Chapter 75
Chapter 75

Translated by Aletx

Chapter release from previous week . Since this chapter (and the next few ones) are relatively short in length, you will not get one, but two chapters! A double release!

Enjoy .

At the street sidewalk .

The pa.s.serby couldn’t help but glanced curiously at Gu Qi Qi .

An absolutely beautiful young woman was crying . Tear traces could be seen on her delicate cheeks, which were flowing from her black grape-like eyes .

The chocolate ice cream cone in her hand had melted, it was slowly dripping to the ground .

“A break up?”

“A bad grade on the college entrance exam?”

“Had an argument with a friend? Didn’t get to buy her new favorite dress?”

“Pttf! For a little girl at this current generation, is there anything to worry about? If she’s not happy, she could resolve it simply by venting out at her parents . ”

“If not, a beating or two will do!”

Gu Qi Qi turned a blind eye to the pa.s.serby, who were gesturing in speculation .

Meanwhile, the little dirty turtle in her mind was anxiously trying its best to please her: “Master, why are you not happy? I am telling you that you are super cool a moment ago, the coolest in the universe and beyond the blue dome of heaven……Also we have gathered more than five thousand l.u.s.t points, which was more than saving the lives of five chairman combined . This is the first time I had experienced such an awesome method of earning points with negative emotion! From now on whenever we need more points, we should just grab Gu Xue Xue and little Lang Lang, then just beat their faces up……”

As the little turtle was excitedly rambling on .

It suddenly stopped talking .

It had a reaction with its shared connection with Gu Qi Qi’s consciousness .

A series of inconceivable images appeared one after another in Gu Qi Qi’s mind .

When Gu Qi Qi was five years old, that was the year of Gu Xiao Bei’s birth . Since a boy was given birth in the family, Gu Qiu Shan was wild with joy . He wanted to sell off Qi Qi in order to focus on raising Xiao Bei instead . Yet the infant’s fingers would tightly gripped on Gu Qi Qi’s hand in the hospital, refusing to let her go .

Gu Qi Qi was eight years old when Gu Xia Bei turned three years old . It was discovered that Xiao Bei was born with a genetic sickness that rendered him blind . Gu Qiu Shan was very disappointed by this, that he wanted to give up his treatment and euthanized him .

Gu Qi Qi piteously tried to plead, and Gu Qiu Shan threw a kick in response . The three year old Xiao Bei threw himself in between to block the blow . As the result, his heart was shattered into pieces, resulting in severe internal heart bleeding .

At the hospital, after Xiao Bei was diagnosed with a heart disease for the rest of his life, he merely smiled and said: ‘Big sister, father promised that we will never separate from one another . ”

The year when Gu Qi Qi turned seventeen and Gu Xiao Bei turned fourteen, Gu Qi Qi’s admission selection for the college entrance exam was altered . She was constantly bullied by a group of female ruffians in a lousy nurse school .

The enraged Xiao Bei escaped from the nursery home . With a steel pipe in his hand, he rushed forth without regard of his well being and shouted——Who dare to bully my big sister! I am mentally ill, it won’t be illegal for me if I beat someone to death . 1 If you have guts, let us all perish together!

The year when Gu Qi Qi turned twenty-eight and Gu Xiao Bei turned twenty-three . Inside an abandon cla.s.sroom in Qing Cheng high school, the two siblings were abducted by thugs dressed in black . As Qi Qi was hanging on the blackboard, Xiao Bei was yelling out mournfully——Big sister, let me have at them!”

The year when Gu Qi Qi turned twenty-eight and Gu Xiao Bei turned twenty-three . Inside an abandon cla.s.sroom in Qing Cheng high school, the two siblings were abducted by thugs dressed in black . As Qi Qi was hanging on the blackboard, Xiao Bei was yelling out mournfully——Big sister, let me have at them!”

……However at the end, Gu Xue Xue’s high-heel shoes stamped on Xiao Bei’s eyes and mouth……

Scene of bloodstain floor filled her sight .

As the little dirty turtle silently watched, it suddenly started to cry with a “Wah” .

It cried even more miserably than Gu Qi Qi .

“Master, they deserve to die! I am going beat them all to death! Then burn them into ashes for l.u.s.t points! So please……don’t be sad?”

The little dirty turtle tried its best to cheer her up . Since it had never cheer a woman before, it only knew that line .

Despite the tear traces on her whole face, Gu Qi Qi laughed loudly toward the dazzling noon sunshine .

Her bright red lips spoke the shocking remark:

“No, i am not sad at all . ”

“No, i am not sad at all . ”

“I am actually happy——that Xiao Bei is still alive!”

“From now on, I will let them experience一一 the taste of suffering that would seep into the bones, the kind that will make them beg for death!”

“I have returned!”

“This time, it would be your turn to cry!”

The little dirty turtle was stupefied . Two bead of teardrop could still be seen on the turtle head .

d.a.m.n right, that’s my master!

Crying and laughing in such a bold manner .

1 . [TL’s note: Even though the story is fictional, Al can’t help but triggered by this line as a Psych major graduate . On the side note, the claim that “it won’t be illegal for a mentally ill to kill someone” was a very common misconception in media . For example in Canada, a person who committed a crime/ murder can only be “not criminally responsible” . This defense can only be issued under extreme circ.u.mstances, it has to be vigorously proven in court by expert diagnosis and defenses, only a very minority of defendants could successfully raised this defense . However, this doesn’t mean that he or she got away scot free with the crime (as depicted in the media) . In most cases, the person will likely be incarnated in a mental facility instead of a prison, he or she will also be closely monitored by the justice system for the rest of their lives . So the next time you hear people saying that so many people with mental ill get away with crimes, that’s a very inaccurate statement . ]

Chapter 75


Translated by Aletx.

Chapter release from previous week . Since this chapter (and the next few ones) are relatively short in length, you will not get one, but two chapters! A double release!.



At the street sidewalk

The pa.s.serby couldn’t help but glanced curiously at Gu Qi Qi

An absolutely beautiful young woman was crying . Tear traces could be seen on her delicate cheeks, which were flowing from her black grape-like eyes

The chocolate ice cream cone in her hand had melted, it was slowly dripping to the ground

“A break up?”.

“A bad grade on the college entrance exam?”.

“Had an argument with a friend? Didn’t get to buy her new favorite dress?”.

“Pttf! For a little girl at this current generation, is there anything to worry about? If she’s not happy, she could resolve it simply by venting out at her parents . ”.

“If not, a beating or two will do!”.

Gu Qi Qi turned a blind eye to the pa.s.serby, who were gesturing in speculation

Meanwhile, the little dirty turtle in her mind was anxiously trying its best to please her: “Master, why are you not happy? I am telling you that you are super cool a moment ago, the coolest in the universe and beyond the blue dome of heaven……Also we have gathered more than five thousand l.u.s.t points, which was more than saving the lives of five chairman combined . This is the first time I had experienced such an awesome method of earning points with negative emotion! From now on whenever we need more points, we should just grab Gu Xue Xue and little Lang Lang, then just beat their faces up……”.

As the little turtle was excitedly rambling on

It suddenly stopped talking

It had a reaction with its shared connection with Gu Qi Qi’s consciousness

A series of inconceivable images appeared one after another in Gu Qi Qi’s mind

When Gu Qi Qi was five years old, that was the year of Gu Xiao Bei’s birth . Since a boy was given birth in the family, Gu Qiu Shan was wild with joy . He wanted to sell off Qi Qi in order to focus on raising Xiao Bei instead . Yet the infant’s fingers would tightly gripped on Gu Qi Qi’s hand in the hospital, refusing to let her go

Gu Qi Qi was eight years old when Gu Xia Bei turned three years old . It was discovered that Xiao Bei was born with a genetic sickness that rendered him blind . Gu Qiu Shan was very disappointed by this, that he wanted to give up his treatment and euthanized him

Gu Qi Qi piteously tried to plead, and Gu Qiu Shan threw a kick in response . The three year old Xiao Bei threw himself in between to block the blow . As the result, his heart was shattered into pieces, resulting in severe internal heart bleeding

At the hospital, after Xiao Bei was diagnosed with a heart disease for the rest of his life, he merely smiled and said: ‘Big sister, father promised that we will never separate from one another . ”.

The year when Gu Qi Qi turned seventeen and Gu Xiao Bei turned fourteen, Gu Qi Qi’s admission selection for the college entrance exam was altered . She was constantly bullied by a group of female ruffians in a lousy nurse school

The enraged Xiao Bei escaped from the nursery home . With a steel pipe in his hand, he rushed forth without regard of his well being and shouted——Who dare to bully my big sister! I am mentally ill, it won’t be illegal for me if I beat someone to death . 1 If you have guts, let us all perish together!.

The year when Gu Qi Qi turned twenty-eight and Gu Xiao Bei turned twenty-three . Inside an abandon cla.s.sroom in Qing Cheng high school, the two siblings were abducted by thugs dressed in black . As Qi Qi was hanging on the blackboard, Xiao Bei was yelling out mournfully——Big sister, let me have at them!”.

……However at the end, Gu Xue Xue’s high-heel shoes stamped on Xiao Bei’s eyes and mouth…….

Scene of bloodstain floor filled her sight

As the little dirty turtle silently watched, it suddenly started to cry with a “Wah”

It cried even more miserably than Gu Qi Qi

“Master, they deserve to die! I am going beat them all to death! Then burn them into ashes for l.u.s.t points! So please……don’t be sad?”.

The little dirty turtle tried its best to cheer her up . Since it had never cheer a woman before, it only knew that line

Despite the tear traces on her whole face, Gu Qi Qi laughed loudly toward the dazzling noon sunshine

Her bright red lips spoke the shocking remark:.

“No, i am not sad at all . ”.

“I am actually happy——that Xiao Bei is still alive!”.

“From now on, I will let them experience一一 the taste of suffering that would seep into the bones, the kind that will make them beg for death!”.

“I have returned!”.

“This time, it would be your turn to cry!”.

The little dirty turtle was stupefied . Two bead of teardrop could still be seen on the turtle head

d.a.m.n right, that’s my master!.

Crying and laughing in such a bold manner


1 . [TL’s note: Even though the story is fictional, Al can’t help but triggered by this line as a Psych major graduate . On the side note, the claim that “it won’t be illegal for a mentally ill to kill someone” was a very common misconception in media . For example in Canada, a person who committed a crime/ murder can only be “not criminally responsible” . This defense can only be issued under extreme circ.u.mstances, it has to be vigorously proven in court by expert diagnosis and defenses, only a very minority of defendants could successfully raised this defense . However, this doesn’t mean that he or she got away scot free with the crime (as depicted in the media) . In most cases, the person will likely be incarnated in a mental facility instead of a prison, he or she will also be closely monitored by the justice system for the rest of their lives . So the next time you hear people saying that so many people with mental ill get away with crimes, that’s a very inaccurate statement . ].

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