Power and Wealth

Chapter 718: Found out the real culprit!

Chapter 718: Found out the real culprit!


Dong Hai District, Cheng Hai Hotel.

A call made by Dong Xuebing caused the State Security Bureau Officers to return, and it shocked Chang Dajin and the suited man.

Who is this guy?

How did he send them away with a call?

What Dong Xuebing said is correct. Chang Dajin is only an a.s.sociate with Fen Zhou City State Security Bureau. He is not registered in the system, and the reason he is selected is the nature of his business. He provided funding to the State Security Bureau and helped them gather information. In return, the State Security Bureau will a.s.sist him when necessary. This is why he cannot order or deploy State Security Bureau Officers. He had asked Director Wu for help, but Dong Xuebing sent him back with a phone call. This is too shocking, and he dares not belittle Dong Xuebing anymore.

The air in the office is tense.

Ring… ring… ring…. The phone rang again.

Chang Dajin took a deep breath and answered. “h.e.l.lo?”

“It’s me.” State Security Bureau Director Wu said. “What exactly happens at your side?”

“I….” Chang Dajin stuttered. “I also don’t know what happened. Director Wu, we….”

Director Wu coldly replied. “A higher-up called and asked us to retreat without asking anything. We have left and can’t help you anymore. Settle your problem by yourself.” He paused for a second. “Mr. Chang, we had worked together for two to three years, and I need to remind you something. Fen Zhou City is not as simple as it looks. There are people you can’t afford to offend at every level. Do you understand?” Director Wu had found out something, or he will not say this.

A higher-up had called to stop the State Security Officers?!

Someone who can order Director Wu…. Chang Dajin felt a chill down his spine. “Yes.”

“Good. You are smart, and you should get what I mean. Go and settle your problem properly.”

“Sorry to bother you.”


Dong Xuebing looks at Chang Dajin. “Can you give me an explanation about that DVD now?”

Chang Dajin took a deep breath to calm down and asked. “How do I address you?”

“My surname is Dong.”

“Hurry, get my best tea leaves out and make a cup of tea for Mr. Dong.” Chang Dajin instructed the man in a suit before looking at Dong Xuebing. “Mr. Dong, sorry for offending you earlier.” He admitted defeat. This young man can order Director Wu. How can he offend him?

Dong Xuebing did not reply.

Chang Dajin continued. “I didn’t know you are related to the State Security Bureau, and I cannot reveal these to you. But since you are not an outsider, there’s nothing to hide. Many of our rooms are installed with hidden cameras. You should know this is for information gathering for our State Security Bureau. But I can guarantee that we will never save any useless recordings and use them for personal gains. That’s why I don’t know about the DVD you mentioned.

Dong Xuebing frowned. “Really?!”

Chang Dajin sincerely replied. “Think about this from my perspective. How can we hide from the State Security Bureau if we use those videos to threaten or blackmail others? They will never allow us to do such things. Furthermore, doing such deeds will not benefit our hotel. I am not an idiot, and I know some lines cannot be crossed.”

Dong Xuebing doesn’t believe him. “This is weird. This morning, I saw a DVD sent to the Commission for Discipline Inspection Secretary. It was recorded in your hotel last night around 9 pm. Hmph! If you all did not save the video, how is it made into a DVD and sent to the Commission for Discipline Inspection?!”

Chang Dajin’s face changed when he heard ‘Commission for Discipline Inspection. He immediately turns and looks at the man in a suit.

That man shook his head. “Boss, I don’t know about this.”

“Mr. Dong, are you sure it is our hotel?” Chang Dajin realized how serious this matter was. “I swear I don’t know anything about this.”

Dong Xuebing waved his hand. “Stop feigning ignorance. I don’t care if you know or do not know about this. I am asking you, how are you going to settle this?”

Chang Dajin asked. “Can I ask which room was it?”

“I am not sure.” Dong Xuebing looks at him. “The person who registered for the room is called Geng Xinke.”

“Ok. We can find out with his name.” Chang Dajin looks at his subordinate. “Go and investigate. Question everyone who is on duty last night!”

“Yes.” The man walked out of the office quickly.

Chang Dajin is looking terrible. “I apologize to you if this is our fault. Don’t worry! I will never allow such things to happen again, and I will get to the bottom of this!”

Sound sincere….

Dong Xuebing starts to suspect Chang Dajin might be unaware of this incident from his expression.

“Have you taken your lunch?” Chang Dajin asked.

“No.” Dong Xuebing replied.

“Alright. I will get someone to send food here. We can eat while waiting. Mr. Dong, this lunch is a form of apology. Please accept it.”

Dong Xuebing nodded as he was hungry. He had not taken his lunch as he rushed to Dong Hai District in a hurry.

Chang Dajin’s men had started investigating and quickly found Geng Xinke’s name in their records. Room 3203. After that, the suited man called the three staff on duty in the surveillance room last night back to the hotel for questioning. The video was sent out this morning as the footage is in a different format. This format needs to be converted before it can be burned into a DVD. This needed time, and the prime suspects were the night s.h.i.+ft staff. Only a handful of people know this hotel is related to the State Security Bureau. They are all Chang Dajin’s trusted men. The rest of the staff do not know about this.

Two hours pa.s.sed.

Afternoon 3 pm.

Dong Xuebing and Chang Dajin smoke in the office when the suited man enters.

“How is it?” Chang Dajin looks at him.

The man replied. “It’s confirmed. The culprit is Xu Zhong. He was on duty with another staff at the surveillance room last night.”

Chang Dajin’s face changed. “Why did he do this? He is quiet, hardworking, and honest. That was why we picked him to work in the surveillance room. Are you sure he did this?”

The man nodded. “I also did not expect this. I can tell from his eyes when I questioned the staff and checked with the other nights.h.i.+ft staff. The other staff admitted he slept in the surveillance room after midnight, and Xu Zhong was awake. After that, I sent someone to check Xu Zhong’s room in the staff hostel and found these.” He placed a bag on the table.

Chang Dajin opened the bag and gave it to Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing saw there is a videotape and seven to eight DVDs. The DVDs are the same brand as the one sent to the Subdistrict Office.”

“Let me use a PC.” Dong Xuebing needs to confirm.

“Sure. Use mine.” Chang Dajin steps aside.

Dong Xuebing played the DVD on the PC, and it was the video of Geng Xinke and Lin Pingping.

Chang Dajin’s face changed. “Where is Xu Zhong!?”

The man replied. “He is outside.”

“Bring him in!” Chang Dajin banged the table in anger. “This idiot!”

Chang Dajin looks angry, but Dong Xuebing knows he purposely showed his anger to show him he is unaware of this incident. This is unnecessary as Dong Xuebing knows Chang Dajin should be innocent. Chang Dajin is a businessman and doesn’t need to send this recording to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. There’s nothing to gain from it, and he will risk getting exposed. It will be too stupid. But why did Xu Zhong do this?!

The office door opens.

A man was pushed into the office from outside.

Dong Xuebing looked at that man. This is Xu Zhong.

“Don’t know you know about the regulations of the surveillance room?” Chang Dajin stares at him coldly.

Xu Zhong replied emotionlessly. “I know.”

Chang Dajin hit his desk. “Then why did you do this? Are you trying to get me in trouble?!”

Xu Zhong kept quiet.

Chang Dajin was about to continue scolding but was stopped by Dong Xuebing. “I have two questions.”

“Do you know Geng Xinke?” Dong Xuebing asked. “How did you know him?”

Xu Zhong did not answer.

Chang Dajin shouted. “Mr. Dong is asking you now! Answer him!”

Xu Zhong replied. “Xinke and I are high school cla.s.smates.

Dong Xuebing narrowed his eyes. “You two have grudges in the past?”

Xu Zhong’s eyes changed. “I was forced to drop out of school because of him! How can he be a government official while I become like this!”

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