Xu Zijin wanted to die with her dignity, but she couldn"t even ask for death.

She was unable to move with her hands and feet tied with ropes. A dishcloth had been stuffed into her mouth to prevent her from making noise. Besides, she was kept under close guard.

She was now in a hopeless situation that was even worse than death.

Suddenly, with a creak the door of the shack was pushed open from the outside.

Someone came up to her and drew the dishcloth out of her mouth. Before Xu Zijin could react, a rough hand gripped her delicate jaw and poured cold liquid medicine down her throat.

Xu Zijin had a presentiment that the liquid medicine would pose a danger to her. She gritted her teeth and refused to drink it. Unfortunately, some liquid was inevitably forced into her stomach.

Soon, she felt the effects of the liquid medicine. Every nerve in her body and brain was electrified. She realized that the liquid medicine was an aphrodisiac. A strong sense of emptiness drove her to roll on the ground.

She screamed, "Ah! Let me go!"

"Save your breath. I got this liquid medicine from an experienced doctor in the town. It cost me a lot of money. After taking it, even animals would act on their most primal instinct of reproduction. Even if you have a strong will and an indomitable spirit, you will lose your head and play up to my son in bed," the middle-aged woman said triumphantly, and then turned to her r.e.t.a.r.ded son. "Come here, my dear son. Your dad and I will show you how to make love. Watch carefully and do it with your wife. A woman can be easily conquered in bed. She will fall for you by and by."

Hearing that, Xu Zijin was seized with a strong sense of panic and broke out in a cold sweat. She could hardly believe her ears. "Was that woman asking her son to rape me in public? She even wants to perform live!" she thought, shaking all over with fear.

In a trembling voice, Xu Zijin shouted, "No! Don"t come any closer!" After saying that, she bit down hard on her tongue in an attempt to stay sober. She felt her whole body burning with desire, and was losing control over her mind.

Xu Zijin struggled to get up and tried to escape. However, before she could take a step, the woman and her husband caught hold of her arms and pinned her to the ground.

The very next second, they began to tear at her clothes.

"Ah!" Xu Zijin screamed desperately. "Help! Anybody, please help me! Help!"

She was now at the edge of a cliff and would fall into the abyss of darkness at any time. The only thing she could do was to cry, shout and prayed for rescue from anyone.

"Open your legs! Don"t act like you are a virgin. Come on, do something to please my son."

The woman"s indecent words rang in her ears. Every word was like a hammer pounding on her heart heavily. She felt as if she had been stripped of her dignity. Then, two rough big hands accurately grasped her ankles, separating her legs with force.

Was death the worst punishment in the world? No. In fact, death meant a relief to Xu Zijin.

She had been forced to take the aphrodisiac and been stripped in public. They treated her as a lowly prost.i.tute, insulted and bullied her. Every bit of her dignity was swept into the dust.

"No... Please... Fu Sinian... Where are you? Fu Sinian..."

Tears mixed with blood streamed down her face. She couldn"t reconcile herself to being raped by a stranger. But she could do nothing but shout and cry.

She wanted to die.

She really wanted to die!

But at this moment, death was out of her reach.

Before her knickers would be torn up and her pure body would be sullied, the door of the shack was kicked open with a bang. A streak of light poured in and a man"s silhouette was outlined on the ground.


A roar of rage reverberated in the shack. When Fu Sinian, who had travelled day and night before arriving at the village, saw what was happening in the shack, his face darkened all of a sudden and his eyes were full of anger. The thick heavy murderous look was overwhelming. The couple could hardly breathe under his hard stare.

Fu Sinian strode forward, kicked away the r.e.t.a.r.ded man who was laying on Xu Zijin, and stamped on his p.e.n.i.s. The poor man let out a loud scream, as his entire face twisted in agony. In a gust of uncontrollable anger, Fu Sinian stepped on his p.e.n.i.s harder and harder. Slowly, blood stained Fu Sinian"s patent leather shoes.

"f.u.c.k you! Who the f.u.c.k are you? Let go of my son!"

The couple were completely shocked at the sudden arrival of Fu Sinian and his men. The shrill cry of their son brought them back to their senses. They instantly rushed over and tried to rescue their son. However, Fu Sinian kicked them off without hesitation when they came near.

The couple fell on the ground like two rag dolls, feeling sharp pains all over their bodies. Both of them spat out a mouthful of blood.

Su Xiyu, who had just arrived here, looked at Fu Sinian and Xu Zijin with concern. Fu Sinian took off his coat, spread it to cover Xu Zijin"s vulnerable body, and then held her tightly in his arms. His eyes were blood-shot red and gleaming with anger. Behind him was that couple and their r.e.t.a.r.ded son. They were rolling on the ground and wailing loudly.

"I want them to suffer a living h.e.l.l," Fu Sinian ordered in a sharp, aggressive tone, emphasizing every word. The mixture of malice and hatred in his dark eyes made him look like a demon who just climbed out of h.e.l.l.

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