Power and Wealth

Chapter 450 – Your Behind!

Chapter 450 – Your Behind!


The Investment Promotion Agency.

Ring… ring… ring… Deputy County Mayor Zhao Xinglong called. “h.e.l.lo, Xiao Dong. Party Secretary Xiang and Mayor Xie had ordered you all to host Master Park these few days. You all must get this large-scale sports complex project. I am letting you handle this, as I don’t trust others. This project is worth tens of millions, and Party Secretary Xiang and Mayor Xie don’t want it to go wrong.”

Dong Xuebing adjusted his clothes. “No problem. Leave it to me.”

“What’s the arrangement for Master Park tomorrow?”

“I had wanted to accompany him to look at the investment site and the surrounding areas. But Master Park wants to go alone and doesn’t want anyone to follow him. I am afraid of offending him and did not insist.”

“Ok. Just let him be. We must not leave a bad impression.”

“I also think so.”

“Oh, since he doesn’t want anyone to follow him, you can take a few days’ breaks.”

“… Huh? Break?”

“Haha… Mayor Xie had asked you to take a break. You had created a mess in Da Feng County, and she is afraid the City Government might be unhappy. So, she is asking you to stay low for a few days.”

“Oh… Ok.”

Dong Xuebing knew he had offended everyone in Da Feng County and must need to stay low for a few days after hanging up. Everything has been settled, and he had brought Park Yongxi back. Even without him around, the Investment Promotion Agency can still operate as normal. So, he called Sun Shuli, Luo Haiting, and the rest to his office and told them that he would be taking a few days off. He ordered them to continue with getting investments, especially Park Yongxi. Since Park Yongxi doesn’t want anyone to accompany him, they must still stay vigilant and standby to render any a.s.sistance.

Dong Xuebing left in his Mercedes MPV after the meeting.

While driving, Dong Xuebing called Qu Yunxuan. “h.e.l.lo, Xuanxuan… It’s me.”

“It’s a weekday today. Why are you not working?” Qu Yunxuan asked.

Dong Xuebing smiles. “Something happened in the County, and I had just settled it. I thought you went on a vacation with your Mum. Are you back in Beijing?”

“I have returned for some time. The hot springs are so comfortable.”

“You know how to enjoy life. I had been so busy for the past two days. Oh, I am on leave these few days, and I will go and find you now. I miss you and our child badly. I didn’t get to meet you when I return to Beijing previously.”

Qu Yunxuan laughed. “I think you must be missing our baby. When did you miss me? Haha… just come over. I will be waiting at North Heping Road.”

“Alright. I will arrive at night.”

“Ok. I will hang up now.”

“Wait. Kiss me before hanging up.”

“Are you asking for a beating?! Huh?! Bye… haha…”

Dong Xuebing is speechless after the line was cut. He decides to teach her a lesson after they meet.

It’s already evening peak hours, and there’s a slight traffic jam on the road to Beijing. This is not because of there many cars on the road. It is because of the road conditions. There are many potholes on certain parts of the roads, and even Dong Xuebing’s Mercedes MPV has a problem getting through those sections. When Dong Xuebing drove to Da Feng County, he had experienced bad road conditions. His car is only suitable for city roads, but it’s not suitable to be driven on rural village roads.

Should I get a new car?

Dong Xuebing had driven this car for about a year, and there are many new models introduced this year.

Dong Xuebing thinks if he should get an SUV. At least he doesn’t need to worry when he needs to go to the village. But this is only a random thought, and he hasn’t decided yet.

When Dong Xuebing reached Beijing, it was already 8 pm.

It’s a cloudless night, but the air quality was too bad, and Dong Xuebing could not see any stars.

He Ping North Road.

Dong Xuebing stood along the corridor and pressed the doorbell. Ding dong… ding dong.

The door opened, and Qu Yunxuan’s voluptuous body appeared in front of Dong Xuebing.

Aunt Xuan is wearing a grey sweater, black thighs, slippers, and long hair tied up in a bun. She looks virtuous and gentle. Dong Xuebing looks at Aunt Xuan’s tummy. She is around four months pregnant, and there is a slight b.u.mp. It is much bigger than the last time Dong Xuebing saw her.

“What are you looking at?” Qu Yunxuan laughed. “Come in.”

After closing the door behind him, Dong Xuebing kneeled and pressed his face against her tummy. “Baby, your Daddy is here. Did you miss me?” He did not feel anything and poked the tummy lightly. “Quick. Kick Daddy.”

Qu Yunxuan giggled and stroked Dong Xuebing’s hair. “Why are you so late?”

“There’s a traffic jam, and certain sections of the road are quite bad. I am afraid of damaging the car and did not drive fast.” Dong Xuebing replied as he touched her tummy. “What about you? Did you miss me?”

“I miss giving you a beating. Haha…”

“Hehe… What did I do? Why you want to hit me the moment we met?”

“Do I need a reason to give you a beating?”

“Alright… you are the biggest in our family now, and you can do whatever you want. I will not argue with you.” Dong Xuebing stood up and hugged Qu Yunxuan from her back and kissed her.

Qu Yunxuan looked at Dong Xuebing and pinched his cheeks. “Go and wash your hands. Let’s have dinner now.”

Dong Xuebing nodded and kissed a few more times before letting go.

After dinner.

Dong Xuebing is in a great mood. He sat on the sofa and insisted Aunt Xuan sit on his lap. Qu Yunxuan gave him a stare and gave in to his demands. He hugged her waist and pressed his face against her back to smelling her scent.

“Aunt Xuan, you are getting prettier.”

“How many days will you be staying this time?”

“Around two to three days. I had returned to hide and cannot return even if I want to. Haha…”

“Did you get into trouble again?” Qu Yunxuan turned and held Dong Xuebing’s hand, which is on her tummy. “I had told you not to be so hardworking. You never listen to me. What will happen to us if anything happens to you?”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “What can happen to me? Don’t worry about me.”

Qu Yunxuan pinched Dong Xuebing’s nose lightly. “You are always making me worry about you. Don’t you think you deserve a beating?”

“Go ahead. Just do whatever you want.”

Qu Yunxuan slapped Dong Xuebing’s arms lightly. “You are asking for it.”

Dong Xuebing loves Aunt Xuan’s gentleness and tightens his hug. He could feel his blood rus.h.i.+ng down to his member.

Qu Yunxuan also felt it and grumbled. “You pervert! Are you thinking of some naughty things again?”

“You are the one who seduces me first.”

“Idiot. Who seduced you?”

“Your big b.u.t.t is moving about and pressing down on my lap. You still don’t want to admit you are seducing me?”

“You are the one who insisted me to sit on your lap, and you are blaming me now? Do you think I don’t dare to beat you up? Laid face-down now!”

“Ah… sorry… sorry…” Dong Xuebing quickly hugs her. “Xuanxuan… how come I feel you look younger now? You look like you are in your mid-twenties, and your face is glowing. Did you go to a beauty salon?”

Qu Yunxuan smiles. “You sweet talker.”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “Let’s go to the room. I want to see if your body’s complexion has improved or not.”

“I need to warn you first. We are not going to have s.e.x during my pregnancy. “Qu Yunxuan warned and poked Dong Xuebing’s head. “You better stop thinking of that.”

“Wait…” Dong Xuebing argued. “People say it is fine after the first trimester. We only need to take note not to be too vigorous. If you don’t believe me, you can go and read it up.”

“I say no means no.”

“You are too careful.”

Dong Xuebing is going to be a father and has done some research on pregnancy and babies. It is fine to have s.e.x after the first trimester until two months before the due date. Also, he has not met Aunt Xuan for some time and misses her very much. The last time they had s.e.x, she was not pregnant, and he wants to see how a pregnant woman feels.

“Aunt Xuan…”

“I don’t want to hear or see anything. No means no!”

Qu Yunxuan is firm, and Dong Xuebing decides to try another method. “Then… how about we try something new?”

Qu Yunxuan quickly closes her mouth.

“I am not talking about your mouth.” Dong Xuebing cleared his throat. “I am talking about your… err… your behind.”

Qu Yunxuan’s immediately turns red. “You will be the death of me. What behind? I don’t understand what you are talking about!”

“If you don’t know what I said, why are you blus.h.i.+ng?”

“Try saying another word! I will beat you to death!”

“We are together for so long. What’s there to be shy? Alright. That’s settled then.”

“I did not agree.”

Aunt Xuan has never tried her behind before, and Dong Xuebing did not let her off. He carried her up and ran into the room.

Qu Yunxuan is mad. “Xiao Bing! I will beat you up!”

“Go ahead.”

“You idiot! You cannot go in there! It will not fit.”

“Let’s give it a try.”

“I am getting angry. Hurry up and put me down.”


“Are you going to put me down?”

“… no!”

Qu Yunxuan pinched Dong Xuebing’s chest as he puts her on the bed. She panics and quickly says. “You hooligan! You… go downstairs and get a bottle of lubricant first!”

Dong Xuebing is stunned. “You really know a lot.”

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