Power To Resist

Chapter 22

Something swayed back and forth awaking me while I blinked against the sunlight and noticed I wasn"t on the ground anymore with a wolf laying on me. The sunlight warmed my exposed legs and arms when I tried to concentrate on what was happening.

"Zavier...?" I mumble under my breath as the person carrying me tightened their arms.

"It"s alright. I was bringing you back to get some better sleep." He a.s.sures, his voice revealing how exhausted he was as well. It made me feel terrible about keeping him out for so long and for having him carry me.

"I can walk," I mutter, shifting to get up out of his grasp while he held onto me tighter.
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"It"s okay, Xenon. Just relax." He says to me, coaxing me back as I reached my arms around his neck and held onto him. His scent of forest driving me crazy to this day like it did years ago.

"I"m okay to walk, Zavier... I promise. I know you are tired too." I comment, letting out a yawn when he chuckled and rubbed my arm.

"Like I said. I"m okay with carrying you. You"ve had a hard few days. Just let me take care of you." He pleads to me, still tired but determined to get me to relax.

"Fine..." I mumble under my breath, closing my eyes again and tightening my hold on him. Not wanting to let him go for any reason.

How much I wanted him to be with me rather than the other woman...


I really am jealous.

d.a.m.n it, Faye.

He continued to walk, his movements slow and planned out as his hands rested underneath my legs and on my back. I could feel that his body was tired from the night and I couldn"t blame him.

Sleeping in a sitting position was one of the worst decisions I could have ever made. All my bones were sore from the uncomfortable sleeping position but I wasn"t going to say I wouldn"t do it again if I could have a little shut-eye with a gentle wolf once again.

"Hey. You both are back. Is she alright?" A voice, that I didn"t want to hear right at the moment, asks Zavier probably thinking that I was asleep.

"Zavier... Please, I don"t want to be around him." I whispered into his ear, hoping that Ajax couldn"t hear me but at the same time I didn"t care if he did. He knows d.a.m.n well he was being an a.s.shole towards me.

"I can"t talk to you right now, man. I want to get some sleep and put her in bed. Later. Now is not a good time." Zavier says, saving me from hearing his voice while he brushed past Ajax and entered into the pack house.

There were soft whispers of gossip in the house as Zavier walked up the stairs and into the same room that I once woke up in. He shifted the blankets before laying me down and allowing me and shift.

He walked over to his dresser, grabbing a shirt while slipping out of the dirty one he was wearing making me blush and turn away from him.

"Must you change in front of me?" I question, hating that I felt my cheeks warming up at the idea of his exposed chest.

"I didn"t think it was a big deal. I"m sorry." He says, pulling the clean shirt down and tossing the shirt in the dirty laundry basket. "I am going to go ahead and grab one of the spare bedrooms down the hall. If you need anything just come find me." Zavier yawns tiredly and rubbed his eyes.

"Wait," I said before he could leave the room, my fingers messing with the blanket as I looked up at him. "You can stay in here. With me if you like and if you are okay with it." I rush out when he c.o.c.ked an eyebrow at me and smiles softly.

"You don"t have to Xenon. I"ll only be down the hallway so don"t feel guilty." He points out.

"But this is your room. You should be able to be in here even if I am here." I challenge, only wanting him to stay with me. Ignoring the fact that he was engaged.

"I don"t want to force you in-"

"I just want you in here with me!" I cut him off, surprised by my outburst just as much as he was. "Please?" I ask more nicely when he grinned and nodded, letting the door close.

"Yeah. Okay. I"ll stay with you." He came over to the bed while I moved aside and allowed him to get in the bed with me. I knew that it was different and wrong of me to ask him to stay with me but I truly wanted to feel safe in his grasps.

Covering myself with the covers, he laid his head close to my face and stared over at me for a moment before turning to lay on his side.

The white shirt he was wearing revealed his back muscles and his skin peaking underneath his shirt making me reach out to run my fingers down his spine. I could feel him relaxing to my touch, enjoying the feeling just as much as I was.

"You make it very hard to keep in control, Love." He points out, his voice sounding strained while I moved closer and kissed his shoulder blades that were exposed.

"I"m sorry. I"ll stop." I whisper to him and moved back to where I was before turning away from him and staring at the wall. "What is your fiance like?" I ask him, truly curious about who the lucky girl was.

"My fiance... I can"t say who she is. I barely know what she looks like but her spirit is what drives me. She"s my mate so I don"t even care about what she looks like. Though the fact that she can beat me up isn"t making me feel manly." He grumbles making me laugh to myself and frown a little.

"Any girl can beat you up," I comment as he growls and spun around to stare at me but I was facing away from him.

"Nope. No one can other than you, Love." He leaned over and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Go to sleep. I"ll watch over you." His grasp on me made me feel like the world as I melted into his hold, putting my hand on top of his.

His words didn"t register after he touched me, though I felt like I didn"t catch something.

But who cared.

I felt at peace.

"Alright. I"ll watch over you then." I told him, a soft rumble coming from his chest.

"Whatever helps you sleep." He pressed his face into my back as I closed my eyes and let my thoughts drift away.

〰 Zavier 〰

I woke up to find Xenon leaving the bed, not even bothering to creep out when I blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing right.

"Xenon...?" I call out for her but she just ignored me and continued walking as if nothing was happening. Quickly knowing that this wasn"t normal behavior for her, I jumped out of bed and grabbed my jacket.

I followed her out of my room and down the stairs, her pace seeming oddly fast for the time at night. It was still pitch dark and I knew that neither of us has had any quality sleep for the past day and a half.

So it was strange for her to walking around and not responding to me.

She grabbed ahold of the doork.n.o.b, opening it and leaving the house without even closing the door. I stared in disbelief and followed her out of the house, closing the door behind us.

What in G.o.d"s name was happening?

Was I dreaming or something?

I walked a little bit away from her, now curious about where she was going while I started seeing small flickers of light around her. My feet stopped, not sure what was happening but debating whether I wanted to continue following or not.

What am I even saying?

This is my mate. Of course, I am going to follow her and make sure she wasn"t going to be in any trouble.

Her figure started to disappear making me hurry and catch up with her but what I saw would never leave my mind for as long as I lived.

a.s.sa.s.sins everywhere.

They all stood around, looking like they were waiting for something but their eyes looked like they were all in a trance. Staring into nothing and not attacking one another like they normally would.

Xenon stopped before the crowd, standing there with the same trance-like stance when I hid in the forest line, seeing if anything would happen.

There were several different beings.





You name it and they were here.

Yet there was something strange about this situation.

What was happening?

Why weren"t they attacking each other?

Who were these people?

Why were they acting like this?

What was happening to Xenon?

"Never would have thought it would have been this easy to lure you here. I wonder what the league will give me if I hand deliver you in perfect condition." A woman cackles, tossing something into the air as Xenon dropped to the ground.

Still unresponsive.

A woman with large t.i.t- I mean... A woman with a large chest came from behind a few a.s.sa.s.sins, her devilish smile giving off the worst vibes while a low lullaby came from her voice causing more people to fall victim to her.


That"s what was happening.

"I"ve always loved you Xenon, dear. But it"s time to return home and face your punishment. Stand." The woman orders when Xenon stiffly stands up clearly exhausted still but not having any choice other than to follow her orders.

There was no way in h.e.l.l that this woman was taking Xenon away from me.

I stepped from behind the trees and hurried over to Xenon, giving the succubus a hard shove. The woman jumped away, a little surprised by me suddenly appearing in front of her.

"You?!" She hisses as if we knew each other when I grabbed a hold of Xenon"s face, seeing her eyes glowing with bright blue.

Still caught in the succubus"s spell.

"Give me her back!" The succubus screeches as I turned away from Xenon and faced the woman. The woman"s bright blue eyes glowing the same color as the other while I blocked her way to Xenon.

"Let them out of their spell." I snarl making me scoff and narrow her eyes at me.

Her outfit consisted of a very small and skimpy bikini that revealed her womanly curves that pulled men into her spell. The darkness around her blue eyes making her look like a witch but a seductive one that every man and woman would desire to want.

Her blue hair was thrown into a messy braid, allowing the charms and necklaces around her neck to allow her voice to go further into length. Which is probably the reason how Xenon was able to hear her soft melody from far away.

"You truly are "

"Back off, Melania. They are mine. Take these pour souls and eat them somewhere else." A man appeared between us causing both of us to nearly jump out of our skin.

The man had bright red eyes like Xenon does when she"s angry but it seemed like that man had them whether he was mad or happy. His fangs telling me that he was a vampire but the power that radiated off him screamed he had some authority from where ever he belonged.

"Ugh! Why do you always ruin my fun?! I just want this promotion, Jerson!" Melania yells at the other a.s.sa.s.sin, looking completely irritated by the fact that he interrupted her when I turned away from them and went back to trying to get Xenon out of her trance.

"That"s too bad. I need you to leave so I can speak business. Come back later." He argues back as grabbed a hold of her face, the blue shining brightly.

"Let"s make a deal then. If this young man can get her out of my trance, then I will leave and take these lovelies with me. If he can"t, I get to digest these souls as well as yours and Xenons. Is it a deal?" Melania compromises making me spin around and growl at both of them.

"Are you-"

"Deal," Jerson smirks at the succubus, glancing over at me with a secretive look. "Come on then. What"s one way a man can break a woman from a spell that sees eyes for another? It"s not very hard." He informs me as Melania scoffs.

"You must be stupid or something. He can only break my curse if they have a special bond and if they did. Do you honestly think any of us would be here? Plus who has that kind of relationship with Xenon, the coldest out of the killers?" She says out loud when I looked down at Xenon, knowing that as her mate that I could break her from this curse.

What is a way for a man to break a woman from a spell that sees eyes for another..?

Was this some s.h.i.t about a kiss breaking a curse?

Not sure what else to try and wanting to kiss her, I leaned down and kissed her. Forgetting the two a.s.sa.s.sins that were standing in front of us. The blue slowly disappeared, her body responding to the kiss while kissing me back and reached her hands up around my neck.

"Xenon..." I breathed against her lips, pulling her away since we had an audience. Her eyes shifting back into her normal grey as she licked her lips and noticed that we were outside.

"What? What"s happening?" She asks me when Jerson clapped happily and turned to Melania.

"Looks like you"ve gotta go. Have a nice night, Melania." Jerson waves off the bewildered succubus as she stared at me for a moment.

"Oh, this is truly interesting. I will be back for you both." She winks, walking away with the a.s.sa.s.sins slowly walking in different directions. Back to where ever they came from.

"Jerson. Melania." Xenon snarls under her breath, stiffening as she let my neck go and stood in front of me. "What is it you want?" Her voice was laced with venom making the man smirk and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Must you always be hostile towards me? I was helping you and your mate." He says causing my heart to drop.

I wasn"t sure if she knew or not.

But I wanted to tell her.

Not this a.s.shole.

"You"re hilarious Jerson. But we aren"t mates. He has a fiance and that"s his mate." She growls at him, her voice shifting from emotion. "Now if you excuse us. I"d rather not speak with you." Her hand grabbed ahold of mine, quickly leaving the man who was laughing to himself.

"See you soon Xenon. Lovely meeting your lover." Jerson nods before vanishing into the darkness like an evil person. I wasn"t sure whether to be upset that he exposed me to Xenon or that Xenon was aware of the mate bond.

It hurt to know that she thought some other woman was my mate.

It made me wonder...

Did she think that she was the other woman...?

Surely she"d know that she was my fiance.


My future fiance at that.

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