President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 965 - The Company Goes to Work

Chapter 965 - The Company Goes to Work

Ji Anning had been looking at Gong Yuze"s villa from the balcony and was in a daze. Suddenly, the lights in master bedroom lit up, and Ji Anning"s eyes immediately became clear and bright.

He"s back?

Did he come back alone? Or did he bring Lan Ying back? Ji Anning flung away his guesses, no, Gong Yuze was not that kind of man.

She thought about the last time when they were overseas, and how the beautiful girl beside him was much more beautiful than Lan Ying. Furthermore, her temperament was also elegant, and only Gong Yuze could be considered a pair.

When Ji Anning was staring in the direction of Gong Yuze"s master bedroom, she did not know that there was another person by the side of the curtains who was also staring in their direction amidst the dazzling lights.

However, the distance was too far and they were simply unable to see each other. Facing each other from afar, only a sigh remained from the lovers of the past.

It was unknown when Ji Anning fell asleep, but her sleep was extremely unstable. In her dreams, she continued to dream of Gong Yuze leaving his side, causing her to cry silently in her dreams once again.

Wake up.

It was already dawn. After Ji Anning sat on the bed and stared blankly for a while, she felt that he could not continue to be a cripple like this. She needed to pack up and go take a look at the company with his brother.

After she was done was.h.i.+ng up, she changed into a very professional dark grey suit. Her long hair was tied behind her head and she was painted with light makeup, just like the white-collar lady in the company.

She went downstairs. Ji Tianci had just woken up and was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. Seeing that she had come down, looking as if she was about to leave, he smiled gently, "What"s the matter? Do you want to go out today? "

"Big Bro, I"ll go to the company with you. From now on, I"ll go to the company to work!" Ji Anning said.

"Great!" "I"m lacking a position of director right now, so you should go and fill it up!"

Ji Anning laughed and shook his head, "You know I don"t have that kind of strength, I only learn from books, I don"t have any practical experience, you should just find someone with talent! I"m going to be a small employee at your company, starting at the bottom. "

Ji Tianci was startled, he did not expect Ji Anning to have such a thought, he touched his forehead and said: "An Ran, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I"m sure. I use Xia An"s name. In the company, we"ll pretend that we don"t know each other! "Let me hang around the staff, listen more, see more, and understand more about the company!" Ji Anning had already decided to do so. If she wanted to support the company in the future, he would only be giving orders at the top and not understanding the basic affairs of the company.

Seeing that she was so determined, Ji Tianci did not want to interfere anymore, so he nodded and said, "Alright, I will arrange a job for you, you can go and report today. If you suffer any grievances in the company, just come to me. "

Ji Anning had lived for a long time and she felt that he had trained hundreds of times, but nothing could cause her to waver. Although she was only twenty-four years old, her determination had long since surpa.s.sed this age.

"Alright!" In order to rea.s.sure him, Ji Anning nodded his head and agreed.

After heading to the Ji Group"s headquarters, Ji Anning chose to drive a middle levelled SUV for himself. Her slender and pet.i.te figure sat inside the SUV, but drove it very steadily.

Upon arriving at Ji Group, Ji Anning went to report to Personnel Department. Originally, she had filled in the position of the finance department"s staff who were still unfilled, but as soon as he joined the company, everyone thought that she was a little girl who had just graduated from university.

However, when others saw that she was not lacking in money, and that she was pretty and dressed very decently, they didn"t know if she was smart or not.

Ji Anning had already been at work for three days, and it had indeed become much more fulfilling. She had a lot to learn, and didn"t even have time to be in a daze.

"An Ran, I"m going to have a meeting soon. These are the doc.u.ments I need to print before work. Can you help me?" An old employee started to leave running errands to her.

"Alright!" Ji Anning did not push it.

"An Jing, when the time comes, pack us some coffee. It"s right outside the door. It"s pretty convenient."

"An Ran, these files, if you have time, you should file it."

"Rest in peace, finish the photocopying and bring it to my table. Thanks!"

Ji Anning did not cower due to the pressure. She did everything cleanly, surprising all those who wanted to order her around.

Three days later.

When everyone thought that this was a girl that was easy to order around, and when they brought the information over, Ji Anning politely and resolutely rejected them.

"Sorry, Sister Jiang, copying the doc.u.ments is not my problem. You can ask the a.s.sistant for help."

"I don"t drink coffee, so I won"t go to the coffee shop. You can send it out."

The few people who came to call her in the morning left with an embarra.s.sed smile.

Everyone thought that she was someone easy to pinch. But now, looking at this young and beautiful girl, she had a kind of aura that let them know that she could not pinch and had a thorn in her side.

In this entire week, Ji Tianci only used informants to chat with her, and Ji Anning didn"t even allow him to go downstairs to see her, so she was able to deal with him.

The two days of rest came. Ji Anning had been working for a week, and also planned to rest for two days. Every night, he would work overtime at the company to return home, and in the morning, he would leave home early. morning, Ji Anning woke up early as well. She had been in the office for too long, so the satin training had stopped, so this morning, she decided to go out and run. She changed into a light blue tracksuit with his long hair tied behind her head and jogged out the door.

She took a route to the nearby square, where there was a runway, which was the best place to do the exercise.

Ji Anning breathed in the fresh air as he jogged in the morning light. This feeling was really good, and his mood was exceptionally good.

Ji Anning ran for more than 20 minutes. After she finished running, he saw a dazzling triangle-plum path as he ran. She was shocked that the road actually stretched towards the direction of Gong Yuze"s villa.

She paused. She really didn"t want to go to his place right now.

Ji Anning stood in the middle of the road, unable to make a choice, whether he should continue following the road to admire the beautiful triangular plum or go back.

It took her a few seconds to decide. Suddenly, she heard a dog barking, and her heart tightened. Was it Little Ke? Could it be that Gong Yuze was also nearby?

However, it was at this time that she realised that the barking of the dog actually came from the road. Furthermore, the barking of the dog did not sound like what Little Ke did, it was even sharper, as if there was a dog barking outside.

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