Power To Let Go

Chapter 13

"Come on. Sun"s rising." I tossed his bag at him, shifting within a moment before walking out of the cave with an annoyed huff.

The sun hadn"t even started peaking over the horizon, but I couldn"t stand being in that cave with him even longer. What he did last night hurt me and I know it was my fault as well.

I knew that saying I hated our mate bond would hurt him, but it was true.

I"d rather be alone for the rest of my life rather than risk everything for another man.

Another family.

"The sun"s not even out." He points out, looking just as tired as I felt when I looked away from him and marched back into the forest. I sniffed the ground, following the faint cinnamon and ash smell while allowing myself to feel the nature around us.

This was rogue lands and I knew a rogue was nothing like an a.s.sa.s.sin, but they can be just as dangerous in packs. I killed many rogues on this path when I was younger.

This place was where I released all my anger.

And there was a rogue pack nearby...

"Stay here. I"ll be back before sunrise." I spoke through our mate bond, suddenly despising while dashing for another direction. The rogue pack that I was heading to was always a problem and they somehow rebuild after I tear them apart.

It"s been years since I"ve been there, but it would be very fun to tear them apart again.

"If you"re going to go kill them, you"re not going alone," Levi tells me, walking beside me as I hissed at him like a cat.

Son of a b.i.t.c.h!

"Forgot to close the mind link. Now either let me come or we are heading for your pack." He says in a stern voice before I shifting back quickly and shoved a finger in his chest.

"Don"t tell me what to do." I snarl as he grabbed my hand and shoved me against a tree.

"Don"t stab me with your nail." He warns, his blue eyes darker than usual when I twisted in his hold but it didn"t work. I narrowed my eyes at him, lifting my other hand to shove him off me but he only grabbed that hand as well.

"You son of a b.i.t.c.h," I growl while he shook his head and stepped forward to close to gap between us.

"Don"t be mean. You"re the one who"s attacking me and is trying to kill yourself just to settle your anger." He tells me, skimming his lips over my neck making me squirm.

"You"re an a.s.shole." I breathed out, leaning away from where he was kissing my neck. The feeling so erotic that it made all my anger fly out of me.

"You love it." He growls, moving to the open s.p.a.ce where a mate mark was placed. When his lips kissed that area everything inside of me released making me yelp loudly. "You loved that." He notes, devouring that place with his lips causing me to squirm more against him.

"Oh Jesus! Levi, I can"t-"

"What do we have here?" A low voice suddenly questions in front of us. The cold dead stare only darkened at the sight of me making my mind snap back to my childhood.

"Thomas..." I whispered, the heat of the moment gone as I softly pushed Levi off of me. He growled at the release, both of us wanting more but my old childhood friend staring at me in disbelief.

"Who the h.e.l.l are you and how do you know my name?" Thomas snarled, his curly dark blonde mane all crazed as his brown eyes narrowed in on Levi"s blue ones.

"Calm down, Thomas. It"s me, Nava." I confess expecting him to jump in glee like he always did but he didn"t. His eyes only grew harder before he lifted a gun which surprised me because wolves normally don"t use human weapons.

"How the f.u.c.k do you know Nava?! She died five years ago!" He roared when Levi grabbed my arm and pushed me behind his body.

"No stop." I pushed Levi away and stood in front of Thomas, my old friend shaking in pain as I unclasped the cape and handed it to Levi.

"What are y-"

"Shut up, Levi," I warn, kneeling down and pulling up the leggings I had on. Thomas still had the gun trained on me and I knew that Levi could easily take it away from him, but I didn"t want to do that.

Thomas would think we are enemies.

"Look." I tossed the boot I had on and revealed our friendship tattoo. "Tell me that no one else has our drunken tattoo." I smiled widely seeing him shudder at the sight and drop the gun.

"Nava..." He clasped his hand over his mouth as I dove over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Yeah. It"s me." I squeezed him tightly and pulled away with a large smile. "You have no idea how much I"ve missed you! You have to tell me everything! How"s Dad, Mom, grandma?! Is everyone okay?! Any surprising mate couples?! I"m so excited to hear the new gossip!" I shout excited holding both of his hands and jumping a little bit.

I couldn"t help myself around Thomas.

My wolf always grew excited around him and I never understood why.

Not like I cared!

"Oh, girl you got a lot to tell as well! Get that fine a.s.s over here and we can talk the whole way home." Thomas growls when I laughed and hooked my arm with his.

Levi stood in the background, unsure of what to say but I knew that by the hold Thomas had on me he didn"t trust Levi.

I couldn"t blame him.

Barack was his brother.

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"Guess what." Thomas clapped happily as I looked at him eagerly. "Mary Lu and Jeremiah!" He says making me gasp in shock.

"No way! They hated each other"s guts!" I burst into laughter at the thought of the troublemaker and goody two shoes getting together.

"I know right! Everyone was so shock and Mary Lu just jumped his bones! They"ve been at it like crazy even with their hatred!" He says making me blush deeply and chuckle. He leaned to say something my ear making me giggle. "I bet what that hatred would bring to the bedroom, if you know what I"m saying," Thomas says wiggling his eyebrows as I snickered and thought back to Levi and me earlier.

"The s.e.x must be amazing for the lovebirds," I comment, the words catching Levi"s attention who was walking beside me.

"More like fighting geese." He groans when glancing at Levi. "Got to say. He"s quite the looker as well. Where"d you get him? Witches only?" He jokes reminding me of the Farmers only dating site making me laugh again.

"I guess you can say that." I shrug glancing over at Levi who was beyond shocked at the compliment. "Thomas is gay," I whisper to him, quiet enough so Thomas didn"t catch my words.

"So what are you two?" Thomas asks breaking our contact as I quickly turned to him and shook my head.

"We are just friends," I said quickly, not wanting to get more involved than that since Thomas knew that Barack was my mate. I know I will have to explain everything to him, but not right n-

"We are mates," Levi says proudly causing me to turn to him with a deadly look.

I mouthed to him that I was going to kill him before turning to Thomas"s heartbroken expression. Levi had no idea who he just told that to.

"I"ll have you know Nava was mated with my brother who died protecting her. You are not her mate. He i-"

"Thomas..." I rested a hand on his shoulder looking at him with a pained look. "This is Levi, my second chance mate." I introduce finally when Thomas blinked back his anger and sorrow. "Trust me. I didn"t want this happening again, but it is. I know that I am betraying y-"

"Oh, my Nava!" He collected me in another hug making me look around completely confused. "Do you realize how special this?! I know my brother pa.s.sed away protecting you but now your children-"

"Please don"t mention them," I whisper, shoving him away and wrapping my arms around myself. The pain of losing them far greater than my mate.


"Thomas. Please don"t hurt her anymore." Levi spoke up for me, wrapping a protective arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side. My hands remained underneath the cape, knowing that they were shaking not because of the cold but because of the misery of losing them.

The memories were so horrible...

I wish I could just forget.

"Okay." Thomas backed off, taking a step away from us while nodding to the direction of the pack house. "We"re almost there. Your parents will want to see you." Thomas tells me as I nodded and remained sheltered in Levi"s tight hold.

Thomas started walking ahead of us when Levi softly nudged me to walk forward but I was suddenly unable to continue walking. He stepped in front of me, pulling my hood back so he could look at me.

"Do you wish to continue? We can always come another time if you can"t face this yet." He tells me with a softness that reminded me of Barack making me tighten my hold on the cape around me.

"Y-Yeah. Just give me a moment." I stuttered, holding myself closely and closing my eyes as he sighed and hugged me softly. My arms went around his neck as I felt him parting my legs and throwing them around his waist.

He lifted me off the ground, the cape sweeping underneath me when blinked my shock. His hands were soft underneath my thighs, making intertwine them behind him.

"Am I really that light?" I ask, leaning my cheek against his shoulder.

"No. I"ve been doing a little bit of exercise ever since you went into a coma." He simply says as I smacked his back making him yelp. "What was that for?" He growls quietly, the sound seductive to my ears.

"You were supposed to say I am light." I point out for him when he chuckled and buried his face in my hair.

"You"re the lightest d.a.m.n thing on this planet." He sarcastically says making me hit him again. "What"d I say wrong this time?" Levi asks curiously while I leaned away from him and stared at him.

"You forgot to say I"m pretty," I said before bursting into laughter at the stupidity of my response.

"Oh, you want on how pretty you are?" He questions in a mischevious tone when grabbing a hand full of my hair and forcing our lips to meet. His lips were tantalizing on mine and our fight from the night was forgotten.

The sparks roamed through our bodies as I slipped my tongue into his mouth, only igniting a snarl of disobedience. He pulled me away, pushing me against his shoulder making me snicker.

"You"re such a f.u.c.king tease." He curses at me while I smiled and ran one of my hands through his hair and pressed my lips to his neck this time.

"Watch where you"re going or you"ll regret it," I mumble against his throat, his hands tightening on my thighs as Thomas called him to hurry. "Don"t want anyone knowing do you? You should hurry before he realizes how you make me." I nipped at his neck making him shudder, his nails digging into my thighs.

"I"m not afraid to take you on this f.u.c.king ground." Levi snarls, his voice deeper with l.u.s.t when I licked at the spot I bite.

"I think you are, Mage." I correct as he tilted his head for me.

"Oh f.u.c.k." He breathed deeply while I made it difficult to walk for him. "I think I am, Wolf." He taunts back.

My wolf thrummed with happiness before I continued my attack on him, getting him back for hurting my feelings the previous night.

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