Predatory Marriage

Chapter 270. Broken Bed (2)

Predatory Marriage — Chapter 270. Broken Bed (2)

Translator: Atlas / Editor: Regan

It was amazing to think she had been so lost in s3x with Ishakan that she hadn’t noticed the bed breaking. Leah seriously wondered if she had lost her mind at that moment.

When Ishakan motioned for an end to the chaos, Mura patted the large bags that Genin and Haban were carrying on their backs.

“It’s nice weather, why don’t we have a picnic?” She suggested.

The fact that they had those bags with them proved that they had planned all of this beforehand, and also that Mura knew exactly what weaknesses to exploit when she remarked to Ishakan that they were filled with Leah’s favorite foods. Ishakan looked at Leah. Then all the Kurkans looked at Leah.

“Don’t look at her,” he ordered, and they all quickly averted their eyes, so she wouldn’t be overwhelmed. “Is that all right with you?”

Leah could feel all of the Kurkans secretly watching, even though they were pretending not to. It made her smile. They had come because they had wanted to share with her.

They were all so much bigger than she was. Their strength was so formidable, and she had seen with her own eyes how they could kill with their bare hands. But for some reason they seemed more adorable than terrifying. Maybe it was some remnant of the memories she had lost.

It was like a rabbit looking at a pack of fierce predators and thinking how cute they all were, but Leah wanted to get closer to them. -Posted only on NovelUtopia.

“It’s okay if you agree,” she said cautiously.

The Kurkans cheered almost before the words had left her mouth, apparently convinced that Ishakan could not refuse if Leah had agreed. Quickly, they spread out the picnic, and Leah and Ishakan took their places beside the lake. The rest of the Kurkans sprawled around them on the gra.s.s.

As Haban and Genin distributed bottles of wine to everyone, Mura set out a variety of food before Leah, and Ishakan sat her in his lap and slowly began to feed her. All of the Kurkans were excited, happy and animated as they chattered away.

Their excitement was contagious. Leah took a large bite of the snack Ishakan was eating, and her eyes widened in surprise. It was so sweet, it made the hairs on the back of her neck rise, but his expression didn’t change in the slightest as he ate them. He even caught hers when she tried to slip it back into the bowl and popped it into his mouth.

“Why? Don’t you like it?”

“It’s too sweet,” Leah said, watching as he chewed and swallowed. “Doesn’t it taste sweet to you?”


Maybe he had a sweet tooth. Watching, she saw that he even added honey in his wine. Suddenly, she was distracted by a drunken shout from Mura.

“Cheeky b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

Grabbing Haban by the neck, Mura threw him on the ground, and soon the two were wrestling together on the gra.s.s. Apparently Haban, who was also intoxicated, had made an ill-advised joke and was now yelling apologies.

Leah blinked in surprise.

“They are a couple,” explained Genin as she brought Ishakan another bottle of wine. “Don’t worry about them.”

Leah nodded. Her eyes went to Ishakan, who was pulling the cork of the bottle of wine with his fingers.

“Ishakan!” She leaned over to whisper to him. “We…we’re a couple too, right?”

He didn’t answer immediately. He set down the wine bottle first and then lifted his eyes to hers, with a sudden flare of l.u.s.t as if he meant to devour her like a sweet. Leah shifted back automatically as he bent closer to her, and there was no point in trying to retreat. He gazed at her, unblinking.


He looked at her for a long moment before his eyes flicked around them. Everyone else was watching the show Haban and Mura were putting on, and Genin was circling them, pretending that she was about to intervene.

Ishakan made sure no one was watching before he kissed Leah. His lips rubbed hers and his tongue tasted sweet as it slid into her mouth, and Leah’s eyes closed. She had to resist the urge to moan.

The sweet kiss was short, but Leah’s face was completely scarlet. Anyone who saw her would have thought she was guilty of a crime. Ishakan’s eyes curved as he smiled at her expression.

“You still don’t know?” He asked her mischievously.

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