Power To Resist

Chapter 19

"So? What happened to taking me down again?" I ask Claire and her friend, Laine, as they groaned and struggled to get up from the ground. Bruises littered the three of us, both of them working well enough to knock me off the ground.

There was a slow clap behind me making me spin around and noticed a shadow lurking in the forest around us. I narrowed my eyes to the person withdrawing from the forest as I slowly backed away and kneeled down to Claire and her friend.

"Vade," I mutter under my breath, both of them disappearing to a safe spot when I stood up taller than before and watched the made come from the shadows. "I thought I told you to stay away from me," I said in a dark tone while the man chuckled and flared with fangs towards me.

"I told you I"d visit you whenever I"m in the neighborhood. How"s the fun life, darling? Everything you ever dreamed for?" The man, Jerson, questions with a slight chuckle. "I see your lover is marrying another woman. How painful that must be to you." He sighs though I could hear the menace in his voice.

I grit my teeth, hating it how he rubbed the fact that Zavier was happy without me in my face. He knew that was a weakness of mine, but I would never admit it to him.

Nor the league.

"What is it you want?" I said straight to the point, his lips curving in a sinister grin.

"I need your help with this job." Jerson pulled out a file and threw it at my feet. "And I know you"ll just say yes." He giggles but it doesn"t fit his character at all.

"What makes you say I will ever help you again?!" I bark angrily though his smile only seemed to grow.

"Why. They are the people who gave you to the league after all." He says tearing through my anger for him and leaving the fury I felt for the witches who disposed of me like a piece of trash.

"What..." I said more in disbelief but felt all the anger I felt for those people coming to my surface. Is this my time for revenge?

"I"ll come back in the next few days. Oh and I brought some a.s.sa.s.sins for you to kill. I antic.i.p.ated you"d want to kill someone so it"s my treat. See you soon darling." He sped away in the darkness that he came from, my body shuddering with the thought of seeing the a.s.sholes who turned me into this killer rather than giving me a normal life.

Slowly, I bent over and grabbed the file. Just staring at it rather than worrying about the a.s.sa.s.sins coming for me. At this point, I know I want to kill or hurt something but I"ve worked so hard to control my anger that I didn"t want to unleash it all.

"Alright Xenon... Just count to three." I whispered to myself hearing the thudding on the ground when taking a shaking breath.

All my thoughts roaming around the single folder in my arms. It was hard to concentrate on my own breath without growing even angrier.

"One." I took another shaky breath, the power inside me stirring like wildfire as I felt a few gushes of wind blow past me.

My body trembled, in anger and lack of control. Trying to contain the anger I"ve felt for a very long time.

"Two." The thudding became closer and closer with every second I took for myself, knowing if I didn"t try to control the anger I could potentially hurt those around me.

The snarls and growls had caused a few sparks and flames to roam around me not helping me at all but I could help my power to unleash a little bit about the news.

"Three." I opened my eyes, the deep red and midnight black eyes coming at me while I got into defense. Just as the a.s.sa.s.sins came at me, a large black wolf came from the trail and took down a vampire coming towards me.

I didn"t allow myself time to pay attention to the wolf when I threw a burst of flames at the witch who was about to throw up their shield. The man screamed in pain as I dropped the folder and spun around to bring the winds together and knock back the enemies.

The wolf dove for the witch before he could attack me while another wolf dove for me, taking me down to the ground. I held the wolf"s throat away from me as it repeatedly snapped down at me.

"Ignis!" Flames burned the s.h.i.t out of the wolf causing it to fly away from me and hit the ground a few feet away from me.

Quickly recovering, I jumped off the ground and spun around to throw another set of flames but my hands were grabbed before I could.

I threw the person away, heavy breaths leaving my lungs while the charms around our necks glowed brightly. His green eyes looked down at me worried as I grabbed my chest, trying to control my breathing.


I held my hand up to him, staggering over to the folder that was on the ground and staring down at it still. My anger was still burning and I felt like if I said something that it would throw me over the edge.

"Were you hurt? Are-"

"STOP ACTING LIKE YOU CARE!" I scream, throwing his hand off my arm and glaring over at him. "JUST STOP IT! YOU HAVE A FIANCE!" A dry laugh left my throat as I looked back down at the folder and then back up at him. "If you truly care. Then go away." I told him truthfully before turning away from him and walked away from him.

Controlling my anger with all my strength before I did something I would regret.
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"Hey. I heard from Zavier-"

"Is Claire and her friend alright?" I cut him off, sitting against the wall with a knife in my hand while he walked into the cabin and walked over to me.

"They"re fine. Are you alright?" Ajax asks me when I glanced up at him before throwing my knife at the papers pinned up on the wall across from me. His attention was drawn to that as I stood up to go grab some alcohol from the kitchen. "This is-"

"Yeah." I popped open two beers before handing him one and sipping on the other. "That"s where my parents are," I admit and sighed deeply. "Jerson came back. That"s the reason I have the file." I inform him as I chugged the rest of the beer, seeing it wasn"t strong enough for me when I went back into the kitchen for some hard liquor.

"Jerson?! f.u.c.k that a.s.shole! Don"t you remember a year and a half ago-"

"This is different from last year. His job is to infiltrate the coven. Who better than myself? He also has to kidnap the coven leader, dead or alive." I said with a heavy sigh and look at him while uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g the bottle of vodka. "I"m going to help him," I told him as he nearly choked on the beer I gave him.

"Excuse me?! Are you crazy? It"s Jerson. Jerson! He is completely in-"

"I want answers Ajax! I want to know why I was thrown aside by my blood family! Don"t you want to know why you were sent to the league?!" I yell at him, cutting him off for the twentieth time tonight.

"You know what fine." He growled, setting his beer on the counter and grabbing his coat as he marched to the door. Though he seemed to have more to say since he came back to my face. "Unlike you, Faye. I"d rather live this life than any life my blood parents would have given me. I meet you and my mate. I"ve made a family and I am happier than ever. When will you just be satisfied? Are we not enough?" He interrogates when I narrowed my eyes and shoved my finger into his chest.

"Unlike you Ajax. I don"t have a mate. I don"t have a family to call my own. You all ditch me at the end of the day! You left me for your mate! Claire left me for the pack! And Zavier left me for his fiance! So don"t you dare f.u.c.king play victim. You are just as much to blame as I am." I snap at him, taking another swig of the drink and turning away from him. "Just go away." I brush off, not wanting to be in his presence anymore.

"Tsk. You"re just like the rest. Pitiful." He insults, leaving the cabin and slamming the door shut while I gripped at the counter for control.

d.a.m.n it...

"G.o.d d.a.m.n it!" I scream, throwing the bottle across the cabin and watching it shatter against the wall.


"Oh thank G.o.d you"re alright. I heard you got into a fight with some a.s.sa.s.sins. "

"Shh. You are too loud." I shut the kid up, pulling my hoodie more over my head as the sun blared above us. My back leaned against the tree as I tried to settle the throbbing pain in my head from the hangover and the lack of sleep.

"Are you... Drunk?" He asks a little surprised when I glanced up at him and squinted up at him.

"What is your name?" I ask never realizing I didn"t know his name.

"I told you its Jeremy. What"s-"

"Right, shut up Jeremy. Go and do what you do best. Bother other people." I growl, burying my face back into my knees and closing my eyes as Jeremy sighs and walks off in another direction.

My muscles hurt everywhere and to be honest I wasn"t even sure why I came out this morning. I wasn"t in my right mind and I am still tipsy from the night before yet I forced myself to get off the ground this morning and come out here.

I knew it wasn"t the best choice I could have made but I felt I needed to get out of the house.

Sober up a little bit.

"Here." A voice brought me out of the peace of the silence making me glance up at the green-eyed fool who couldn"t take rejection.

"What di-"

"It"ll help with your hangover," Zavier told me when I sighed and clutched onto the coffee cup and let my legs drop to the ground."May I?" He asks, waving his hand beside me while I shrug.

"Not like I have much of a choice," I note making him smirk and sit beside me as I sipped on the sweet tea drink. "Thanks," I mumble, hating that I was already warmed up with him even though he has a finance and his parents forbid me from ever seeing him again.

Telling me that monsters don"t deserve their son.


That hit home.

"Are you going to tell me what"s bothering you or should I guess?" Zavier asks me before I rose my eyebrow and looked over at him.

"I highly doubt you"re going to guess right," I comment, a compet.i.tive grin rising on his face.

"Is it that you know that I am stronger than you?" He says making me scoff and presses the coffee cup against my cheek.

"I"ll challenge you right here and right now," I warn.

"Or maybe you are on your period." He comments as I stared at him blankly.

"Now that"s a low blow," I said, a smirk rising on his face.

"Ah, I know. You had a spiritual connection last night and praise the holy G.o.d himself." Zavier waved his hands in a strange way making me laugh a little and roll my eyes.

"Yeah. The holy G.o.d of Vodka. You heard of him, he"s pretty f.u.c.king awesome." I point out causing him to chuckle at me and look over at me once again. "I"m sorry about last night... My emotions were a little out of place last night." I apologize, staring down at the coffee cup as he sighed and leaned against the tree beside me.

"Are you going to tell me why or am I going to have to bug you until you tell me? Either way is good with me." He notes when I took a deep breath trying not to grow angry again.

"There"s this man, Jerson. He always comes every now and then for my help and now I have a big job coming up." I explain as vague as I could making him chuckle.

"You"re gonna have to tell me more you know. I"m not sure how to help you." Zavier tells me while I huffed and sipped on the tea.

"The job is to infiltrate a coven. The coven I was born into." I bluntly say and hear him hum, agreeing with my anger.

"I would be angry as well. Don"t worry, I don"t hold anything against you. However." He paused for a moment, thinking of his words. "I believe that this job will only cause you misery rather than closure. And that"s the last thing I want you to feel." He says seriously.

"You wouldn"t understand how I felt. You have never been thrown to the side and you"ve always been loved. There"s never been a moment in my life I"ve truly felt loved by anyone." I confess to him, not liking how easy it was to talk to him like we never broke apart.

He mumbled something under his breath that I didn"t catch but I didn"t bother to question it. I was too in my emotions to even utter another word without spilling out everything.

And I knew he could sense that I wasn"t in the best emotional state.

"It"s alright. I won"t pester you anymore. Come." His arm slung over my shoulders, pulling me against his side when I tried pulling away but his grip tightened. "Don"t. It"s alright Xenon. Relax." He says, his voice gentle as I allowed myself to indulge in his warm.

Slowly, I carefully fell asleep in his grasps. Knowing it was a bad decision but at the moment, I was just happy to be around him without the judgment around me.

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