"I have made an appointment with a foreign expert for you. Sinian, you must be treated as soon as possible," Su Xiyu said.

Fu Sinian remained silent. He clenched his fists and stared at Xu Zijin in the ward through the gla.s.s. After a long time, he said, "I will accept treatment, but not now."

Su Xiyu knew that Fu Sinian refused to go abroad for treatment because he was worried about Xu Zijin. Su Xiyu sighed and said, "If you faint one more time, I will tie you up and send you abroad for treatment."

After that, he turned around and left. He did not intend to persuade Fu Sinian anymore. If Fu Sinian had been a man who was open to persuasion, the relations.h.i.+p between him and Xu Zijin wouldn"t have deteriorated to the present state.

In a corner of the hospital.

A beautiful young woman with a good figure handed a cheque to the man next to her. If Xu Zijin were here, she would recognize him at once. He was the young doctor who had broken into the operating room with Fu Sinian"s signed informed consent in his hand.

"Well done. You deserve this cheque. I"m sure that you will be the next Director of this hospital."

Xu Zijin finally came to terms with the fact that her child was dead. However, the very will to survive had been drained completely from her. After she had woken up and made a scene, she ate nothing, stopped drinking water and even gave up sleep. She lay in bed looking particularly frail like a lifeless puppet.

Everyone knew that she would not live for much longer.

Even the best doctor in the world couldn"t save a patient who asked for nothing but death.

One day, Fu Sinian came to visit Xu Zijin and said something to her. She had a fit of hysterics and made a terrible scene again. The nurses and doctors were all frightened by the violence of her reactions.

Since then Xu Zijin resumed taking foods. Although she still looked gloomy, she had the desire to live.

On the day she was discharged from the hospital, an unexpected visitor came to her ward.

The sudden arrival of the woman was a great shock to Xu Zijin. She was seized with burning hatred for the woman. "It"s you!" she cried out.

This woman was of slim build, with long straight dark hair and an oval face. She looked like a southern Chinese lady in a traditional Chinese painting.

Fu Sinian had told Xu Zijin that Mu Anan had drowned herself in the river. But obviously, he had told a lie. Mu Anan was still alive and now standing in front of Xu Zijin.

"Xu Zijin, long time no see. How are you? You seem surprised to see me. Does it never occur to you that I am still alive? The whole matter was directed and orchestrated by Sinian."

Mu Anan wore a triumphant smile and continued, "He wanted you to lose all standing and reputation. He threatened to charge you with murder if your father didn"t offer him the Xu Consortium. Finally, your father gave in. Sinian has harboured resentment against the Xu family for a long time. You know I love him so much. So, in order to destroy the Xu family, I agreed to play dead.

Now your father and stepmother are dead. The Xu family was ruined. As for you, you have lost your baby, and what"s more, you will spend the rest of your life in prison. Sinian has cleared away the obstacles between him and me. From now on, we can be together. So, it"s time to "resurrect" me."

"Do you think I will believe you?" Xu Zijin roared. But in fact, she already believed what Mu Anan said.

"That explains so much. Fu Sinian planned all this from the start..." she thought.

She lay in the bed with the quilt over her body, trembling with anger. Her heart shattered into a million pieces, and her body racked with turbulent hatred.

She had always thought that she deserved punishment because she had killed Mu Anan. But now she knew that was not the case.

He had been acting from beginning to end. The cold-blooded man masked his wild ambition with the false display of affection for her.

The truth was, she was just a tool for Fu Sinian to force her father to death and destroy the Xu family.

"Xu Zijin, why do you refuse to accept the truth? The reason Sinian married you is just because he wanted to blend in the Xu family and wait for the best opportunity to take revenge on Xu Yuanshan. He loves me and only me! You are the daughter of his enemy and the tool of his revenge. Although he treats you well now, you"d better keep sober-minded and wonder why he has suddenly changed his att.i.tude towards you. He wants to take advantage of you to draw the executives who were on friendly terms with the Xu family, over to his side. Xu Zijin, you are a mere tool in his eyes."

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