Power and Wealth

Chapter 449 – Triumph Return!

Chapter 449 – Triumph Return!

Hotel room.

“Xiao Dong, how did you dodge this move of mine?”

“I think this kick of yours should be slightly lowered. When you move, it should be like this.”

“Are you saying that I should change the direction after unleas.h.i.+ng my kick? That way, I will be harder to dodge? Hmmm… Yes. You are right.”

“Master Park, how did you control your center of gravity when you did that continuous kicks? I tried, but I cannot put strength into it.”

“Your posture is incorrect. Your center of gravity should be slightly lowered and forward.”

After many fights, Dong Xuebing has a bit of martial arts understanding. He had also used BACK several times and is experienced in dodging and catching the right timing. Park Yongxi is a Grandmaster and had trained every moves thousands of times. They felt they should have met each other earlier. Park Yongxi asked Dong Xuebing for pointers how to avoid and dodge, while Dong Xuebing asked him about the techniques and different moves. After an hour of discussion, they learned a lot from each other.

It is already 10 am.

Dong Xuebing quickly said. “Master Park, my Leader had asked me to return in the morning. We…”

“Oh…” Park Yongxi is slightly disappointed. He thought for a while and replied. “Let’s go together. I also need to check out the investment site, and we can continue with our discussion on the way. You have made several good suggestions. No wonder I could not even touch your clothes with my best moves. Let’s continue in the car. I will pack my luggage now.”

Dong Xuebing smiled. “I will get my car and wait for you downstairs.”

Ten minutes later.

Rui He Hotel’s main entrance.

Dong Xuebing finished two cigarettes and saw Park Yongxi coming out of the hotel.

Park Yongxi apologized with a smile. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I had to explain to my friends and Da Feng County. After all, they had been hosting me well, and it’s rude to leave without informing them.” He said as he boarded Dong Xuebing’s black Camry.

Hearing this, Dong Xuebing felt bad. “If you think Da Feng County is better, I will not force you. This investment is not a small amount, and your money did not drop from the skies. You don’t need… that I also not an official bet…”

“Haha… are you looking down on me?”

“No. I treat you as my friend, and I don’t want to feel being taken advantage of.” After getting to know Park Yongxi, Dong Xuebing felt he is someone respectable.

Park Yongxi laughed. “If you treat me as your friend, then you must get more subsidies for my company. Also, I am not giving your County my investment for free. After we found a suitable site, you must spar a few more times with me. I feel that I gain a lot more sparing with you than competing in the Olympics. The way you dodge my kicks is perfect. I believe I can improve significantly from training with you.”

Dong Xuebing heard what he said and did not say anything else. “No problem. I will be your sparring partner.”

“This is what you said. Hahaha…”


w.a.n.g Bo was stunned for a few seconds when he received Park Yongxi’s phone call. Park Yongxi had only told him that after site inspections did not meet its requirements, he had to leave. He also thanked Da Feng County for being a great host. This is normal, as this investment fair had only gathered the investors. It is up to the investors whether if they want to invest. Park Yongxi had also not made any promises to invest in Da Feng County and is here to inspect the sites. But Li Feng placed high importance on him because he will be investing a large amount.

Park Yongxi leaving before the end of the investment fair has an impact on Da Feng County.

Their County had tried their best but could not stop him.

When w.a.n.g Bo’s men reported that Park Yongxi had left in Dong Xuebing’s car toward Yan Tai County, he jumps up in anger!

Dong Xuebing!


The whole County is furious after this was confirmed!

Their County’s investment had been s.n.a.t.c.hed away by Yan Tai County!

What’s more frustrating is when Li Feng went to Yan Tai County to s.n.a.t.c.h their investor, he wanted to do it secretly. If Sun Shuli had not b.u.mped into them by accident, he would not step forward and ‘show off’ in front of Yan Tai County Leaders. He knew what he did had crossed the line, but Dong Xuebing had parked his car in front of the hotel openly to fetch Park Yongxi!

This is too disgusting!

This is purposely trying to embarra.s.s Da Feng County!

After hearing what happened, Mayor Li threw his phone onto the floor! That is a 100 million project! All the signed projects from this investment fair only amounted to about 100 million. Dong Xuebing had s.n.a.t.c.hed this investment worth 100 million RMB away from them!

This is too much!

Everyone in Da Feng County Government had heard of what Dong Xuebing did and hated him to the core!

Dong Xuebing knows everyone in Da Feng County will be going after him, and he did not make any stops. He just drove back to Yan Tai County.

Is this considered a triumph return?

Dong Xuebing is satisfied with his trip to Da Feng County. All the scores had been settled, and he is the winner.

Dong Xuebing and Park Yongxi discussed the different moves on the way when Xie Huilan called.

“You brought Master Park back with you?” Dong Xuebing wonders how did Xie Huilan hear about this so fast. “Is this true?”

Dong Xuebing looks to his side. “Yes. I should arrive in about 15 minutes.”

“… are you confident of getting him to invest?”

Park Yongxi is sitting beside Dong Xuebing, and he did not say much. He replied. “99%.”

Xie Huilan quickly replied. “Good! Good job! Bring Master Park to the Investment Promotion Agency directly! You have done well this time! Hahaha….”

Why did Xie Huilan ask him to return to the Investment Promotion Agency?

When Dong Xuebing turns into the Investment Promotion Agency, he understood why Xie Huilan asked him to come here directly. Many County Party Committee cars and County Government cars are parked in front of the agency. He looked at the cars and noticed Party Secretary Xiang Daofa and Xie Huilan are there with Sun Shuli, Luo Haiting, Lin Pingping, etc. They are standing outside to receive Park Yongxi. This shows how important Park Yongxi’s investment is!

Under normal circ.u.mstances, the Party Secretary and Mayor will seldom appear in the same place. Even if they did, there would be rivalries. But when Dong Xuebing parked his car, he did not notice any unhappiness between Xiang Daofa and Xie Huilan. They seemed to have discussed this beforehand.

Park Yongxi alighted, and Xiang Daofa and Xie Huilan went up to receive him.

Park Yongxi smile and chatted with them.

With all the Leaders around, Dong Xuebing has no chance to say anything. He secretly winked at Xie Huilan and was about to walk over to Sun Shuli.

But Xiang Daofa stopped him and even patted his back. “Xiao Dong, you had done well this time.”

Did the sunrise from the west today? Xiang Daofa has never like him. Dong Xuebing quickly replies. “Thank you.”

Xiang Daofa has never thought so well of Dong Xuebing. He smiled and patted his shoulder to praise him again.

Lui Dafa felt jealous. Secretary Xiang had supported him to be the Chief in the past, but now, his att.i.tude towards Dong Xuebing had changed. Lui Dafa also understands that a 100 million RMB investment is a huge political achievement that will benefit both the County’s Party Secretary and Mayor.

Zhao Xinglong also nodded with approval. Regardless of how the process went, it is the result that matters. Xiao Dong had done well this time. This project is worth up to 100 million RMB, and he can tell Park Yongxi has already shown his intentions to invest in Yan Tai County. For the past few years, the County’s average annual investments are only around 100 million RMB. Xiao Dong had only gone to Da Feng County for a few days, and he came back with that amount. He is impressed. Putting Xiao Dong’s character aside, not many is as capable as him!

Sun Shuli, Luo Haiting, and the rest were also stunned.

All of them did not believe this is true when they heard about this in the morning. They heard Chief Dong beat up a Korean investor and fought with Park Yongxi yesterday. How did he bring Park Yongxi back with him the next day?

But when everyone saw Park Yongxi alighting from the car, they are speechless.

Luo Haiting and Lin Pingping look at each other.

Chief Dong had done something impressive. Just a few days ago, all of them were angry for Da Feng County s.n.a.t.c.hing away their investment. But now, some of the Investment Promotion Agency’s staff felt sorry for Da Feng County. Li Feng had only s.n.a.t.c.hed a 10 million RMB investment from them, but what happened after that? Da Feng County’s Investment Promotion Agency’s Chief Pang Zhou was suspended because of Dong Xuebing. Li Feng’s secretary was scolded, and Dong Xuebing beat up their foreign investors. In the end, Dong Xuebing still manage to s.n.a.t.c.h away an investment worth up to 100 million RMB!

Da Feng County is unlucky this time!

Chief Dong is revengeful, and he settled all the scores in two days. This guy knows how to create trouble!

Guo Panwei was the only one who is not surprised. He had seen Chief Dong creating miracles more than one year ago and knew what he had done. He knows anyone that offended Dong Xuebing… will not have a good ending. Just look at what happened in Da Feng County. Why did you all provoke Dong Xuebing in the first place? If you all had just remained in your County and apologized after that incident, all these will not happen.


Dong Xuebing has returned.

All the scores have been settled after all the chaos Dong Xuebing created in Da Feng County.

Many Yan Tai County people’s evaluation of Dong Xuebing after this incident is… this guy is a hooligan with a government t.i.tle!

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