Power and Wealth

Chapter 1296: Level 1 Cla.s.sified File

Chapter 1296: Level 1 Cla.s.sified File

City State Security Bureau.

Outside of the office building.

It was almost 10 am.

Jiang Song’s brows twitched. He paused for a while and said to his subordinate over the phone. “Wait for me in the cla.s.sified file room. I will go over now.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Keep this to yourself.”

“Huh? Yes. I understand.”

“No such person found.” This would not happen under normal circ.u.mstances.

Jiang Song knew there was only one possibility. Dong Xuebing’s internal file was not missing. It was encrypted, and the City State Security Bureau intranet access right is insufficient to view Dong Xuebing’s file. Jiang Song was puzzled and wanted to know more about Dong Xuebing. He needs to go to the cla.s.sified file room and log into his account to view his file. As the Beijing State Security Bureau Chief, he has the access right to view confidential files.

Jiang Song said after hanging up. “I am going to the cla.s.sified file room. Watch him closely and tell them to turn off safety. I don’t want them to misfire.”

Jiang Song was trying to defuse the situation.

A staff replied. “But he…”

Jiang Song interrupted him. “Don’t ask anything. Just do it.”

The staff did not say much and went over to those with guns. Most of them left, and only four remained around Dong Xuebing. They continued pointing their guns at him but turned the safety on.

No one understood why Chief Jiang asked them to step down because they did not hear the phone call.

Jiang Song wanted to deal with Dong Xuebing. The latter had barged into the City Bureau, and it disgraced him. But he was cautious. He needs to know this person’s details. He knew this person was not straightforward as his internal file was cla.s.sified. Although Jiang Song’s internal file was tier 5 and encrypted, he was the City Bureau Chief. Dong Xuebing is only a Deputy Division Chief and was formerly an administrative staff in the State Security. His internal file should not be encrypted or higher than tier 10.

Jiang Song entered a side building and went up to the cla.s.sified room.

Entrance. Jiang Song’s subordinate was waiting for him. The staff inside also came out to greet him.


“Chief Jiang.”

Jiang Song entered the room and closed the door behind him. He did not let others enter, and he went to a PC.

The PC was on.

Jiang Song entered the internal database and checked Dong Xuebing’s information. He entered his name, and the result returned as ‘No such person found.’ He frowned and was not surprised. He was puzzled as to why a Deputy Division Chief’s file had to be cla.s.sified and encrypted. He logged in with his ID and entered Dong Xuebing’s name.


The search stopped.

A few lines of words and a red symbol appeared. Jiang Song looked at the screen and was stunned.

What is this?

How is this possible?

The screen showed the result clearly.

Search ended.

The person’s file is encrypted.

State Security Tier 1 Cla.s.sified file.

Military Tier 1 Cla.s.sified file.

Sorry, you do not have the right to view the file.

Jiang Song inhaled deeply and tapped his forehead. He could not believe it and checked again. His face changed. The internal files cla.s.sification is divided into ten tiers. The lowest was Tier 10, and the Beijing City Bureau Chief Jiang Song’s file is only Tier 5. This Dong Xuebing is…

Tier 1 cla.s.sified file!

China’s most confidential file!

Dong Xuebing’s file was Tier 1 in both State Security and Military!

Jiang Song cursed at the monitor. “Who the f**k is he?”

This is the most confidential file in the country. Jiang Song only heard about Tier 1 confidential files. This was the first time he saw one, and it belonged to a lowly Deputy Division Chief younger than 26 years old. How can his file be cla.s.sified as Tier 1? How is this possible? Jiang Song knows the Central Government"s top leaders’ close relatives" internal files are ranked Tier 5 or 6.

Jiang Dong does not know the requirements for the higher tiers.


How can his data be so secure?

Why is his information cla.s.sified as Tier 1?

Only the top government officials’ files will be encrypted as their information is cla.s.sified. Military leaders and people from the Second Division’s files are cla.s.sified in the military system, and the cla.s.sification is strict.

But this guy has both…

Dong Xuebing’s file is Tier 1, Cla.s.sified in both the State Security and military.

This is impossible! Jiang Song could not believe his eyes.

Jiang Song took out a cigarette. He was about to light it when he remembered smoking was banned in the file room. He throws his cigarette aside.

Tier 1…

Tier 1…

The words on the monitor were small but shocking.

Jiang Song thought for a while and could not understand why a small leader’s file was Tier 1. He looked at Dong Xuebing’s external file. Dong Xuebing comes from an ordinary family, attended an average school, and had average results. He entered the government service through the Civil Servant exams. The only noticeable items in his file were that he saved many people during the earthquake and got promoted quickly. There was no other information. Oh, his wife’s name seemed familiar, and his wife’s family members’ names were not inside.

Xie Huilan…

Xie Huilan…

Jiang Sonng could not remember where he had heard of this name.

Could Dong Xuebing have backing? But that will not make his file Tier 1 Cla.s.sified. The only explanation was Dong Xuebing had done something significant enough to be cla.s.sified as Tier 1. State Security top leader and other State Security department heads must get approval to view Tier 1 cla.s.sified files.

This is unbelievable.

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