Power To Resist

Chapter 10

〰 Xenon/Faye 〰

I weakly walked down the alleyway I was meeting my official at. A grin stretched on my face while I kicked at a piece of trash and making it go all over the alley.

Even though I feel like utter s.h.i.t, I wasn"t going to reveal my weakness to my superior. I had to act like my normal self or else he"d sense something was off about the job and send someone else to finish it.

"Xenon. I"ve heard quite a lot about you in the last few days." My official says, sitting on top of a staircase that leads up to a roof. His face clearly hidden away from anyone and everyone, even from me.

His number one.

"I"ve been having a lot of fun, sir. It"s been... Exciting to play with their feelings." I smirk, my voice a little chirpy and proud of my own handy work. Though the grimace on his face showed me he wasn"t particularly happy about this.

Slowly, he slipped off the stairway and dropped to the ground in front of me. His dark red eyes revealing the pure darkness that he"s always wanted me to have but there"s always been something holding me back.

We"ve never been able to figure it out, but nonetheless. I was the deadliest killer in the league.

"Where"s your partner? Why is he not here?" He asks in a cold voice while I stared back at him and gripped my hands on my side. This was where it got fun.

"I ordered him not to come because he"s told me that he will no longer be apart of the league sir. It"s just me now." I told him, not exposing his mate since I don"t want him going after her as well.

He stared into my eyes, trying to search through my soul for the answers he wanted while I felt my strength wavering. It was like he was slowly sucking the life out of me.

Before I could realize what happened, I was slammed against the brick wall beside us as he held me against it. His eyes shining with anger as I tried to pry his hands away from my neck, feeling short of breath.

"Why?" He demands when I chuckled and smiled down at him dangerously.

"I"m sorry sir. I"m not liable to tell you the truth. Clint confidentiality if you must." I crackle only being thrown against the wall opposite to us. My back and neck flared in pain that quickly turned into numbness when I looked up at his figure who was slowly walking over to me.

"I"m only going to ask one more time. Why?" He gripped my hair, the hood disappearing from around my face as I hissed and clenched his wrist tightly.

My stubbornness was going to be the death of me.

I laughed out loud, feeling like my hair was going to be torn out of my head and feeling anything but happiness. He only seemed to glare at me more dangerously when I bite my lip and answered him the words he didn"t want to hear.

"Because I relieved him from his duty. It"s all my fault he"s g-" He grabbed my jaw before I could finish talking, bringing me closer to his face while he gave me a dark smile.

"Wrong answer."


I clasped on the ground in my living room, feeling the fresh marks on my back bleeding still when I looked around and noticed it was broad daylight. Heavy pants left my bruised lips, listening into the house to see if Ajax was still here.

Of course with my luck, he wasn"t.

The fresh whip marks that were on my back held me back from standing or doing anything at that. Scratches and injuries littered my body and all the magic inside of me was drained due to using the rest of it to teleport back here.

It would take a lot of time to heal since witches can"t heal ourselves and the fact that we heal at the same speed as humans.

How was I going to explain this to Zavier?

Surely he"d have questions.

Using what strength I had, I mind linked Ajax in hopes he can answer me and come help me out this once.

"Ajax...?" I called out, praying that he heard me while I forced myself into a sitting position against the couch behind me. Blood spreading all over the ground but I knew I could clean this mess up once I regained some power.

"Faye! Where are you?! We"ve been looking for you all morning!" Ajax yells at me, the volume of his voice making me wince a little bit.

"Don"t be so loud... I"m back at the house. Don"t bring anyone..." I told him, feeling the remaining strength waiver. Even if he did bring someone, it"s not like I could stop him.

I was defenseless.

"It"s just Alex and I. She knows anyway and she knows some things about medicine so it should be fine." He says not even caring about the fact that I was supposed to keep my ident.i.ty secret however it"s not like she can talk about it anyway.

Though I should just keep that thought to myself.

I sighed, feeling our mind link clasping as I rested against the sofa and the blood slowly running down my arm to the floor. The muscles in my shoulders slowly starting to drop when I heard the door slam open, surprising me on how fast they were.

"Xenon?" Alexandra questions, slightly taken aback by my posture and the blood seeping out of me while Ajax hurried to my side.

"Faye... He did this to you?" Ajax asks, looking completely guilty before I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Yeah... He didn"t particularly like the way I was acting." I coughed harshly and reopened my eyes to face his grief. "It wasn"t your fault... I told you wouldn"t be returning and I didn"t give him the real reason why." I inform knowing it would ease him slightly while Alexandra walked over to us and knelt down beside Ajax.

"You didn"t tell your boss about me?" She asks, shocked that she was even speaking but at the same time very curious about our lives.

"Yeah. If Ajax and I have to die because of our involvement in the league... I wasn"t going to drag you down into h.e.l.l with us. It was our decision to enter the league, I don"t want to force that on you..." I explain while Ajax nodded in agreement, whether it was that he wanted to keep his mate out of the league or he wanted to keep her safe at all costs.

"Wow... I didn"t think you were so considerate." She comments making me laugh out loud but the sharp pains all over my body caused me to groan in pain.

"I"m not, but I"d prefer keeping anyone as far away from the league as possible. We may be their number one killers but that only means we are punished and used as an icon to other a.s.sa.s.sins. We are the face of what to do and not what to do. My torture video is already out there to the a.s.sa.s.sins, the lesson being not to lie about our a.s.signments." I told them as Ajax growled angrily and slipped out my phone that the league contacts me, but I grabbed it from him.


"You don"t want to watch it Ajax... It"s not pretty." I told him seriously and took the phone from him and dropped my hand in my lap again. "I just need some rest to heal and restore my energy," I said with a sigh that revealed how exhausted I was.

"Alright. Come on." Ajax bent over, picking me off the ground while he stood up with his mate. "Could you go grab some-"

"Yeah. I"ll be right back." She gave his upper arm a soft squeeze before leaving the house for something I wasn"t even sure of.

"Alright. Let"s get you clean up." He said, walking over to the downstairs bathroom knowing too much movement could cause me even more misery.


I hummed awake, feeling a soft comfort while opening my eyes and seeing Ajax healing my back a little bit with the small amount of magic I"ve taught him.

There were bags underneath, clearly looking exhausted when I pushed off the bed and stopped his train of magic that comforted my injured back. He glanced up, his brown eyes looking slightly pale.

"Get some rest. You"ll kill yourself if you use to much power. I"ll be fine alone." I promise him, patting his hand and shoving him lightly out of the room. He seemed very hesitant about leaving me alone as Alexandra walked in with two cups of tea.

"It"s alright, babe. Get some rest. Us girls will chat a little bit." She says with a smile before giving him a soft kiss. "Go on. I"ll join you later when we tire ourselves." Alexandra promises when he nods and mumbled something in her ear and left the room.

Once he was out of earshot, I glanced over at her and laid back on the bed with my back still exposed for the world to see. She watched me carefully not really sure what to do when I c.o.c.ked my eyebrow at her.

"You going to yell at me? Yell at me for cursing you? Yell at me for deceiving your Alpha? Or compliment me for being a fantastic actor?" I question her and making myself laugh at my last question.

Alexandra didn"t answer me, her blonde hair thrown in a sloppy bun as her green eyes watched me carefully. Not sure whether I was a friend or foe.

It actually surprises me on how she was legitimately thinking about what kind of person I was only cause I was a murderer.

"As a truce. I understand why you put the curse now." She walked over to me, handing me the tea when I blinked at that tea in a confusing way. She didn"t seem that surprised but more like she didn"t care about the curse though low key petty about it.

"Thanks..." I struggled to sit up, the burn of pain stretching through my spine when I covered my exposed with the blanket. The tea was warm and comforting in my hands as I watched Alexandra sit down on the chair across from the bed.

"I have a few questions." She says, leaning back and staring at me while I waved my hand to her.

"It"d be a pleasure. What is it you want to know?" I ask not in a sarcastic way but in a glad way. It"s the first time I can answer questions about my a.s.sa.s.sin life.

"Who sent you here?" She questions making me chuckle and wave my finger in front of me.

"I can"t answer things about the league. Only things about me and Ajax"s." I told her, knowing it was better off with her not knowing a whole lot about the league.

"Alright... Where"d you learn to act that way? Clearly, you"ve had some kind of experience because normal people can"t act like two different people at the same time." She seemed really interested in my ability to become two separate people when I shrugged and sat the cup in front of me.

"The league had forced us to take cla.s.ses that taught us to act and become several people at once. I"ve always been good at acting, not the best, but not the worst. I"ve always thought Ajax had been the better actor, though they were always a little harder on the both of us." I explain to her, bringing the cup to my lips and taking a sip.

The tea tasted like berries and herbs, the kind that your grandmother would give you if you were sick. Though it wasn"t the best, it helped with several of my muscle pains.

"Why were they hard on you both?" She asks, looking like she was getting even more curious than before.

"They were hard on me because they didn"t accept women into the league at the time however the person in charge of the league saw some potential. Ajax was just... A little bit slower at learning techniques and skills needed being an a.s.sa.s.sin. So they thought it would have been funny to put the two worst kids together. If only they knew what we"d become." I said with a small smile, clearly remembering their faces when we both excelled in all fields.

"You protected him then?" She says while I chuckled and shook my head.

"Of course not. I taught him to be strong. Taught him to fight, taught him to deceive people, taught him to take control, taught him to use magic. I did stand up for him if I thought he wasn"t capable of winning. But I never protected him if he was strong enough to hold his own ground." I inform her with a proud smile.

"Is he part witch?" She asks, curious about his ident.i.ty before my smile widened to a grin.

"No," I answer.

"Wait... Then how does he have magic? Wolves have no magic power." She notes, wanting an answer when I set the cup on the nightstand beside me.

"I"m actually proud of this one. I tapped into his magic power. Although you are right, wolves do not have any power, witches who know how to pull and train that kind of power can help wolves have limited spells that are weak but beneficial." I said to her. The way she was staring at me made me feel like I was a G.o.d.

"Y-You can do that?" She asks, eager to know if I was able to do that.

"Of course. My parents were both high mages and they pa.s.sed their power to me. Though not many people know I can tap into powers of mystic creatures, I have done it to Ajax and a vampire I was closed too." I told her as she stood up and walked over to the bed before sitting in front of me.

"That"s so cool! Why doesn"t everyone know about this?" She questions curiously as I smiled at her excitement.

"It takes a lot of energy from witches. When I tapped into Ajax"s power, it took all my magic away and I was in a coma for a few days. Though he had some power, it wasn"t enough for medium cla.s.s spells but enough for small healing spells and show spells." I explain, clearly remembering when I was out for a week and how drowsy I was the day I woke up.
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"Oh..." She mumbles, sounding a little sad while I smiled and kicked her with my foot.

"Don"t worry. I didn"t have that much power when I was younger. I can tap into your powers and teach you some spells if you like. Not like I can do much with being injured. Since I"m a witch, it"ll take a lot longer for me to heal. Almost as long as it would take a human to heal." I explain as she jumped happily and grasped my hands with bright green eyes.

"Really?! Would you do that for me?! I would forgive you for everything you"ve done and what you"re doing if you can do this for me!" She said with excitement making me laugh.

"Okay okay. I will tap into them tomorrow morning. But I need to recover my magic and I"m tired." I patted her hands, pulling away and sighing with exhaustion.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn"t mean to keep you up. I"m just really thrilled to actually do magic." She mutters while I laughed and nodded in understanding.

"I always knew you were a nerd. Go. I need sleep." I pushed her off the bed as she collected herself and stood up to grab the coffee cups.

"Right. Sorry again. I"m sure Ajax is waiting for me." She said when I smiled at her. "Thanks for answering my questions. I have more but it helps to understand a little bit about you and Ajax. I never knew you were like this." She says standing beside the door.

"Like what?" I question her this time but all I got was a small giggle from her.

"Oh, nothing. I"ll speak with you tomorrow Faye. Good night." Alexandra quickly left, turning the light off for me and leaving me in the dark as I sighed and laid down on the bed.

My back still searing in pain still while I turned around to be on my stomach so my back wasn"t against the bed. The cool air was soothing on my back making me take a deep breath and close my eyes.

Thinking back to everything today.

I wonder if I could really go through living two lives still.

Every day, it keeps getting harder and harder.

Seeing him and others...

I"m not sure how much longer I can keep this up.

With those last thoughts. I fell asleep with for the first time, a calming mind and no nightmares.

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