Power and Wealth

Chapter 428 – Removal saga!

Chapter 428 – Removal saga!

Dong Xuebing is removed from his position!

There is an uproar in Yan Tai County after news of Dong Xuebing’s removal is confirmed!

Everyone knows Chief Dong will be in trouble after hitting the Mayor and Department Head of the neighboring County. But no one had expected the punishment to be so severe and so fast! This is not suspended from duties for investigations! It is removing him from his position! This is as serious as getting fired! The infamous G.o.d of Plague will be kicked out from the Government service? Some are shocked and felt this is not real. Dong Xuebing had gotten himself into trouble too many times, but nothing had happened to him. He is tougher and more resilient than a weed. This time, he is finally removed from his position. Some people are gloating about this, and some are furious as they felt the punishment is too hars.h.!.+

It’s chaos outside, but Dong Xuebing remained calm.

4 pm. Investment Promotion Agency.

Agency Chief Office. Dong Xuebing called that middle-aged man and gave some instructions. After that, he received a file on his PC and transferred it to his mobile phone. After everything is done, he lit a cigarette and played music loudly.



Lin Pingping entered Luo Haiting’s office. “Director Luo, is the news about Chief Dong true? Is he really going to be removed from his position?”

Guo Panwei is also in the office and signaled to her to keep quiet.

Luo Haiting, who was seated at her desk, is speaking on her phone. She is speaking to Zhao Xinglong. “Mayor Zhao, the Agency cannot do without Chief Dong. You should have seen the results after Chief Dong was transferred over two months ago. It will be too demoralizing for the staff if he is removed from his position. Furthermore, it’s Da Feng County who is at fault. If they had not crossed the line, Chief Dong will also not…”

Luo Haiting and everyone else thought Dong Xuebing’s punishment will be a suspension. He will still have a chance to return. But the higher-ups wanted him to be removed from his position. This is unacceptable. The three people in the office are Dong Xuebing’s men, and his removal will affect them the most.

The call is still ongoing.

Luo Haiting got agitated. “Mayor Zhao, can you speak to the higher-ups? Chief Dong…”

Zhao Xinglong replied. “The punishment is from the City’s Commission for Discipline Inspection, and there’s nothing I can do. Sigh…” Dong Xuebing had done well, and he also doesn’t want to see him leave the Investment Promotion Agency.

Luo Haiting sighed after hanging up. “The punishment had been confirmed, and there’s nothing we can do.”

Guo Panwei asked anxiously. “But no one had seen Chief Dong hitting Pang Zhou. How can the higher-ups removed his position without any investigations?”

“It’s Mayor Li who complained to the City!” Lin Pingping replied angrily. “This time, Chief Dong will be… how can the outcome of this incident be decided so hastily?”

Luo Haiting exhaled deeply. “Let’s ask Chief Dong first. Let’s go.”

The three of them went upstairs and knocked on Dong Xuebing’s office.

Dong Xuebing replied. “Come in.”

Luo Haiting and the other two looked at each other and took a deep breath before entering the office cautiously. But they almost faint by what they saw.

Guo Panwei, Luo Haiting, and Lin Pingping were anxious for Dong Xuebing and thought Chief Dong should be angry about his punishment. He might even smash his teacups on the floor. But what they saw in the office is the opposite!

Chief Dong is listening to music!

And it is still a happy song!

He is still smoking and swinging his leg to the song!

Guo Panwei, Luo Haiting, and Lin Pingping are speechless and thought to themselves. You might not care earlier, but how can you be enjoying music after your punishment is announced?! You are getting removed from your position! How come you are acting like you had just gotten a promotion?! How can you be so calm?!


“The County’s punishment…”

Dong Xuebing switched off the music and look at them. He knows what they want to say and raised his hand to stop them. “Go back to work. I am fine.”

Luo Haiting and Lin Pingping paused for a second. Could it be there’s a chance for Chief Dong to reverse the removal order? But the punishment had been confirmed! Only Guo Panwei brightens up. He worked with Dong Xuebing since the latter pa.s.sed his Civil Servant Exams and saw him creating miracles numerous times. He knows that since Chief Dong says he will be fine, then he will surely be fine!

After they left the office, Dong Xuebing looks at his watch and felt it’s about time.

Suddenly, Dong Xuebing’s phone rang. It’s Cao Xupeng’s secretary. “Chief Dong, the Leader asked you to come to our County’s People Hospital.”

Dong Xuebing frowned. “Secretary w.a.n.g, what happened?”

“I don’t know about the details. The Leader is visiting the patient at the hospital, and Mayor Li is there too.”

“… Oh… I will make my way over now.” Dong Xuebing grabbed his bag and went downstairs to his car.

The hospital’s lobby.

Dong Xuebing saw a few cars from the County’s Party Committee parked outside. It seems Xiang Daofa, Cao Xupeng, and Duan Zhengan are there. He is not surprised as a County’s Mayor is. .h.i.t, and this incident had blown up. Xiang Daofa and the County’s leaders should pay him a visit.


Knock… knock… Dong Xuebing knocked on the ward’s door and entered. Many people are inside.

Li Feng and Xiang Daofa sit at the other end of the room, and Li Feng’s head is in bandages. Beside him is the Commission for Discipline Inspection’s Secretary, Duan Zhengan, and Deputy Party Secretary Cao Xupeng. Pang Zhou is sitting on the bed, with his face and head covered in bandages. The secretaries of Xiang Daofa, Cao Xupeng, and other leaders are standing beside.

Li Feng and Pang Zhou’s faces changed when Dong Xuebing arrived.

Xiang Daofa stares at Dong Xuebing without saying a word.

Dong Xuebing feels uncomfortable, but his leaders are all present, and he cannot say anything. He greeted Secretary Xiang, Secretary Cao, and the rest and stood there waiting for their instructions.

Xiang Daofa finally speaks. “Xiao Dong, do you know what your action is called? Causing intentional injuries! You are too daring! Did you consider the consequences before you hit anyone? You are a Party member! A government servant! Which part of you look like one?! Ah?! How can you lead the rest?!” Xiang Daofa paused for a second. “The organization has decided. From now onwards, you will be removed from your position as the Investment Promotion Agency’s Chief!”

This is an official announcement.

Most of the time, the person should reply, “I accept the Organization’s arrangement,” and admit his mistake. But Dong Xuebing will not do that.

Xiang Daofa’s face changed when he saw Dong Xuebing keeping quiet.

Cao Xupeng frowned and made eye signals at him.

Duan Zhengan also gave Dong Xuebing a stare, asking him to accept the punishment. If not, he might be dismissed from the government service and have his Party members.h.i.+p removed. When that happens, there will be no chance for Dong Xuebing to turn things around.

Xiang Daofa shouted. “Apologize to Mayor Li and Chief Pang now!”

Pang Zhou looked at Dong Xuebing and sneered.

Apologize? Dong Xuebing is furious as he realizes why Xiang Daofa, Secretary Cao, and the rest called him to the hospital. It must be Pang Zhou and Li Feng who wanted an apology from him. d.a.m.n! You all had s.n.a.t.c.hed our project, tried to embarra.s.s us, get someone within the City Government to remove me from my position, and you want me to apologize?! F**k you! Although Dong Xuebing knew he should not have hit Pang Zhou, he did not think he had done anything wrong. These two people should be hit. After what the other party did, he felt he should have hit harder!

“Secretary Xiang.” Dong Xuebing’s face changed. “I will not apologize!”

Cao Xupeng shouted. “Xiao Dong!”

Li Feng got furious. “What is this att.i.tude?”

“This is my att.i.tude!” Dong Xuebing’s foul temper flares up again. “Removing me from my position? I have my reservations about this decision! I had not done anything or hit anyone! Why must I be punished?! You still want me to apologize?! Secretary Xiang, Secretary Cao, Secretary Duan are at the Investment Promotion Agency’s entrance earlier! You can get the Public Security Bureau to investigate! I will have nothing to say if anyone saw me hitting them! But no one had seen it! Not a single person! How can you all insist that I had hit them?! Why are you all siding him?! What Chief Pang said is the truth and what the Agency’s staff, the civilians at the scene, and I said are lies?!”

The secretaries of Secretary Duan and Secretary Cao looked at each other in shock. Chief Dong is too daring. Maybe he is the only person in Yan Tai County who dares to question all the County Leaders.

Pang Zhou coldly replied. “You still don’t want to admit? If it’s not you who hit me, then who is it?”

Dong Xuebing looks at him. “You should ask yourself. How do I know?”

“Shut up!” Xiang Daofa banged the table.

Duan Zhengan shouted. “Xiao Dong!”

Li Feng looks at Dong Xuebing coldly. “Since this is the case, then there’s nothing more to say.” He took out his phone and is about to call the higher-ups. Da Feng County’s government leaders had been beaten up, and Li Feng was also injured. If he cannot get back at Dong Xuebing, he will lose his authority. You don’t want to apologize or admit your mistake?! Fine!

Pang Zhou is laughing in his heart. You are asking for it. If you had apologized, it would be the end after you are removed from your position. But now, it will not end well. Dismissal? Removed from the Party? Criminal charges? He felt getting a punch in exchange for Dong Xuebing’s dismissal is worth it.

Suddenly, Xiang Daofa’s secretary, Zhou Jun’s phone, rang!

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