Power and Wealth

Chapter 421 – Beat him up!

Chapter 421 – Beat him up!


Rest area.

Liu Cheng sat beside Madam Han on a long bench to chat with her with a smile.

Dong Xuebing is a firm believer of birds of the same feathers flocks together. He does not have a good impression of Liu Cheng, who is close with Pang Zhou. He looked around and did not see Pang Zhou and the other youngsters who were in their group. From Madam Han’s expressions, she seems to know Liu Cheng. Maybe she had seen his match on TV before.

They know each other?

Dong Xuebing walks closer to listen to their conversations.

Liu Cheng said. “Big Sis, you should avoid excising on treadmills. It’s too strenuous for you. How about we go upstairs for a game of Snooker?”

Madam Han smiled faintly. “It’s just for exercising, and I also don’t know how to play snooker.”

“It’s alright. I can teach you.” Liu Cheng smiled. “Snooker is easy, and you can master it in no time.”

Han Jing waved her hand. “No. I am already in my fifties, and is not suitable to play a youngsters’ sports like Snooker.”

Liu Cheng exclaimed. “You are in your fifties? You look like you are in your early forties. It’s rare to see anyone who can maintain her looks like you.”

Dong Xuebing almost exploded. He realized Liu Cheng does not know Madam Han, or else he would not have said that. Madam Han doesn’t look like she is in her fifties and is still attractive. But who are you to say this? This is too much! How dare you offer to teach Madam Han to play Snooker and flirt with her?! d.a.m.n! Are you trying to court her?! You are too bold! Even if Han Jing is not the Politburo Member’s wife, she is still Dong Xuebing’s future mother-in-law! She is not someone you can fool around!

Pang Zhou stepped out behind a corner from the other side of the gym and snickered.

After seeing Liu Cheng has evil intentions, Dong Xuebing cannot pretend not to see or hear anything. He walks over quickly.

Madam Han saw Dong Xuebing and waved to him. “Xiao Bing. Let me introduce myself. This is our National Snooker Player, Liu Cheng. Have you watched his compet.i.tions?”

Liu Cheng turned to Dong Xuebing and nodded.

But Dong Xuebing did not give Liu Cheng any ‘face.’ “Snooker? No.”

Han Jing is amused.

Liu Cheng is a late bloomer and entered international compet.i.tions in his mid-thirties. He does not like people who become successful at a young age. For example, Dong Xuebing, who had become the Investment Promotion Agency’s Chief. His brows twitched, but he did not say anything. He smiled at Madam Han. “Big Sis, let go over to the billiard hall. My friends are over there, and we will have a friendly match later. Haha… I am inviting you to watch the match.”

Han Jing waved her hand. “You all can go ahead. I am not interested.”

Liu Cheng insisted. “Big Sis, it’s just for a while. The billiard hall is on level 3. Let’s go.”

Han Jing is getting impatient, but she did not show it. She still smiles gracefully and shakes her head.

Han Jing’s bodyguard had been watching them all this while. He frowned but did not go over to chase Liu Cheng away as she did not say anything.

But Dong Xuebing could not hold back his anger anymore. “F**k you! I am giving you three seconds to get lost now!”

Dong Xuebing is loud and attracted everyone in the gym. Some of them recognized Liu Cheng, as he had often appeared on the TV recently.

Liu Cheng is mad after Dong Xuebing raised his voice.

Pang Zhou, who was some distance away, frowned. He did not expect Dong Xuebing to start scolding Liu Cheng suddenly.

“Xiao Bing.” Madam Han gave Dong Xuebing a stare. “Control your temper.”

Dong Xuebing knows Madam Han is not mad with him for losing his temper. Because of her status, she cannot fall out with Liu Cheng in public, and she needs Dong Xuebing to settle this.

Liu Cheng had been competing internationally and is an investor recently. That’s why he is not afraid of Dong Xuebing, an Agency Chief from a small county. He looked at Dong Xuebing coldly and shouted. “Am I talking to you?! Who are you to meddle?!” He knows he could not get this middle-aged woman and does not mind falling out with Dong Xuebing.

Madam Han narrowed her eyes and looks at Liu Cheng.

d.a.m.n! You still dare to scold me? Dong Xuebing returned with a cold smile. “Who do you think you are?! Just because you played a few international matches, and you think you are great?! I will count to three, and if you still don’t get lost, don’t blame me!” Madam Han is looking at them, and Dong Xuebing does not want to beat him up unless necessary. He put out three fingers. “… three… two… one…” When he counted to one, Liu Cheng moved.

Liu Cheng has a bad temper, and he swung his arm at Dong Xuebing’s arms. “F**k off! Don’t point your fingers at me.”

Dong Xuebing was still holding on to a paper cup, and Liu Cheng flicked the cup away from his hand, and Madam Han was splashed!

Han Jing’s face changed, and the bodyguard rushed over.

Dong Xuebing was in a daze for a second after Madam Han was splashed, and he exploded. He kicked out furiously, but Liu Cheng dodged his kick and sneered. He returned a punch to Dong Xuebing’s face. Dong Xuebing did not dodge and used his fist to meet Liu Cheng’s punch. Bam! The two fists met, and Liu Cheng took a step back in pain!

Dong Xuebing stepped forward and kicked Liu Cheng on his kneecap!

Bam! Liu Cheng fell to the ground, wincing in pain!

If the water is splashed onto Dong Xuebing, he might not be so mad. But now, Madam Han was splashed, and Dong Xuebing cannot hold back anymore. He raised his leg and stomped on Liu Cheng!


“Arghhh!” Liu Cheng’s knee is almost shattered.

Dong Xuebing did not stop. He moved a step forward and kicked Liu Cheng’s face. “F**k you!”

Liu Cheng’s face was cut on his lips and cheeks!

The bodyguard was surprised by Dong Xuebing’s ruthlessly and fast reaction. By the time he reached, Dong Xuebing had disabled Liu Cheng with two moves. He can only stand beside Madam Han to protect her.

Han Jing wiped the water on her clothes with a towel. “Xiao Bing, that’s enough.”

Dong Xuebing is not satisfied and stomps on Liu Cheng’s stomach twice. *Vomit. Liu Cheng rolled to his side and vomited on the floor. He was almost losing his consciousness from Dong Xuebing’s beating. Dong Xuebing did not hold back on someone like Liu Cheng. He needs to teach him a lesson for hara.s.sing and splas.h.i.+ng water on Han Jing, or else Xie Huilan and Secretary Xie will not let him off.

Liu Cheng groaned in pain on the floor.

The gym’s staff came running in with a few security guards. “What happened? Who fought here?! Huh? Liu Cheng?”

Dong Xuebing is still angry. He looks at the person in charge of the gym. “Is this the way you run your business?! Ah?! How can you let someone like him enter?! I still have not settled the score with your clubhouse, and how dare you stare at me?!” He is still furious. Madam Han was splashed with water when he is standing beside her. What if she got a fright and have a heart attack?! How is he going to face Sister Xie in the future?

The security guards and other members were speechless. This person is overbearing. He had beaten up Liu Cheng and still dare to accuse others?

The guards were stunned by Dong Xuebing and dare not make any moves.

Madam Han waved her hand. “Xiao Bing, come back.”

Dong Xuebing heard it and walked back to Han Jing. “Sorry to frighten you. It’s all my fault.”

“I’m fine.” Han Jing looks at her bodyguard, and he took out his phone to make a call.

Madam Han wiped the water off her clothes. “I don’t feel like exercising anymore. Let’s go back.”

Her bodyguard did not leave. He whispered to Dong Xuebing to ask him to take care of Madam Han and stayed in the gym to settle this incident. Liu Cheng had suffered a fractured, and they cannot leave just like this. The person in charge of the gym saw someone had stayed behind and did not stop Dong Xuebing and Han Jing from leaving. They can tell this woman, and the young man is not ordinary people and don’t want to create more troubles. Also, he felt the woman familiar and seems to have seen her on TV before.

Everything is over.

Pang Zhou, who had been watching them, frowned and then smiled before leaving. It’s like all these have nothing to do with him. Anyway, Liu Cheng had already signed the contract with Da Feng County, and the money has been wired. The investment will not be affected as long as Liu Cheng is still alive.

Outside of the clubhouse.

Dong Xuebing was feeling apologetic in the car and kept asking Madam Han if she is fine.

Madam Han smiled and shook her head. “I am not that weak. How can such a small incident scare me? Haha…”

Dong Xuebing is relieved. “Luckily, you are fine. If not, I will never forgive myself. This Liu Cheng is a sc.u.mbag.”

Madam Han looked at Dong Xuebing and smiled. “You… are too ruthless.”

“I treated you as my mother and cannot control myself when something happens to you. Most of the time, I am not this rash.” Even Dong Xuebing doesn’t believe what he said. He had always been ruthless to his enemies.

Han Jing smiled gently and patted Dong Xuebing’s hand. “I also treated you as my son. Haha… oh, when Liu Cheng chatted with me, he thought I am a teacher. I remember your mother is a teacher, right? This is not as simple as it seems. Someone should be making use of him to create trouble.”


What Madam Han said made Dong Xuebing’s face changed.

Someone is behind this?!

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