President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1004 - Smash his car

Chapter 1004 - Smash his car

"Ugh!" But I still haven"t fully grasped the situation in the company! " Ji Anning naturally wanted to help him manage some matters regarding work.

"I have recruited Ouyang Mengyue, it is enough for you to have her to help me. From tomorrow onwards, go help Yuze! He must have welcomed you. " Ji Tianci"s tone carried a trace of determination. He had to get rid of Ji Anning first so that Ouyang Mengyue would have no chance to interact with her more. After Ji Anning heard his words, she thought for a while and said, "Alright, then I"ll contact Yu Ze"s side! "See if he wants me to come over."

"I"ll contact him." Ji Tianci said.

"Alright then!" Ji Anning was a little confused. Was Big Brother being too concerned about her and Yu Ze"s matter?

After Ji Anning left the house, Ji Tianci called Gong Yuze. The last time he was at home, he asked for his number.

"Hey!" Big Brother Ji, is there something you need? " On the other side, Gong Yuze"s voice was filled with respect.

"Yuze, there"s something I want to ask you. I want An Ran to work in your company for a month. Do you have any objections?" Ji Tianci asked calmly.

Gong Yuze immediately laughed, "Of course there"s no objection, just let her come over! I will teach her well, as long as she is willing to come. "

"She promised to go."


"Just come and pick her up in the morning and work together."

"Hm!" "Okay, do you want to have dinner tonight?"

"No, I have a guest to attend to. Take her to eat!"

After hanging up the phone, Ji Tianci heaved a small sigh of relief. He had already made up his mind not to let Ouyang Mengyue near to him, as this was something he had promised Old Master Ji.

In the evening, Gong Yuze came over to bring Ji Anning to a nearby restaurant for dinner. He mentioned about going to his company for an interns.h.i.+p tomorrow, and of course, Gong Yuze welcomed him happily. Furthermore, he was his a.s.sistant.

It was like a treasure that he had been waiting for for for a long time, suddenly in his hands.

That night, Ji Tianci returned home after socializing for a while. Due to drinking some alcohol, his driver was driving while he rested with his eyes closed in the back seat.

Suddenly, the car he was sitting on came to an emergency stop. It turned out that at a corner, a car that came out of the car without turning on the lights suddenly crashed into it.

Ji Tianci opened his eyes and heard the voice of the driver in front, "I"m sorry Quarterly, I had a small accident and b.u.mped into someone"s car."

"How did we into each other?"

"They didn"t have the lights on, so I didn"t notice."

The lights of the villa were very bright, and the entire road was very bright as well. Therefore, many drivers would forget to light their cars when they were driving.

The one who kissed the front of Ji Tianci"s car was a white BMW car, and the girl at the driver"s seat was panicking a little when she saw the sudden collision, but the girl was none other than Ouyang Mengyue.

She wanted to go to the nearby supermarket to buy some things, but she didn"t expect to run into someone else"s car the moment she got out. Although it was only a small accident, it was still quite troublesome.

She was stunned for a moment before she opened the door and got off the car. She had to solve the problem no matter what, but she did not know if the other party was good enough to speak.

Ji Tianci originally wanted the driver to get off the carriage to deal with the situation. However, under the light, he suddenly saw a slender figure bending over to survey the place where he was. .h.i.t.

Ouyang Mengyue looked at the not-so-serious scratch on her face, then laughed and said to the driver who got off the driver"s seat, "Sir, I"m sorry, I have to take responsibility. How much is it, I"ll compensate you."

"Miss!" Why aren"t you driving the light when you"re out so late at night! Do you know how dangerous it is? " The driver reminded him kindly.

"I... I forgot. " Ouyang Mengyue was a little embarra.s.sed. She really did not turn on the lights on purposefully.

"Sigh!" It really was a female driver! Be careful next time! If you want to compensate me, I"ll just charge you a painting fee! This car belongs to my boss, so let"s just pay $20,000 in compensation! "

was overjoyed. It seemed that this was a person who was easy to talk to.

However, at this time, the door of the back seat was pushed open, and under the light, a handsome man"s face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Ouyang Mengyue"s eyes were wide opened. Why is it his car?

Ji Tianci walked over with heavy steps, his face looking even more gloomy and unsightly, "What are you doing here?"

Ouyang Mengyue"s eyes flickered with a little guilt as she said, "Uhh … My house is right around here! "

"Your home?"

"Right, I just rented a villa, about a kilometer away from here. What a coincidence! "Why do you live here too?" Ouyang Mengyue asked with a smile.

Ji Tianci didn"t believe her. It was obvious that she wanted to stay nearby, but he didn"t expect her to be at his doorstep.

Ouyang Mengyue immediately changed the topic, "I will compensate you with your car money, no matter how much you say."

The driver at the side immediately felt awkward. He never thought that this beautiful lady and the Quarterly were familiar with each other!

"I will compensate you as much as you owe me!" Ji Tianci did not have the intention to go over there.

"I know your car is not only going to lose 20,000, I"ll pay 500,000, I"ll transfer the money to your Carry tomorrow, that"s settled, I"ll go to the supermarket first!" After Ouyang Mengyue finished speaking, she got into the car, but she did not know that her mind was in a mess as he panicked. She who had originally been backing up the car made a mistake, with one foot, she pushed the throttle down, pus.h.i.+ng Ji Tianci"s car back a few metres. Luckily the driver and Ji Tianci who were standing at the side dodged quickly, otherwise, something really would have happened.

On the other hand, the front frame of Ji Tianci"s luxury car immediately changed from its original shape due to her crash, as if it was crying from grievance.

Ouyang Mengyue sat at the driver"s seat, panicking for a few seconds. She wanted to find a hole to hide in. What happened to her? Was her brain short-circuited? I hit his car again, and that"s a big loss.

"Is this lady suitable for driving? You didn"t do anything, right? Or a drunk driver? " The driver said while still in shock.

Ji Tianci"s face also changed, this woman driving the carriage was an extremely dangerous thing to do.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn"t mean to. " Ouyang Mengyue got out of the car, and apologized to Ji Tianci once again. Then, the car drove past her, and this time she finally drove back to the main road.

Watching her car leave, a look of worry flashed past Ji Tianci"s eyes, the driver at the side spread his hands: "Now, it"s time to compensate a bit more, Quarterly, I will take the car and fix it in a while!"

"Good!" Just drive away! I"ll walk back. " Ji Tianci nodded, since he was not far from home.

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