Power and Wealth

Chapter 707: Conquest plan

Chapter 707: Conquest plan

Evening. 8 pm.

The sun has set.

Dong Xuebing walks around his living room with a cigarette between his finger. He kept looking out of the window as he waited for Geng Yuehua. He is frustrated by her att.i.tude towards him and wonders what she is thinking. Does she like him? Why is her att.i.tude so bad towards him if she likes him? If she hates him, why did she sleep with him twice?

Xie Huilan….

Geng Yuehua….

These two women are hard to read.

Dong Xuebing hesitates, but he needs to do this as his Earthquake prevention and mitigation awareness campaign cannot stop. He needs a plan to convince Geng Yuehua.

Suddenly, two cars enter the compound.

Dong Xuebing walked over to the window and looked downstairs. Geng Yuehua’s driver had stopped the car.

Geng Yuehua and Ma Jian alighted from the car. They seemed to have attended a function earlier.

“Mayor Geng, I will go back now.” Ma Jian said politely.

Geng Yuehua nodded. “Don’t forget to prepare tomorrow’s doc.u.ments.”

Ma Jian replied. “Yes, I will print it later tonight.”

Geng Yuehua waved her hand emotionlessly and walked into the building.

Dong Xuebing is happy. Geng Yuehua has not come to the Subdistrict Office Family Quarters for more than a month. She finally comes back despite scolding him this afternoon.

But Dong Xuebing did not go and see Geng Yuehua immediately. He knows it is impossible to persuade her when she’s awake and alert. Her character is similar to Xie Huilan, and both of them will not change their minds easily once they decide. He needs to talk to her when she is sleepy. When someone is sleepy, their defense will be lower.




Dong Xuebing is struggling to keep awake. He straightened his clothes and hair in front of the mirror and walked over to the opposite unit. He pressed the doorbell.

Ding dong… ding dong….

Dong Xuebing thought Geng Yuehua might be sleeping and not hear the doorbell. He is prepared to press the doorbell a few more times and wait. The door opened a few seconds after the doorbell rang, to his surprise. She is standing there in a white blouse and brown pants.

Geng Yuehua asked coldly. “What is it?”

Dong Xuebing smiled. “You…. Are you sleeping yet?”

“Can’t you tell if I am sleeping?” Geng Yuehua stares at Dong Xuebing coldly. “What do you want?”

Dong Xuebing leaned forward and said softly. “Let’s talk inside. It’s not convenient here. Let me go in first.”

Geng Yuehua looks at Dong Xuebing for a few seconds before opening the metal gate to let him in.

Dong Xuebing knows Geng Yuehua’s sleep time should be around 10 pm or 11 pm. He wants to ask if she is waiting for him. But he knows she will not answer this question.

Geng Yuehua ignored Dong Xuebing after letting him in. She walked to the sofa and started flipping the newspaper.

Dong Xuebing closed the door and sat beside her. “I am here to talk to you about the Earthquake prevention and mitigation awareness campaign.”

“Stop!” Geng Yuehua threw the newspaper aside. “I had made it clear today that this will not change!”


“If you have nothing else to say, get out.”

“Mayor Geng….”

“I need to rest now. Close the door when you leave.”

Indeed, Dong Xuebing cannot convince Geng Yuehua when she awakes and is alert.

The earthquake is happening in less than twenty days, and Geng Yuehua wants to stop Dong Xuebing’s Earthquake prevention and mitigation awareness campaign. This made him mad. “Yuehua, you should know or have heard about me. I don’t like to do unnecessary stuff, and I am not doing this for my gain. I am doing it for our Subdistrict’s residents. I want them to be educated on what to do when an earthquake happens.”

“Then you have achieved it now.”

“This is not enough. I still need disaster relief supplies.”

Geng Yuehua’s face changed. “I had tolerated you when you send me earthquake-related information every day and can’t be bothered with you. Do you think I don’t know what you have done in the past week? I closed one eye and helped you block off all complaints to let you finish your campaign. But now, you are asking for relief supplies?! There’s a limit to my patience!”

Dong Xuebing understood how Geng Yuehua thinks, but he can’t explain how he knows the earthquake is coming.

Geng Yuehua took a deep breath to calm herself and read the papers. “I don’t want to waste my time talking to you. Get out!”

“Alright… alright….” Dong Xuebing did not argue with her. “Let’s not talk about this now.”

Geng Yuehua did not reply.

“You are my Leader, and I will listen to whatever you say.”

Geng Yuehua is still angry and ignores him.

Dong Xuebing looks at the time. It’s past midnight. Since talking to her did not work, he will try something else. He poured a gla.s.s of water and held it by her mouth. “Have some water.”

“I am not thirsty.” Geng Yuehua coldly replies.

Dong Xuebing put down the gla.s.s and reached over to hug her waist.

Geng Yuehua’s eyes immediately change. “What is the meaning of this?!”

“Let’s talk about something else.” Dong Xuebing cleared his throat. “Can I sleep over at your place tonight?”

Geng Yuehua replied. “I don’t like sleeping with other people.”

“Huh? It’s not like we have not slept together.”

“I dare you to say that again!”

“Ah…. Fine… fine…. We have not slept together before.”

Dong Xuebing has a headache. It’s so hard to please Geng Yuehua.

Since coaxing and persuading cannot work, he will use force.

Dong Xuebing suddenly stands up and carries Geng Yuehua up like a princess.

Geng Yuehua’s face changed. “Put me down!”

Dong Xuebing ignored. “It’s quite late now. Let’s sleep.”

“I asked you to put me down.” Geng Yuehua stares at Dong Xuebing coldly. “I don’t want to repeat.”

Dong Xuebing had wanted to use force, but Geng Yuehua’s stare sent chills down his back. He gave in and put her down on the sofa gently.

The air becomes tense.

Geng Yuehua continues reading her newspaper, and Dong Xuebing looks at the ceiling.

Geng Yuehua threw the newspaper on the floor a few minutes later and entered the bathroom. She slammed the door hard.

Water sounds can be heard from the bathroom. She seems to be taking a shower.

Dong Xuebing was surprised and felt he might still have a chance.

Geng Yuehua does things fast, and it took around four minutes to finish her shower. The bathroom door opened, and she came out wearing the same clothes. But she had taken off her bra, as Dong Xuebing could see two pinkish dots on her chest. The scent of the shampoo and shower gel fills the room.

Dong Xuebing stood up and was about to say something. But Geng Yuehua walked into her bedroom without looking at him.

Geng Yuehua did not close the bedroom door and left it half-opened.

Dong Xuebing hesitated for a second and entered the room.

Geng Yuehua is sitting on her bed with a book. She had not changed out of her clothes.

“Yuehua….” Dong Xuebing called.

Geng Yuehua continues to ignore him.

Dong Xuebing could guess it, and he quickly took off his clothes and threw them over the chair.

Geng Yuehua did not move or look at Dong Xuebing when he took off his clothes.

Dong Xuebing climbed onto the bed and got under the covers. The pillow, blanket, and sheet have her scent. It smells good. He knows Geng Yuehua appears firm, but she is softhearted inside. He did not say anything, moved closer to her, and hugged her around her waist. He pulled her to the center of the bed and covered themselves with the blanket.

Geng Yuehua’s cold voice sounded from under the blanket. “Switch off the lights.”

Dong Xuebing’s second persuasion method is to conquer Geng Yuehua. This is the only way for her to listen to him. Yes… if he cannot conquer her mentally, he will do it physically!  

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