1494 Unt.i.tled

As if it was not explosive enough, the host added, “US dollars.”

The room was in an uproar.

“Ridiculous. You want to auction it off for a billion US dollars for a ridiculous story? It’s more practical to rob a bank.”

“I’ve never seen such a high-priced exhibit before. Only a lunatic would buy this.”


Before everyone could finish discussing, someone had already bid. “1.1 billion.”

“…” Everyone looked at the source of the voice, wanting to see which fool was so rich. Then, they saw Xia Wanyuan raise her hand.

“This lady bid 1.1 billion. Is there anyone higher than her?”

“1.2 billion,” a man wearing a mask in the corner said.

“1.2 billion. Okay, is there anyone else who wants to increase the price?”



The man in the corner seemed to be at odds with Xia Wanyuan. Every time Xia Wanyuan added a little, the man in the corner had to add more.

Finally, when the man reached thirty, Xia Wanyuan gave up.

“Three billion going once! Three billion going twice! Three billion going thrice! Alright, congratulations to this man for obtaining today’s auction item.”

The others in the venue were already stunned. What did three billion mean?? No matter how rich he was, he could not spend it like this.

This auction house adhered to absolute confidentiality and fairness. After the buyer paid, the auction house transferred all the commission to the seller. After the seller agreed, the auction item was sent to the buyer.

Everyone was very curious about this person who had spent tens of billions, but the buyer was quite low-key. After taking the things, he disappeared.

The auction ended and the people in the venue gradually left. Jun s.h.i.+ling, who was sitting silently, finally turned his head and looked at Xia Wanyuan greedily before getting up to leave.

After Jun s.h.i.+ling left, Xia Wanyuan sat in her seat for a long time until Yu Qian reminded her coldly, “Are you leaving?”

“Go first. I want to be alone for a while.”

“Are you sure?” Yu Qian frowned. “I’m not patient.”

Xia Wanyuan looked up, her eyes filled with a coldness that she had not shown in a long time. “I said, I want to stay alone for a while.”

Yu Qian was stunned by Xia Wanyuan’s fierceness. “Then stay by yourself.”

With that, Yu Qian strode away.

Soon, Xia Wanyuan was the only one in the venue. She quietly sipped her tea, thinking about something.

Outside the door, Yu Qian called his subordinate over after taking a few steps. “What is Xia Wanyuan doing inside?”

“Drinking tea.”

“What else?”

“That’s it.”

“Keep an eye on her.”

At this moment, in a hotel very close to the auction house, a tall figure was standing by the window and quietly looking at the figure in the venue.

“CEO Jun, why don’t you rest for a while?” Lin Jing walked in and persuaded Jun s.h.i.+ling.

Ever since he saw the news in the morning, Jun s.h.i.+ling had rushed over with Lin Jing as quickly as possible. Jun s.h.i.+ling had already been busy with work the entire night last night. Now that he was tired from running around, Lin Jing was worried that Jun s.h.i.+ling would not be able to take it.

“No need.” Jun s.h.i.+ling took a sip of black coffee. “Have you tracked the buyer’s information just now?”

“As you expected, that person is indeed in contact with people from World A. We’ve changed ten groups of people and are following him closely. Don’t worry, we’ll definitely find the mastermind.”

“Mm.” Jun s.h.i.+ling nodded. “Send those things down.”


Xia Wanyuan stayed in the venue for half an hour before coming out. Just as she stepped out of the door, a child walked over with a box.

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