Power and Wealth

Chapter 659: Who cares whether you live or die

Chapter 659: Who cares whether you live or die


Nan Shan District First Hospital.

Secretary Cang stood outside the hospital ward to stop any visitors. In the ward, Doctor Xu is putting in all his skills to ma.s.sage w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+. He had ma.s.saged almost all acupoints that can relieve pain.

But an hour pa.s.sed.

w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ did not feel better. Instead, the pain was getting worse. Every breath he took felt like one year. The pain is killing him.

After Doctor Xu finished the ma.s.sage, he asked. “Secretary w.a.n.g, how are you feeling?”

w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ is furious. “Why is the ma.s.sage not effective at all?!”

“Your condition is very serious.” Doctor Xu knew the ma.s.sage would not be effective. “You should undergo surgery now. Ma.s.sage will not….”

w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ pressed against his stomach with his palms. “Get someone else! If your hospital doesn’t have any doctors, get them from other hospitals!”

Half an hour later, Secretary Cang contacted all the hospitals in Nan Shan District. The hospitals set up a specialist team to treat w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+. The specialists concluded that surgery is the best treatment after checking w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+’s condition. But w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ refused to listen and insisted on acupoint ma.s.sage treatment. The specialist team had no choice but to find a few Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors to ma.s.sage him.

Four Chinese Doctors ma.s.saged w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ in the afternoon, but they couldn’t relieve his pain.

w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ got mad again. Dong Xuebing could relieve his pain within minutes and last for three to four days. But these licensed Doctors couldn’t do anything to relieve the pain.

The final old Chinese Doctor told w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+. “If someone could relieve your pain in your condition, he must be an expert in Chinese acupoint ma.s.sage. You should look for him. We are helpless to do anything.”

The other Doctors nodded.

w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ is speechless. He just realized how skillful Dong Xuebing is. If he doesn’t want to undergo a risky surgery, he can only ask Dong Xuebing for help.

The door suddenly opens.

“Uncle, how are you feeling?” w.a.n.g Yuling rushed into the ward.

Secretary Cang followed behind her. He had stopped other Leaders from visiting, but w.a.n.g Yuling is w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+’s family member.

w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ was still clenching his stomach in pain and did not say anything. His face was twitching in pain.

A Doctor standing by the bed told w.a.n.g Yuling about w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+’s condition.

Secretary Cang heard it and got worried. He asked. “Secretary, how about… how about we get Xiao Dong to come and treat you?”

w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ did not reply as he was not willing to swallow his pride.

Secretary Cang looks at w.a.n.g Yuling. He is hoping she will call Dong Xuebing.

w.a.n.g Yuling saw Secretary Cang’s expression and said. “Secretary Cang, if you want to look for Director Dong, go and call him yourself. I am not calling.” w.a.n.g Yuling had begged her Uncle when she heard he sent Dong Xuebing to the Party School. She had mentioned what if his appendicitis happens again, but he thought nothing about it and insisted on his way. His appendicitis happened again, and he wanted Director Dong to treat him. She is not willing to all Director Dong as she felt embarra.s.sed.

Nan Shan District Ren Ming Middle Road.

Dong Xuebing is driving towards his mother’s School quarters. He had left the Subdistrict Office at noon for his mother’s place. He wants to give Yang Zhaode a treat for his help.

Dong Xuebing’s phone rang.

Zhou Yanru called. “Director, have you heard about it?”

“Huh? What is it?” Dong Xuebing slowed down.

“Something happened at the District Party Committee. Secretary w.a.n.g fell sick because of his appendicitis.

Dong Xuebing brightens up. “Oh? What happened?”

Zhou Yanru told Dong Xuebing everything she knew.

Dong Xuebing laughed. w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ was sent to the hospital in an ambulance this afternoon. The appendicitis was triggered by his anger for Dong Xuebing.

Serve him right.

Dong Xuebing knew w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+’s appendicitis would relapse these few days. His initial plan was to use REVERSE to delay this condition for three to four days, and he will offer treatment again when it relapsed. This will prove his medical skills and make w.a.n.g Ans.h.i.+ owe him more favors. But now, he doesn’t need to treat him anymore. He lit a cigarette and continued driving.

Ring…. Ring…. Ring….

Dong Xuebing frowned when he saw the number. He had saved all the Leaders’ numbers in his phone, including their secretaries.

The person calling is the Party Secretary’s secretary.

Dong Xuebing answered the call after some considerations. “h.e.l.lo, Secretary Cang.”

Secretary Cang asked. “Director Dong, are you at the Subdistrict Office?”

Dong Xuebing replied. “No. What is it?”

Secretary Cang is unhappy with Dong Xuebing’s tone. But he asked Dong Xuebing for help and did not show his displeasure. “It’s like this. Secretary w.a.n.g is hospitalized for appendicitis and is in critical condition. He asked me to call you to see if you are free now. Previously, the ma.s.sage treatment is quite effective, and he wants you to do it again.”

Dong Xuebing thought he had heard wrongly. “What did you say?!”

Secretary Cang repeated. “Secretary w.a.n.g wants you to come to the hospital.”

Are you kidding me? Dong Xuebing is speechless. You all are asking me to treat his illness? What happened to me after I treated you?! You are the one who turns around and bites me. You targeted me immediately after I treated you, and you want me to treat you again?! You want to get better so you can come after me again!?

F*CK! Do you think I am an idiot?!

F*CK you! Who cares whether if you live or die? What does this have to do with me?

Dong Xuebing coldly replied. “I am a Subdistrict Office staff and not from the Ministry of Health. I don’t know how to treat illness, and I think you got the wrong person.”


Dong Xuebing hangs up before Secretary Cang can say anything.

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