Predatory Marriage

Chapter 141. Appet.i.te (2)

Predatory Marriage — Chapter 141. Appet.i.te (2)

Translator: Atlas / Editor: Regan


The exclamation of amazement escaped her. It was truly a landscape to admire. The endless sand dunes were far more beautiful than she had imagined from the few lines of description she had read in a book.

She couldn’t hide her excitement. Her eyes sparkled as Ishakan laid his hand on her head to shade her. Leah was enthralled, looking at the landscape.

“Let me down, Ishakan!” She cried, and then realized how loud she had shouted and lowered her voice. “I want to walk on the sand.”

Ishakan laughed and kissed Leah’s cheek. “I can’t, it’s too hot.”

Leah was still barefoot, having just gotten out of bed. She could only look regretfully at the sandy desert from Ishakan’s arms, and then turned her eyes closer. The barracks were near an oasis, and she found it amazing to see the palm trees and gra.s.s there, the only place in the endless sea of sand that was tinged with green.

As Leah watched the rippling water, Ishakan approached the oasis and lowered Leah into the shade of a tree. The sand in the shade was much cooler, sheltered from the scorching sun.

The feeling of her bare feet sinking into fine sand was strange. Leah looked up at Ishakan, unable to move forward. He smiled, holding out his hand, and they walked together across the sand.

There were many date palms around the oasis, each filled with red fruits, so laden that the branches were weighed down, as if they were about to fall. Bending, she picked up a fallen fruit from the sand. It looked familiar as she examined it. It was a date. Curious, she looked from the palm to the fruit.

As Leah was examining the fruit, Ishakan’s head turned back, and she followed his eyes, surprised.

There were Kurkans hiding behind the date palms, their heads poking out curiously as they looked at her with their peculiarly bright eyes.

“Ah…” Frightened, the sound escaped Leah, but they seemed to interpret this as permission to approach. From barracks, wagons, camels, from behind the palms and other places, they moved forward as if fruit had fallen, and surrounded Leah in the blink of an eye.

Startled, she dropped the date in her hand. Ishakan had been watching quietly, and spoke.

“You’re causing a ruckus,” he said, catching the date.

The Kurkans backed up a few paces at his words, but kept looking curiously at Leah. Since Kurkans all had large physiques, they were taller than Leah, and she felt as if she were surrounded by trees. She had to look up at all of them, and her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at them.

“Wow…” she breathed, her eyes growing large.

A male Kurkan standing to one side pointed at her and shouted, “She really is small and white! She looks like a snowflake!”

“You shouldn’t talk so loud!” Another Kurkan scolded, startled. His voice was serious. “It might break…”

Haban had told them that they should be very careful, and though speaking loudly wouldn’t destroy anyone, it seemed like everyone was taking it seriously.

Leah looked down at the back of her hand. In the sunlight, her skin was so white and translucent that even the veins were visible. Compared to the tan, healthy skin of the Kurkans, her white skin made her look like a sick person. And even as she wondered whether she should tan her skin or not, the Kurkans were looking at her face, her delicate neck, and her slender arms. Their expressions sombered.

All eyes went to Ishakan and lingered there. He lifted a threatening eyebrow, and one of the oldest Kurkans spoke.

“Well…have you eaten yet?” He asked kindly. “Do you want me to bring you food?”

“I’ve already eaten.”

“May I know what you’ve eaten?” His tone was very soft and gentle.

“Half a bowl of porridge…” Leah answered naturally.

There was silence at the answer. The Kurkans gaped, open-mouthed and disbelieving. Had she said something wrong? But Leah had no idea what could be wrong with half a bowl of porridge.

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