Power To Resist

Chapter 30

"Mother. Are y-"

"I am alright Seria. She poses as no threat." Dawn a.s.sures Archmage Seria when I looked at the two, seeing the similarities but shocked to hear Seria call Dawn her mother.

I didn"t say anything though, my heart in the pit of my stomach and I knew if Seria attacked me like days ago that I wouldn"t be able to handle it. I wasn"t in the mindset to defend myself right now.

"Okay." Archmage Seria looked to want to say something to me but kept her mouth shut and looked at Dawn once again. "He broke out of the spell Father put on him. We had to lock him inside the room. It"s been a few hours but he is still very furious." She told both of us, my heart dropping even more while my hair proved as a curtain.

"We"ll visit him then," Dawn told her making me snap my eyes up at her.

"I-I can"t. Not yet." I whisper, my voice raw from the emotion as Dawn frowned deeply.

"She can stay with me. I have a spare bed in my bed still." Archmage Seria offers quickly, surprising the both of us when Dawn nodded and let my shoulders go.

"Alright. You go with Seria. I"ll speak with your mate for you, but he will want to eventually speak with you." She tells me, patting my shoulder and leaving me with Archmage Seria.

"Come on. I"ll let you get some rest. I have some things to do before going to bed." She told me seriously, her cold grey looking into my red ones while she turned away and walked off. I followed her closely, pulling my hood over my head to prevent too much attention on me.

It didn"t take long to get to her bedroom, I didn"t bother to look to where we were going knowing it was better than returning back to the room I originally was in. She held the door open for me as I walked in and noticed to two beds inside the room.

"Take the bed by the window. I"m going to grab something to eat. Would you like anything?" She asks me while I went over to the bed and dropped onto of it.

"No," I said into the blankets when she sighed and walked over to me and sat down beside me.

"Here. I"ll be back later, but use this to see what"s happening around the house. Just say something you want to see and you"ll see it." She handed me a small device as I sat up on the bed and pushed my hair behind my shoulder. "I"m going to bring you back something and you better eat it." She growls at me, standing up and leaving the room.

I held the device in my hands, thinking about what Dawn was saying to Zavier. As much as I wanted to ask the device to show me what was happening, I felt my energy drifting away.

I set the device on the nightstand beside the bed, getting underneath the cover and staring out of the window. Trying not to cry over the events that happened this morning.


I felt my eyes had dried tears that prevented me from opening them all the way up. My body was sore and my mind couldn"t think of anything except for Zavier but I knew that it was too early to go and try to make things better.

He"d be angry still.

It"s my fault for provoking him.

I shifted around, turning to the rest of the room before seeing a pile of clothes and a small note card on top of them all. There was also a few granola bars underneath the note making my stomach rumble a little bit.

Slowly, I sat up and rubbed my eyes from the gunk when grabbing the note and reading it to myself.

Get changed and eat the bars. Met me outside once you"ve changed.

I stared at the cold note before setting it back and taking a granola bar, satisfying my starving stomach. After eating both of the bars, I stood up and got changed into the baggy white t-shirt and tight exercising shorts.

Not wanting to face the people outside of the room, I teleported outside and found myself in front of several Archmages who had large smiles on their faces. I stood in front of them, unsure of what I was going to do but anything to keep my head off of what happened yesterday was better than anything.

"You do realize she"s mine right?! You saw her technique yesterday! Perfect!" Poppy yells excitedly, her att.i.tude almost influencing me to loosen my tense muscles.

"Yeah yeah. But she also summoned that wolf. I"m sure High Priest Ivan is very excited to have seen that." Archmage Wyn notes while Lily laughed.

"He practically had an o.r.g.a.s.m." She says making me smile a little bit as both Archmage Seria and Nexus gave her a disgusted look.

"Anyway. Faye. We"ve brought you here to access your abilities. We"ve seen you use the elements and fight. But each of us has created a test to see how far your abilities can go." Archmage Seria interrupted their laughter, her cold eyes staring deeply into mine. Giving me a chance to escape the problems I was facing.

Even though I wasn"t interested, this was the next best thing I could do without drowning in misery.

"Okay... I"ll go through your tests." I said making Poppy and Lily share an excited look.

"Wonderful! I will go fi-"

"You and I will go last, Poppy. Our tests tap into Faye"s emotions and we don"t want that to mess up the other tests. Wyn. You may take the stage first." Archmage Seria cut Poppy off as she growled and smacked her leg.

Archmage Wyn nodded, happy to be the first one while taking a step in front of me and holding his palm out to the sky above us.

"As you know, Faye, I am the teacher who helps students learn about how one can control the weather and also flight. Many of the mages you saw when you first came were floating around in the air since they shifted their gravity plane. Allowing their weight to grow lighter. My test is simple to high-cla.s.s mages like yourself, however, I have a feeling your power to the weather is only activated in desperate times. Am I correct?" Archmage Wyn questions me, a few clouds blooming from his palm and floating around in the air around us.

I watched the tiny cloud roam around both of us, mesmerized by how he could create and control the rhythm of clouds.

"Yes." I simply tell him, tapping on one of the clouds before is popped as if it was a bubble.

"As I thought. Your test is to create a thunderstorm, but not allow it to harm anyone. Then you will put that storm inside of this-" Archmage Wyn held out a small gla.s.s box that looked no bigger than my palm. "-small box. Start whenever you are ready." I held the tiny box, beyond shocked by his test.

How in G.o.d"s name was I supposed to fit a thunderstorm inside of this tiny box?

"I-I don"t know how to do that Archmage Wyn," I admit, glancing up at him as he smiles kindly.

"Try your best. This isn"t a test you can fail. If anything, we will be surprised at the magic you produce." He a.s.sures me softly when I took a deep breath and nodded.

I set the box on the ground, opening it up before turning away from him and closing my eyes. I felt my hands twitching from the overpour of emotion while I held my hands up and concentrated on creating a thunderstorm.

The anger and grief helped the thunderstorm grow as I opened my eyes and noticed that it was much large than I antic.i.p.ated. I wasn"t sure how to make the storm smaller when I held the storm and turned both of my palms to face one another.

"Minor," I whisper, moving my hands closer while the intensity of the storm grew more dangerous. Following Archmage Wyn"s orders, I let a few dark clouds out of the thunderstorm in order to lessen the intensity. "Minor," I whisper again, pressing my hands closer together before I felt a current run through my body making me hiss and let the storm go.

"You"re alright. Try again. That was a good first try." Archmage Wyn a.s.sures when I cracked my knuckles and collected the storm again and pressed it further together, preventing the current from running through me once again.

I kept telling the storm to get smaller and smaller, not letting this thunderstorm take control as I slowly got it into a smaller yet dangerous cloud. The power I felt ran through my veins causing me to compact the storm even smaller but it wasn"t enough.

"I can"t do this anymore... There"s no way to make it smaller." I said, trying with all my strength to keep the storm from exploding from my reach when Archmage Wyn stepped beside me and grabbed my palms.

"Alright. I"ve got it. Let it go." He tells me as I allowed him to take over my storm and disperse it safely in the sky. "Good job. The storm was a little stronger than I expected but I should have expected that. Splendid job, Faye." Archmage Wyn grins at me when I sighed and crossed my arms.

"But I didn"t get it in the box. I didn"t pa.s.s the test." I remind him as he bent over and picked the small gla.s.s box up.

"Oh you pa.s.sed, Faye. Whether you know it or not, that technique you used just now was a lot more difficult than what our people do. You got farther than some of the mages here could. Keep this. One day you"ll master it." He promises while I stared at the small box in my palm, feeling a little bit better than before.

"Thank you, Archmage Wyn." I nod to him before Archmage Seria walked over to us along with the others.

"About time. That took longer than I expected." She sighs, glancing down at her watch when Lily clapped happily.

"You did great, dear! I hear it"s your first time calling a storm like that." Lily said with a bit of bounce in her steps. "Well. It"s my turn for my test! I"ve got to tell you. Mine is one of the best! Unlike these cold b.a.s.t.a.r.ds." She mumbled under her breath but we all heard her.

I smiled softly at her as she grabbed my hand and pulled me in another direction. The other Archmages followed along, each of them looking as confused as I was.

"My test will be the most different from the batch. I will be bringing you into the garden where my Philis is growing ever so lovely. But recently, he"s been getting a lack of sun. Your job is to help him grow!" Her voice seemed a little too happy in my opinion as I heard someone behind me groan.

"That d.a.m.ned plant that ate all my parts?! I hated that freaking plant!" Archmage Nexus barks angrily when Lily sent him a deadly glare that looked so out of place on her calm face.

"You will not speak of Philis in such a way!" She snarls at him.

"Both of you stop fighting. Brother, suck it up. Your test is after this one anyway." Archmage Seria reminds while he huffed and crossed his arms across his chest.

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"Whatever." He pouts making me bite my lip, not sure if I wanted to go through with this test due to his reaction.

We all entered the garden as I looked around, amazed by everything that was here. Plants and animals of all kinds roamed in the greenhouse, magic powers coming off everything that was living within the garden. My eyes noticed a tiny little kitten on top of a large mushroom, lounging around when opening its eyes and noticing us.

A tiny meow left their lips before I felt my heart warm at the sight of the gorgeous black and white kitten.

"Kiki. Get down from there." Lily scolds the kitten when it jumped down from the mushroom and walked over in our direction. She knelt down for the cat and motioned us to continue walking in the garden.

I tried not to be to distracted by the kitten in her hands, keeping my attention to the walkway I was following. Clearly Lily was off in a different mindset now that the kitty was in her arms.

"You keep walking straight. You"ll see Philis. He"s sensitive to new people. So be careful and help him grow towards the sunlight." Lily tells me, allowing me to walk on my own as I took another breath and walked ahead without them.

I could feel them watching me from behind when I looked around, trying to figure out how this Philis. My body still felt weak from the previous test but thankfully, the power from the coven was giving me enough energy continue.

I was about to take another step before something came down towards me making me jump away and get ready to throw a spell at the being. My eyes trailed up the large being, seeing it was almost ten feet tall.

The hissing Piranha plant got ready for another attack. A little name tag on the pot revealing this was indeed, Philis.

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