Power and Wealth

Chapter 756: The G.o.d of Plagues is back!

Chapter 756: The G.o.d of Plagues is back!


Guang Ming Garden.

Dong Xuebing waved to everyone and looked at Sister Liu. “Sis, stop thanking me. Go back and rest now.”

Sister Liu still doesn’t know what is going on. “They….”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “Maybe they are too happy or shocked to see me.”

Sister Liu is puzzled by everyone’s reaction and walks toward the crowd.

One second…. Two seconds…. Three seconds…. Guang Ming Garden is eerily quiet, and no one says a word!

Finally, a few residents pointed at Dong Xuebing and shouted.

“Director Dong!”

“F*ck! It is Director Dong!”

“Director Dong is back! He had returned!”

Sister Liu and a few residents who had not met Dong Xuebing before realized that the young man was the missing Director Dong! They were shocked. Director Dong?! The hero Director Dong?! Didn’t he die under the debris and become a martyr?!

Geng Xinke and Zhou Yanru could not believe their eyes.

w.a.n.g Yuling mustered up her courage and asked. “You…. Who are you? Are you Director Dong’s brother?”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “I wish I have a brother, but I am my Mum only has one son. I am a single child. Who do you think I am?”

Pang Gang gasped. “Oh my G.o.d!”

Qu Yiqiang exclaimed in shock. “He is Director Dong!”

This is unbelievable for most people, and they are looking at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing waved his hand impatiently. “We will talk about this later! Sister Zhou! Lend me your phone!”

Zhou Yanru took out her phone and gave it to Dong Xuebing in a daze. She still has not recovered from her shock.

Dong Xuebing quickly called his mother, Luan Xiaoping.

Luan Xiaoping answered in a hoa.r.s.e voice. “h.e.l.lo, who is it?”

Tears welled in Dong Xuebing’s eyes when he heard her mother’s voice, but he forced a smile. “Make a guess.”

Luan Xiaoping paused for a second. “You…. Your voice….”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “Ah…. You can recognize my voice! Hahaha…. I am back!”

“You are Xiao Bing! You are my son!” Luan Xiaoping cried. “Thank G.o.d! My son!”

Dong Xuebing heard Yang Zhaode’s voice in the back. “Xiao Ping, stop talking nonsense. Xiao Bing is gone, and I know you are sad….”

Luan Xiaoping cried. “It is my son! I know his voice! He is my son!”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “Mum, it’s me. You guessed correctly. Stop crying.”

“You almost scared me to death! I thought…. I thought you….” Luan Xiaoping could not hold back anymore and burst out crying. “Sob! Sob! My son is alive!”

“Give me the phone!” Yang Zhaode took the phone. “h.e.l.lo, who are you?!”

Dong Xuebing replied. “Uncle Yang, it’s me.”

“…… who?” Yang Zhaode is shocked by Dong Xuebing’s voice.

“Who do you think I am?” Dong Xuebing laughed. “Sorry for coming back so late. I was buried deep under the debris and could not get out. Luckily, the search party had cleared most of the debris, and I could crawl out. I was almost bored to death after getting trapped for so many days. Sigh…. I will tell you the details another time. I am calling to let Mum and you know I am safe.”

“You are Xiao Bing!” Yang Zhaode gasped. “You are alive!”

“Give me back the phone!” Luan Xiaoping s.n.a.t.c.hed the phone back. “Son! Son! Where are you now?”

Dong Xuebing got to hold the phone away from his ears. “I am at my Subdistrict Office. Don’t worry about me. I told you I could survive an air crash, and what can an earthquake do to me? I am not joking. See…. I am still alive and kicking. Alright…. Why are you crying? Don’t you understand your son? I will not die from such a small matter! Alright. I still have many calls to make. Help me inform our relatives that I am alive and don’t need to worry for me.”

“Ok….” Luan Xiaoping agreed while crying.

“That’s it. I will call you again later.”

Dong Xuebing hung up and saw the Subdistrict Office staff looking at him in a daze. He smiles and walks a few steps away from them to call Xie Huilan.

Ring…. Ring…. Ring…. The phone rang for a while before Xie Huilan answered.

“h.e.l.lo?” Xie Huilan answered with her s.e.xy voice.

Dong Xuebing is breathing rapidly and cannot control his emotions. He opened his mouth and could not say a word.

“Huh?” Xie Huilan paused for a second and took a deep breath. “…… Xiao Bing?”

Dong Xuebing is stunned. “How come you know it’s me before I say anything?” He was shocked. Xie Huilan and Qu Yunxuan are the only women who know him well other than his mother. She can tell who he is from his breathing.


“Sister Xie? Say something.”

“…… I knew you would not die so easily!”

“Haha… you know me well.”

“You brat! Is this your new way to scare me?!”

“Stop scolding me. I am not scaring you! I was fortunate this time, and I almost could not get out.”

“Where are you now? I am going over now!”

“No…. I am in my Subdistrict. You don’t need to come over.”

“I am not a.s.sured if I don’t see you with my own eyes! That’s it! I am going over now!”

Dong Xuebing still wanted to talk awhile more, but Xie Huilan had hung up. Sister Xie’s reaction touches him, and he calls Qu Yunxuan.

Qu Yunxuan’s mother answered. “h.e.l.lo?”

Dong Xuebing smiles. “Mum, I’m Xiao Dong.”

Qu Yunxuan’s mother got a fright. “Who?! Which Xiao Dong?”

“I am Dong Xuebing!” Dong Xuebing replied. “How are you feeling? How’s the baby? Is Aunt Xuan around?” He asked a few questions.

There was a long pause.

Suddenly, Qu Yunxuan’s mother shouts. “Yunxuan! Your man has called!”

Qu Yunxuan replied. “Mum, stop joking.”

“It’s true! Xiao Bing had called!” Qu Yunxuan’s mother scolded. “Just answer the phone and listen yourself!”

Two seconds later, Qu Yunxuan answered. “Xiao Bing?”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “It’s me. How are you and our baby? I’m sorry, I got back slightly late.”

Qu Yunxuan’s tears flowed immediately. “It’s you!!! What happened to you?! Didn’t they say you….”

“It’s a long story.”

“You will scare me to death one of these days!”

“Sorry… sorry….”

“Are you hurt? How are you now?”

“I am fine. How are you and our baby?”

“We are fine too. I was almost scared to death by you.”

They chatted for a while before Qu Yunxuan’s mother took the phone. “Xiao Bing, it is great to know you are fine. But I will teach you a lesson for scaring us when you come to Beijing! Yunxuan had not slept much since we heard about your incident. Let her have a good rest and come back after you finish your work.”

Dong Xuebing is worried for Qu Yunxuan. “Ok. Can you ask Yunxuan to go to bed? Make sure she gets enough rest.”

“Huh? No need. She had fallen asleep.” Qu Yunxuan’s mother replied. “She had been worried for so many days. Alright. I will get a blanket for her. Bye.”

“Ok. Bye. Send my regards to Dad.”

Dong Xuebing called Geng Yuehua next.

Many Subdistrict Office staff and residents had gotten closer to Dong Xuebing, and he got to watch his words.

“h.e.l.lo, Geng Yuehua speaking.”

“Mayor Geng, I am Xiao Dong.”

Geng Yuehua asked after a short pause. “Who?”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “I am Dong Xuebing. I am fine and just crawled out from the debris. Sorry for worrying you.”

“Are you Dong Xuebing?”

“Haha…. It’s me.”

“Didn’t the hospital collapse?”

“Yes, but the debris did not fall on me. I was trapped in a small s.p.a.ce.”

“There’s air under the debris?!”

“Err…. There are gaps between the debris and a few oxygen tanks beside.” 

“What about your injuries?”

“I have recovered. Err…. I happen to find anti-inflammation medication and bandages.”

“…… food?”

“Oh, there’s food and drinks like glucose water there.”

The people behind Dong Xuebing heard what he said. There’s food, water, air, and medication?! d.a.m.n! How lucky are you?!

At this moment, everyone believes…… Dong Xuebing is back!

Geng Xinke, Qu Yiqiang, and the rest quickly call the District Government and the City Government to inform them about Dong Xuebing. Zhou Yanru and w.a.n.g Yuling rushed over to check on him.

“Director Dong is alive!”

“He did not die!”

The residents cheered!

The City and District governments were shocked!

News of Dong Xuebing’s return spread quickly. Everyone’s jaw dropped when they heard about it!

It’s more than ten days!

How can someone survive more than ten days under debris without food, water, or air?

Dong Xuebing had survived without any injuries. He can still save others after crawling out from the debris.

Everyone is speechless.

How did Dong Xuebing escape unscathed in this situation?!

d.a.m.n! It has been more than ten days! Three to four hundred hours! Anyone else would have died at least one to two hundred times!

What are you make of?

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