Xu Zikung roared and rushed over, fought tooth and nail to s.n.a.t.c.h the remains of the dead baby from the wild dogs" mouths.

The enraged wild dogs snapped at her arm. She felt a sharp pain as if her bone was broken.

But Xu Zijin didn"t care about her injured arm. She picked up the sc.r.a.ps of flesh of her dead baby bit by bit, however, they were mangled beyond recognition. She dropped to her knees and let out sad and shrill cries.

When Fu Sinian hurriedly arrived at the hospital, he saw Xu Zijin in bloodied clothes sitting on the ground with some sc.r.a.ps of flesh in her cupped hands and weeping and laughing at the same time. She seemed insane and her shrill laughter stung his heart with shock.

Xu Zijin noticed his arrival. She swivelled her head and glared at him, her eyes burning with strong hatred, as if she could shoot poisonous needles at any moment.

"Fu Sinian, why are you still alive? Why don"t you just die?" she screeched, her bloodshot eyes gleaming with anger.

Xu Zijin went mad.

She was finally driven insane.

She had lost her mind and couldn"t recognize anyone.

She hit anyone approaching her. When she saw other people"s children, she rushed over to s.n.a.t.c.h them from their parents" hands. Once their parents refused to let go of their children, she desperately bit and scratched at them. At midnight, she held a bloodstained doll in her arms and played with it, as if it was her dead baby. Her sick laughter reverberated in the corridor of the hospital and terrified nurses and patients.

All the people around him advised Fu Sinian to send her to a sanatorium.

Fu Sinian turned a deaf ear to their advice and took Xu Zijin back to his villa. He invited the best psychiatrists to treat her, but she refused to cooperate with the treatment. She still locked herself in a world of her own and didn"t want to extricate herself from her fantasy. None of the outside world existed for her anymore.

At last, Fu Sinian got angry.

He rushed into her bedroom, seized the doll from her hands and gripped her shoulders. "Xu Zijin, are you torturing me or yourself on purpose?"

Xu Zijin giggled, and her eyes were unfocused.

She had gone completely insane.

But Fu Sinian knew that she remembered everything but refused to accept the fact that her child was dead. She isolated herself in her own world to avoid the sad reality.

"I don"t allow you to escape from reality. I need you sane and sober," he thought.

His eyes suddenly gloomed. Fu Sinian lowered his head and kissed her on the dry, cracked and pale lips.

Xu Zijin instinctively began to struggle, but her resistance provoked him.

"Get away from me... Don"t touch me... Don"t..."

Her clothes were ripped to shreds, and the doll was thrown out of the window by Fu Sinian, who trapped her on the bed. Her hands were pressed above her head by his hand, and her struggling legs were spread apart by his strong thighs and pressed on the bed. She couldn"t move at all.

Then, he aggressively entered her body and tore her dry v.a.g.i.n.a.

Xu Zijin let out a yelp and couldn"t help s.h.i.+vering with pain.

Unable to avoid him, she burst into tears.

She glared at the man, her eyes burning with anger, as the beast of hatred hidden deep in her body slowly woke up.

"Why can"t you let me alone in my own world? Why are you doing this to me?

Everyone thinks that I am insane. But I know clearly that I have never been so rational.

I couldn"t do anything to save my father, Aunt Liu and my precious child. They are all dead... All the people I care about in this world are gone.

I can"t sleep every night. Every time I close my eyes, their faces flash in my mind. They died with everlasting regret.

I feel strong feelings of guilt clawing frantically at my heart, torturing me day and night. How I wish I could die right now. If I died, I could be with my child; I could apologize to my father.

But I have no right to die.

So I have to pretend to be insane. In this way I can escape from reality and carry on living in the world. However, you smash my last hope.

It seems that I was born to be a flying moth chasing the flame, and in the end I bring destruction on myself," she thought.

Xu Zijin looked straight at Fu Sinian and her eyes lost their l.u.s.tre, blank and calm, like two pools of stagnant water.

A dark cloud drifted by and covered the moon. The moonlight faded quickly, and the room became dark.

On the king size bed, Fu Sinian and Xu Zijin held each other so tight as if they had merged into one.

In the darkness of the night, they were madly tangled up together like two lost souls, their body flapping violently against each other like a pair of wings. The woman"s groans and the man"s low, hoa.r.s.e gasps echoed in the room.

Their bodies were so close to each other, but their heart separated by an unbridgeable gap.

The hands of a clock moved round. But for the man and woman in pa.s.sion, time was meaningless. They were like two tireless wild animals without hatred and pain, and the only thing they wanted to do was to satisfy their l.u.s.t.

"Fu Sinian! Fu Sinian!! Fu Sinian!!!"

Xu Zijin sitting on his lower abdomen gasped brokenly and called his name repeatedly. She held her head back and her white delicate neck formed a graceful arc. Groans of pain and enjoyment from her mouth clung to the dark night.

Tears streamed down her cheeks and dripped on to his breast. He felt his heart tremble as if her tears were the strong acid, capable of burning his skin and heart.

Fu Sinian licked his lips, clutched her waist hard and began to conquer her with all his strength. Soon he brought her to the peak of bliss.

"Ah! I hate you! I hate you!! I hate you!!!!" she screamed.

"I have no reason to forgive you. I will hate you until the day I die.

You are so cruel and ruthless. You don"t love me. You have ruined my life. I used to be a proud, n.o.ble young lady, but now I have lost my dignity and become a lowly woman," she thought with hatred.

Xu Zijin cried and raved desperately. Her grief burst forth like uncontrolled flood waters, and she wept like a dam had burst in her soul.

Before the arrival of the o.r.g.a.s.m, a chilling light flashed in the darkness and they froze at the same time.

The pa.s.sion came to an abrupt end.

Fu Sinian gave a groan of pain. He instantly opened his eyes wide and looked up at the tearful woman in disbelief. Just now she had thrust a sharp knife into his chest...

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