Predatory Marriage

Chapter 144. Birth Of The Kurkans (2)

Predatory Marriage — Chapter 144. Birth Of The Kurkans (2)

Translator: Atlas / Editor: Regan

The beings that came unwillingly into the world were raised as beasts. They mated and reproduced with ease, and were brainwashed into obedience through spells. The Toma were able to create a perfect army that eclipsed the power of humans. But when they were close to putting the whole continent under their feet, something went awry.

As these creatures continued to breed, a half-human, half-beast was born on whom brainwashing was impossible. A mutant creature with overwhelming strength. No spells worked on it. It even broke the spells on the other half-humans. They united under its leadership and rebelled against the Toma.

The Toma were slaughtered by the army they had created. Their plans to conquer the continent crumbled and almost overnight, they were driven to the brink of extinction. The half-human’s leader personally killed the sorceress who had created them, and led his new people to arid lands beyond the reach of humans.

When they reached the desert, they became the new race, the Kurkan.

As generations pa.s.sed, that powerful blood strain was diluted. But occasionally someone would be born with these atavistic abilities. Ishakan was most like that long-ago ancestor. His wild nature was closer to a beast’s, he was stronger than anyone else, and he was immune to spells.

“Thanks to Ishkan, we were able to solve one problem, but we still can’t rest easy.”

Morga looked at Leah, worried. He could temporarily block spells using Ishakan’s blood, but that didn’t remove them. There were some spells he had yet to decipher. On days when the spells suddenly strengthened, it could drive her to convulsions. Of course, he was doing his best to avoid that, but the problem was Leah’s body. She was so weakened, it was as if she stood on the edge of a precipice. If he tried to forcefully counter the spells, he might really damage her.

And there was another problem. Sorcery itself was a negative energy, consuming life as fuel, and so it would be difficult for her to conceive new life.

Simply put, she could not get pregnant.

Morga looked at Ishakan. Like animals, Kurkans had a strong instinct to reproduce and felt great joy in having children. But when he had spoken to his King about this matter, Ishakan had calmly said, We must keep this a secret from Leah.

In Estia, a woman who could not conceive was useless. That was what had happened to Leah’s mother: she had been driven out after Leah’s birth left her infertile. Growing up in a place like that, Leah would surely be distraught when she found out she could not have children.

She was already mentally exhausted. Ishakan didn’t want her to worry. She needed to focus solely on recovering.

“We will serve her with all our hearts.”

Lost in thought, Morga looked up at Haban’s words.

“Many people are waiting for Leah,” Genin added. Tomorrow, they would finally reach Kurkan. The Kurkans who had escaped slavery were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their liberators.

“We’ll make her forget Estia!” Haban shouted, clenching his fists, and then glanced at Leah, worried that he had disturbed her. “Anyway, she is our Queen now,” he said, more softly. “I mean to say…Leah.”

His words made Ishakan smile, and he looked down at Leah, sleeping in his arms. Her small, frail body could break any moment. How had she been able to endure for so long?

He kissed her hair. From now on, she would never suffer alone. And he would prove to her that the things she had accomplished as Princess had not been in vain.

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