Power and Wealth

Chapter 91 – Touched the wrong place!

Chapter 91 – Touched the wrong place!

Qu Yunxuan hugged Dong Xuebing’s arm and watched movies until very late. Dong Xuebing enjoyed this feeling. He felt like he was floating among the clouds, and it seems unreal. Dong Xuebing did not know when he dozes off. He woke up when he turned and fell off the sofa at around midnight. After he realized that he was sleeping in Aunt Xuan’s house, he walked to Aunt Xuan’s room to peep at her. Qu Yunxuan was sleeping and fully clothed. He peeked for a while and returned back to sleep on the sofa.


“Xiao Bing, do you want breakfast?”

Dong Xuebing opened his eyes and saw Qu Yunxuan in an ap.r.o.n. She has placed a bowl of congee on the coffee table. “Huh? What time is it now?”

“It is 9 in the morning. You want to carry on sleeping?”

“I’m fine.” Dong Xuebing got up from the sofa.

After putting down the bowl of congee, Qu Yunxuan blew her fingers which was slightly scalded by the hot bowl. “Go and wash up before eating. If you are lazy to go back home to wash up, I have new toothbrush and towel.” It was before 15th of the month, and the central heating had not started. But Aunt Xuan had on her air conditional. The whole apartment was warm. There was no need to wear thermal clothes. Qu Yunxuan removed her ap.r.o.n. She was wearing a white silk slip dress and a pair of skinned colored leggings. Her dressing was s.e.xy and homely.

Dong Xuebing’s heart starts to beat faster. That slip dress was very short, and he could see her s.e.xy thighs!

“What are you waiting for?” Qu Yunxuan knocked on his head playfully. “Hurry! Go and brush your teeth!”

“Ah!” Dong Xuebing quickly took his eyes off her thighs and went into the bathroom.

After breakfast, Qu Yunxuan took out her belongings in her old handbag and put them into the new handbag. Then she sat on the sofa and crossed her legs. She was still holding on to her new handbag, admiring it. “Xiao Bing, tell me the truth. You must not lie to me. Why are you so caring? Are there any girls after you at your workplace? How is she? Do you like her?”

Dong Xuebing replied with a pitiful look. “No. Who would like me?”

Qu Yunxuan playfully punched his arm and stared at him. “Stop saying that. They are the ones who are blind for not liking you. I think you are good enough.” Aunt Xuan picked up the newspaper on the table and started reading it. After reading two pages, she turned to look at Dong Xuebing. “Xiao Bing, you are now a Deputy Chief. In the future, there will be lots of girls going after you. But you must choose your girlfriend carefully. You must know which girl really likes you and which girl is after you because of your position. Do you hear me? Don’t rush. If you like any girls, show me first. I will be your gatekeeper.”

“Errr… ok.” I only like you. You can try being the gatekeeper for me.

Qu Yunxuan continued reading the newspaper, and Dong Xuebing had anything to do. He switched on the TV to watch the morning news. He watched the news and thought to himself at the same time. After changing his appearance and being caring and meticulous yesterday, his impression in front of Aunt Xuan should have increased. But how much has it improved? It’s too hard to tell. Maybe…… try holding her hands and see her reaction?

That’s right! That should be able to tell!

After holding her hands and Dong Xuebing will confess to her the third time! It’s time for Qu Yunxuan to make her decision!

Dong Xuebing took in a deep breath while facing the TV. He did not reach out for Qu Yunxuan’s hand immediately. This was because he had failed the last time. That time, Aunt Xuan had brushed his hand off without even thinking. That incident had left a trauma in his heart. He was scared it will happen again. He had thought seriously about that rejection to find out what he did wrong. Dong Xuebing knew the reason he failed the last time was because it was too “sudden” and any normal girls will react the same way when someone held their hand suddenly. That action should not reflect whether the girl likes him or not. After all, most girls are shy. What should he do? Why not just grabbed her hand tightly and don’t give her the chance to retract her hand? This might actually work! But will Aunt Xuan be angry if he was so forceful?

After hesitating for 5 to 6 minutes, Dong Xuebing gritted his teeth. That’s it! I will hold her hand first and then talk later!

Qu Yunxuan was sitting on the sofa quietly reading the newspaper. She was flipping the pages and her fair left hand, which was holding the newspaper, was nearest to Dong Xuebing. Her wrist was resting on her s.e.xy thighs, and her palm was facing upwards. Her little finger was above her skinned colored stockings.

Dong Xuebing saw his target, and his palm was positioned. Hmmm……. From this angle, he should be able to hold her hand. That stupid newspaper she was holding was a hindrance, but it does not matter. At most, he will grab the paper together with her hand. That’s right. Must grab her hand tightly and not let Aunt Xuan have the chance to escape. This was a do or die moment!

Dong Xuebing closed his eyes and took a deep breath.




Dong Xuebing opened his eyes and turn around suddenly. His hand reach over to the position he antic.i.p.ated in his mind and grab tightly. “Aunt Xuan, I……”

Qu Yunxuan turned and looked at him. Her right hand was holding the newspaper, and her left hand was tucking her hair behind her ears. She was shocked.

Ah? What happened? Dong Xuebing was stunned. Why was Aunt Xuan’s hand by her ear? Then what was he grabbing? Dong Xuebing looked down and was shocked. d.a.m.n!!!! His hand was grabbing Aunt Xuan’s fleshy thighs through her stockings!

Grabbed the wrong place!

Dong Xuebing had grabbed the wrong part of Qu Yunxuan!

“Aunt Xuan! It’s not what you think!” G.o.d d.a.m.n! Why did she tuck her hair at this critical moment?!

Qu Yunxuan was frozen in place. She was still looking at Dong Xuebing in shock. Maybe she did not expect Dong Xuebing to touch her suddenly.

Dong Xuebing almost died from this awkwardness. He knew that there was no way he could explain himself out of this situation. But he remembered that he has the power ‘BACK’ and was relieved. Luckily, he can still turn back time and save the situation. Dong Xuebing looked where he was touching and suddenly could resist the temptation. He mustered his courage and slowly squeeze Aunt Xuan’s thighs.

One squeeze……

Two squeezes…..

Dong Xuebing still exclaimed: “Aunt Xuan, your leg is slender.”

Dong Xuebing did not wait for Aunt Xuan to react and quickly shouted BACK in his heart.

Huuu…… It’s over.

Dong Xuebing relaxed.

The TV was still airing the news, and steam was still rising from the cup of hot tea. Qu Yunxuan was still staring at him. The scenes in front of Dong Xuebing…… did not change!

Ah? What’s happening?

Dong Xuebing was shocked. BACK!!

It’s still the same!

d.a.m.n! Oh s.h.i.+t! BACK!!! BACK!!!

Suddenly Dong Xuebing remembered that in the wee hours today, he had fallen off the sofa and knocked his head. There was still a b.u.mp on his head. He then used BACK to prevent his injury. He had used today’s BACK!?

Dong Xuebing could feel cold sweat running down his back as he looked at Qu Yunxuan and his hand on her thigh.


I’m dead!!!

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