Power To Resist

Chapter 24

I slammed my foot into the rogue"s face, throwing a fireball into his face causing him to screamed and fall to the ground in antagonizing pain. A drop of blood ran down my head as I heard another rogue coming up from behind me, the other burnt to a crisp much like how my shoulder was.

Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds truly believed they were stronger than me?

Reality check.

They weren"t.


A needle pierced my neck before I snarled and threw a blast of fire, burning the rogue alive when I threw the needle out of my neck and saw it was empty.

I stared at it for a moment, unsure of what to think while tossing the needle aside when another rogue dashed over to me. My hands were quick to throw several currents through his body, his body shuddering by the bolts running through his body.

His body dropped to the ground as the rogue I burned moments ago struggled up off the ground, looking to have some last words before the fire consumed his soul. Though he was able to give me a wicked grin before the fire consumed his body.

"Have fun in heat, babe." The witch smirked as I blinked for a moment before falling to the ground. My body was responding with the poison in the needle, eliminating all control I had with my s.e.xual tendencies.

What does he even mean by heat?

That son of

"Faye. Hey, get up. We need to l- s.h.i.t. Alright, I"m going to pick you up." Daniel threw me over his shoulder, grabbing the child"s hand when walking quickly making me groan and grasp my head. Thoughts and weird fantasies filled my mind while he walked swiftly, making sure the child was keeping up with him.

"Jesus... What is happening to me...?" I groan, the effects. .h.i.tting me quickly and igniting a searing pain within me as Daniel kept quiet. The small child peering up at me with worried eyes while Daniel tugged him more next to him.

"Just concentrate on relaxing. I"m gonna make up a story for you and the reason Faye is back. I will cover you." He a.s.sures me when I blinked and tried focusing on the ground. My vision was making it hard to determine what was real and what was making it strange for me to even relax with thoughts of Zavier in a s.e.xual way.

This isn"t good...

〰 Zavier 〰

Come on.

Where are both of you?

I sat on the porch, waiting for my mate and father to return with the child safely. My worry overriding any of the choices that I make, knowing my mother felt the exact same way since she was going insane. Yelling at the poor guards inside the pack home for not defending the defenses.

It"s funny since that"s supposed to be my job, though I wasn"t going to stop her now.

She turns more psycho if anyone is defiant against her when she"s like this.

"They"re back!" A guard on the outskirts of the yard yells, running into the woods when I lept from the porch and ran to my father and Xenon.

Praying they were both okay.

"Son. It"s Faye... We found her at the rogue camp." My father says, the girl hung over his shoulder breathing hard when I blinked back my shock.

Did he just say, Faye...?

The girl hung over his shoulder looked to be in a lot of pain, her breaths shallow and short. So short that it made my stomach churn in worry, her disfigured form throwing me into a pool of concern and worry.

Large burn marks ran down her shoulder and covered some of her neck, looking to be hit with some kind of flame but I knew the only witch around would not harm Faye.

Unless Xenon was threatened in any way...

Though the girl looked so helpless and defeated, I would not believe that this was Xenon"s handy work.

"F-Faye...?" I stutter, beyond shock at the red-haired girl I saw over his shoulder. She was covered in burns and bruises, looking completely powerless. Her breathing starting to worry me even more since they became more ragged the second we were out here.

"Son..." He looked exhausted, holding her weight as I hurried to grab her from his shoulder. The small child clinging to his leg. "Xenon... She"s handling the rest of the rogues and we came across Faye in a dungeon. It seems like she"s been tortured, but she was poisoned before we got to her. They forced her into heat." He told me making me stare at him shocked.

How was that even possible...?

"She"s human though." I deny, looking down at her while Faye shifted and groaned loudly. Looking like she was in so much pain.

d.a.m.n it...

I thought that by her leaving that it would make it easier to chose a mate... but now. I knew I loved her just as much as I loved Xenon.

d.a.m.n it!

"The poison still acts the same way... She um." He stopped, looking away while I shook my head and held onto her closer.

I knew that helping her and healing her this way would hurt Xenon"s feelings... But I had to tell her that she was my mate as well as Faye and that there was no way I could choose between one and the other.

I thought that since Faye walked away so long ago that she never wanted to be in contact with me again, but here she is in my life once again...

This must be fate, right?

"I"ll situate her condition... I will watch over her for the night." I said as vaguely as I could when he nodded and picked up the child. It actually surprised me to see that he was unscathed and not hurt in any way making me relax.

That meant Xenon was perfectly fine.

That"s my girl.

"Go. She needs you." He says before I rushed away and into the pack house, her hand gripping at my wrists and jacket.

I could tell that she was desperate and praying that this universal pain would disappear. The poison they gave her must be working against her system, causing her even more pain than it would for a normal wolf shifter.

"Zavier... I can"t handle this burning." She whines when I hushed her and entered into my room, unsure of what to do. Knowing I needed to speak with Xenon about me having two mates, knowing that it was rare but it happens to Alphas the most.

Which is why it doesn"t surprise me that I had two completely different mates.


Very different mates.

"Shh. It"s alright honey. I"m just going t-" I went to lay her down as she grabbed my face and kissed me. Her lips soft but demanding against mine making me hold back a little bit, not wanting to take advantage of her.

"Don"t. Please, I"m going to die." She said, pressing her lips against mine when I laid her on the bed and pressed her shoulders down and away from me.

Her cheeks were deep red, a bead of sweat on her forehead as she pleaded me with her eyes. The feelings of her fingernails trying to reach back up at me but I prevented her from advancing towards me.

I couldn"t help but be attracted to the beauty lying beneath me.

"You aren"t thinking straight. Let m-"

"I"ve never thought straighter. I"ve wanted to do this for years..." She whispers, running her hand through my black hair and pulling me back down. Her other hand pulling me close to her chest when I closed my eyes and kissed her back.

f.u.c.k it.

We both needed this just as much as the other one.

〰 Faye/Xenon 〰

I woke up, feelings incredibly numb as I tried stretching but the heavy burn on my back preventing that. The pain in my arms and back were reasonable.


I wasn"t sure why I was so sore down there if you know what I mean.

My chest was covered in thick bandages that didn"t rub my wounds in the wrong places, actually giving it a soothing feeling. The poison that was introduced into my blood the previous night not fully gone but most of it was and thankfully I didn"t have the immediate urge to have se-

All at once, I noticed the bottom half of my body and realized that I was completely naked causing me to yelp and flinch away from the body beside me.

My mind raced when I looked down at Zavier who was slowly waking up to see my completely bewildered reaction.

What the f.u.c.k happened?!

"Faye? Are you alright?" Zavier asks me, his chest completely exposed when I lifted the blanket and saw his junior.

"Oh G.o.d. What did we do?" I gasp, reaching the blanket and covering myself with it. My face burning with embarra.s.sment and shock of not remembering that we had s.e.x the night before.

I"m not sure why, but the one question I had was whether I was good or not.

"Relax. You were drugged and only wanted me. Plus you came onto me." He points out, giving me a c.o.c.ky grin and running his hand up my thigh. "We had a... lovely and very loud night." He comments causing me to blush dangerously and shove his hand away from my thigh.

"Oh G.o.d... I can"t believe this... One minute there was fighting the next here I am waking up to you being..." I lifted the blanket once more to ensure that my thoughts were right, seeing his junior. "Oh my G.o.d." I pressed my hand on my head, unsure of what to do.

Why did I check on that again?

I already knew d.a.m.n well he was naked.

"Yeah. I clearly remember you saying that a lot last night." He informs making me growl and kick him off the bed. There was a thump making me laugh a little to myself as I covered myself more with the blanket.

"I need to get out of here," I said, looking around for my clothes but found nothing. Realizing that I was Faye and not Xenon. Thankfully Daniel made a cover story but that meant that he knew I was still in the house, surely he wouldn"t torture me...

Would he...?

"You know... We could just cuddle. I enjoyed that a lot last night after bandaging you up." He says, getting back onto the bed and brushing my messy hair to the side and leaning forward. Softly kissing my neck when I groaned and cradled his head, my body pleading for the connection I"ve deprived my body of being pleased for the last three years.

"Is cuddling your way of you wanting s.e.x?" I ask in a low voice, not caring about the future consequences while digging my nails into his scalp.

"Maybe... Unless you aren"t feeling good. I am perfectly fine cuddling." He a.s.sures me when pulling away and pressing his lips against the crown of my head. The poison still in my system, enticing all the heat I had the previous night and causing it to come back in waves.

"Yeah. That"s not going to work." I said, pressing my lips against his and shoving him back on the bed before he grabbed my waist. His lips curved up in a smile.

"Naughty girl." He growled lowly as I giggled and smacked his chest.

"Shut up." I giggle, going back to kissing him. Losing all my breath to him and letting my worries go.


"Didn"t expect you to be up so fast after what I heard," Daniel notes causing me to leap out of my skin and snap my attention towards him. His green eyes seemed relaxed and almost amused at the reaction I was giving while I walked over to him and shifted the tank top more on my chest.

"You caused this?" I ask him, unsure of what exactly happened after I was poisoned but I knew he had something to do with this. Which did not make any sense since he hated my guts.

"No. You were in heat. There was no way that you would be able to control this around someone who you fancy and vise versa." He simply said when I groaned and sat down on the couch beside him.

"What am I going to do? Now that we"ve had s.e.x I don"t think I could ever leave your son. It was already hard enough to disappear but now... I"m not sure what to do." I said in defeat as Daniel closed the book in his hand and glanced over at me.

For a moment, he just stared at me. Unsure what to say in response to my worries but I was just hoping he wouldn"t cast me aside.

"Faye. You saved me." He simply says when I sighed and leaned back. "You know that the moment you blocked the blow for me was the moment I decided to give you another chance." He told me making me smile and run a hand down my face.

"You know, you"re being oddly nice today," I inform him causing him to roll his eyes when I nudged his arm and stood up from the couch. "I"ve got to leave before h-"

"You do realize you can"t leave." He says to me seriously making me look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask perplexed as he stood up and hovered over me.

"Faye is back. Where is she going to go? She"s been trapped for two whole years in the rogue camp. You have no home as Faye Walker." He explains while everything dawned on me.

"I"ll figure something out. I always do." I mumbled more to myself.

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"I"m not sure how you are going to continue this illusion and honestly I am very disappointed in my son for not realizing it sooner. Though I have faith that an actor like yourself can pull this off for as long as you want." Daniel patted my arm and started to walk off in another direction when I spun around and faced him.

"Does this mean you don"t hate me then?" I ask, almost a little too excited.

He glanced over his shoulder, looking into my grey eyes while smirking to himself.

"I dislike you now." He simply says when I thought for a moment whether to be happy or upset.

"So I need to save you a few more times?" I question causing him to chuckle and turn away from me, walking in another direction.

"Sure, Faye. Though I have a feeling that we won"t be in a situation like that one ever again." Daniel tells me as I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

"We"ll see. Xenon will be coming back in a few minutes and Faye will have returned home to her family." I point out to him as I walked over to the restroom and shifted into my outfit and teleported outside for training.


"Xenon. You"re alright." Zavier breathed happily, looking winded and surprised while I sighed internally. Thank G.o.d that potion earlier is hiding the fact we"ve had s.e.x. It should last for at least a few days until I take the next one.

"Why wouldn"t I be?" I ask him as if on cue the burns on my back stung a little but I ignored them and kept my act up.

"You didn"t return last night. Hey, why are you acting so c-" He reached out to me but I swiftly dodged his hand and narrowed my eyes at him dangerously.

"Don"t touch me." I sternly say, turning away from him and walking towards the wannabe guards that were taking a break.

"Is this about what happened between Faye and me? If it makes you feel better, she left me a note saying she left to cope with everything that happened to her." He says, his voice dripping with sadness when I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Sucks to suck. It looks like it"s not only Faye, your lover, that is leaving." I point out sharply, knowing that I played this jealous thing off that it would ensure that he believed I was not Faye. I"ve been hearing from Claire that he thought at one point we were the same person which scared me s.h.i.tless.

"You"re jealous. That"s why you are leaving without me." I could hear the smirk in his voice when I spun around and stabbed a finger in his chest.

"Just because you had s.e.x with Faye last night doesn"t mean I am your side b.i.t.c.h, ok? Also, I told you the true reason for leaving and you, of course, made this about yourself once again." I say in disbelief, hating that he a.s.sumed everything was about him.

"Oh come on! Faye was drugged Xenon! At the time she was my priority-"

"And what if the rogues killed me and your father left me to my death? Huh? Would I be your priority then?" I snap, getting annoyed since I briefly remember him not even in the slightest bit worried about Xenon last night.

Even though we were the same person, shouldn"t he care for both of us the same way?

"I knew you were strong enough to f.u.c.king take care of yourself! Holy s.h.i.t! I thought you out of all people would understand my decision to worry on the weak girl that was in heat rather than the a.s.sa.s.sin who was dealing with meaningless rogues!" He barked at me angrily when I shook my head and frowned deeply.

"You"re right. But you could have at least sent someone to ensure my safety. Just because I am strong doesn"t mean I am invisible. Much like your lover, I was burned too and it hurt like a b.i.t.c.h." I reminded him, turning away from him and closing my eyes, letting out a sigh. "I will be leaving today. I bid you farewell for once and for all." I opened my eyes, walking away and not even bothering to continue training.

I knew that I was being a hypocrite but this was the only way to get him off my back before he got too deep with my affairs.

Although it felt wonderful to have an intimate moment with someone, I wasn"t going to allow myself to grow weak once again.

Not again.


"Your boyfriend not coming?" Jerson asks, leaning against the tree when I appeared in front of him and held onto my duffel bag which was practically my arson.

"Who said he was my boyfriend?" I snap at Jerson knowing he"d point it out the whole trip there as he pushed off the tree and handing me an envelope.

"Here. This is half your payment up front." He says surprising me but I didn"t take it. This wasn"t about money anymore.

"My payment will be the sweet revenge of murdering that coven," I told him with a s.a.d.i.s.tic smile, returning to my old ways which made the man smirk. It hurt to go back to those ways but I had no one to hide my true rage.

This revenge was going to be what finally can put my mind at ease.

All my questions will be answered by the people who abandoned me at a young age.

"Don"t forget about the true job. We are there to infiltrate and capture the leader of their coven. It"s going to be difficult since we will be outsiders and they won"t believe a powerful witch and a high-cla.s.s vampire." His words made me laugh.

"High-cla.s.s vampire my a.s.s." I scoff causing him to narrow his eyes at me in a dangerous way.

"You are aware that I can alert the league that I know your weaknesses?" He says when I smirked and sparked a flame in my palm.

"You realize that once and if they capture me, they will know you worked with me?" I remind him as he nods with a satisfied look.

"Good point, darling. We"ll work lovely together." He grins darkly, the wild look on his face causing my dark side to come to life.

The corners of my lips tilted up as I felt the need to get my well-deserved revenge, knowing that it was best served cold.

If he didn"t go through his end of the job, I sure would.

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