s.sed a file to Xu Yan politely. “Chief, we had confirmed. Liu Gang had met a few foreigners in the past two days, and he had gone to the US last month. He stayed in the US for five days.”

These are all rubbish. Liu Gang is a reporter and had to interact and interview countless people. It’s normal for him to interview foreign investors and travel overseas for interviews.

But Xu Yan’s face changed when she heard this. “Lock him up and investigate if he is a spy and what information he had leaked. Find out who’s orders he is following.”

Xu Yan had escalated a simple case of tailing into espionage.

Who is Dong Xuebing? He will not give Liu Gang a simple charge of tailing a Government Leader. This is not his style. Since Liu Gang likes to accuse him, he shall do the same.

Liu Gang was stunned.


Following a State Security Bureau Chief?!

Leaking information to foreigners?!

Liu Gang almost vomited blood. F*ck you! Dong Xuebing! Are you trying to kill me?!

Liu Gang is panicking. He will not survive with this charge even if he has ten lives!

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