Chapter 11

Chapter 11 – Dual Jades

In this empty night, the surroundings were utterly silent and still. The only sound that could be heard were the occasional insuppressible cries of grief by nocturnal birds.

Suddenly, the door of the room slammed open. The freezing night wind blew straight in, cold enough to send shivers up one’s spine. Jiang Xunyi slowly raised his head. His eyes were still red, but his tears had long since dried up.

He stood up without looking behind him. He only spoke coldly and indifferently: “You all… finally came.”

Outside the door stood grand rows of Hidden Spirit disciples, all fully armed with swords. Leading them were two old men with cold and solemn faces, one wearing black and the other wearing white. These were precisely the famous “Hidden Spirit Two Elders,” called Jingzhou and Jinghai, their status second only to the sect head Immortal Master Ti Ming.

Jiang Xunyi’s mood was originally poor. Now upon turning around to see these two people, his gaze turned even sharper. The script he got from the System only told him a few major events surrounding Yun Xie, skipping over many details and supporting roles. After he as an outsider entered, the plot had often developed according to his own exertions and directions. But he had long since known that these two old farts were up to no good. These two must be inextricably tied to today’s events.

Jiang Xunyi glanced at Immortal Master Ti Ming still lying in bed, and muttered: “By the heavens above, if I don’t vent my anger by killing these two people, I won’t leave even if I’m being lifted by a sedan chair.”

Jingyuan had always disliked Jiang Xunyi’s defiant and supercilious appearance. At this time, seeing Jiang Xunyi grumbling something to himself, Jingyuan grew even more impatient. He stepped forward and yelled: “Jiang Xunyi, you heartless and shameless disciple, you actually killed1 your master!”

Once his words landed, Jiang Xunyi’s figure suddenly disappeared from everyone’s vision. The shocked Jinghai quickly ordered: “Hurry! Don’t let this fellow get away!”

However, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Xunyi’s figure reappeared behind Jingyuan. With a single shrill clang, everyone on the scene saw the boundless clear and cold dazzle of a sword. Elder Jingyuan wordlessly fell to the ground, blood spurting from his heart.

This mighty elder famous for decades had actually been slain with a single stroke, without even the slightest ability to fight back!

Jiang Xunyi had long since been called a genius since childhood, and was said to be undefeated ever since his skills fully developed. But with his cold and arrogant personality, he was not easy to get close to. As a result, most people on the scene had never seen him fight before, and all believed the rumors were greatly exaggerated. Now seeing this today, they finally realized the sheer terrifying strength of this man, and could not help but silently recoil in shock.

After Jiang Xunyi’s successful strike, he drifted backwards on the tips of his toes. He knew in his heart that his attack just now took advantage of Jingyuan being completely unprepared, and also involved a significant element of luck. Now all the other people had definitely raised their vigilance, and any further attacks would not be nearly as easy.

Seeing the sheer extent of Jiang Xunyi’s rampant aggressiveness, Elder Jinghai was both enraged and mournful. He shouted fiercely: “Disrespecting and killing one’s masters and elders2 is an extremely evil sin! Jiang Xunyi, the Hidden Spirit Sect will not tolerate a traitorous disciple like you. All disciples, hear this order: together, take down this treacherous villain!” After giving this nice-sounding order, Jinghai himself instead retreated backwards.

Jiang Xunyi consistently showed no quarter when it came to business, and at this time he had absolutely no affection for these fellow sect disciples. Hearing Jinghai’s order, he sneered out loud and mustered his strength to sweep horizontally. The first few disciples were immediately sent flying, their life or death unclear. Jiang Xunyi took the opportunity to jump up, leaping towards the main hall at the front of the mountain.

This person’s temperament was weird, never acting according to common sense. When you feel he is tightly trapped and should be retreating, he insists on staying here to kill. When you feel he has taken the upper hand and will definitely start slaughtering people, he instead turns around and flees without leaving a trace! Elder Jinghai’s face was red with anger. Without any caution or fear, he led the crowd of people to chase.

The Hidden Spirit Sect was one of the famous leading sects in the cultivation world with many capable disciples, not to mention the numerous defensive arrays that were not just used for display. No matter how powerful Jiang Xunyi was, after having to continuously fight and retreat this entire way, his clothes had already become ripped and stained with blood. Upon retreating to the Universal Joy Hall atop the highest peak of the Hidden Spirit Mountain, he suddenly stopped moving in place, stabbing his sword into the ground.

Elder Jinghai was happy at the thought that Jiang Xunyi must have exhausted all his energy and could not flee any further. He immediately said: “Jiang Xunyi, you first killed the Sect Head and then an elder. These are already unforgivable crimes, but if you willingly hand over the Sect Head Seal3, perhaps your life might still be spared.”

Jiang Xunyi lowered his feather-like eyelashes, subconsciously looking down at the jade hanging in front of his chest. The token of the Hidden Spirit Sect Head was a pure white jade pendant that had been pa.s.sed down from generation to generation. Although Jiang Xunyi had not yet officially become the succeeding Sect Head, given his extraordinary talent, no one else in the sect could compete with him. Therefore, Immortal Master Ti Ming had long since pa.s.sed the seal to him so he could handle the sect’s affairs in Ti Ming’s place.

Upon thinking to this point, Jiang Xunyi’s lips curled up: “Old man Jinghai, you already have one foot in the grave yet you’re still fixated on this Sect Head Seal?”

Elder Jinghai had held his respected and venerated position for many years. When was the last time anyone had ever said something like this to him? He immediately flew into an agitated rage: “What nonsense did you just say?!” After this, he looked all around him and in the end remembered the dignity of his position: “The Sect Head Seal is our sect’s treasure, and naturally can’t be given to a villain like you who disrespects and kills their elders2. We have already determined Huang Yan to be the next Sect Head of our sect. You’re still not handing over the Seal?!”

Jiang Xunyi deliberately faked surprise: “Huang Yan? What the h.e.l.l’s that?”

When his words landed, a Hidden Spirit Sect disciple who looked to be about the same age as him immediately jumped out of the crowd and yelled: “Jiang Xunyi, your insults have gone too far!”

Jiang Xunyi glanced him over: “Oh, it turned out to be you. This senior brother was temporarily forgetful, no offense to Huang-Shidi. I was just a little curious… Shidi, your martial arts have always been weak and your personality cowardly. More importantly, neither riches nor beauty are on your side, and your appearance is frankly wretched. What good things did you give this old man to trick him into giving you the Sect Head position?”

Jiang Xunyi glanced him over: “Oh, it turned out to be you. This senior brother was temporarily forgetful, no offense to Huang-Shidi. I was just a little curious… Shidi, your martial arts have always been weak and your personality cowardly. More importantly, neither riches nor beauty are on your side, and your appearance is frankly wretched. What good things did you give this old man to trick him into giving you the Sect Head position?”

Huang Yan was so furious his entire body trembled uncontrollably. His hand was already pressed onto the hilt of his sword, but upon remembering Jiang Xunyi’s level of skill, he honestly did not dare to pull out his sword. He could only put on a fierce appearance while remaining cowardly at heart, as he shouted: “If…if you utter any more crazy words, don’t blame this sect head for neglecting the camaraderie between fellow disciples!”

Jiang Xunyi flourished his sword and sneered: “Is that so? Then you’re free to try it out. If I, Jiang Xunyi, can’t take your life within three moves, I’ll serve my head up with my own two hands!”

Huang Yan’s face paled, and he couldn’t help but take a step back.

Jiang Xunyi pointed his sword and fingers4, as solemn and unmoving as a mountain.

Huang Yan’s expression changed slightly. He hesitated again and again, until he suddenly shouted: “For a traitor like you who disrespects and kills their elders2, no talk of morality or righteousness is needed. Everyone, let’s go together and take him… take him down!”

The disciples around him had different facial expressions, but they all hesitated and refused to move or attack. Instead, quite a few people revealed a hint of shame.

Jiang Xunyi laughed out loud: “The so-called gentlemen of character can bend and stretch. Huang-Shidi really deserves to be called a gentleman of character too!”

At this moment, light laughter sounded in the air. A clear and bright voice came from outside the door: “That’s right, a nicely shameless ‘gentleman of character’!”

The crowd of people with swords drawn all turned back to see a genteel and elegant young man standing at the door. In contrast to Jiang Xunyi’s exquisite sharpness, his manner was refined and gentle, with a temperament as fine as jade. He looked to be a cultured scholar——if no one knew he was the Solar Envy Sect Master Yun Xie famous for his ruthless and vicious methods.

Yun Xie had originally been the head disciple of Solar Envy Sect, and had only just taken over the Sect Master position for less than a year now. Everyone knew that he and Jiang Xunyi were fire-forged friends. The crowd of Hidden Spirit Sect members had been right about to take down Jiang Xunyi, but they did not expect Yun Xie would actually rush over at this critical moment. Their expressions thus changed in unison.

Jiang Xunyi was also extremely surprised. But he did not know why he was surprised——he only felt that upon seeing Yun Xie like this, he could not help but think: Yun Xie was not supposed to appear here.5

On the other hand, Yun Xie looked completely normal. He looked Jiang Xunyi up and down, sizing up the latter’s battered and exhausted appearance. With a cheerful grin, he said: “Brother, I haven’t seen you for a long time, you truly are getting better and better at dressing up! Were you injured?”

Jiang Xunyi wiped the fresh blood off his face to reveal a face as spotlessly white as jade. He harrumphed coldly: “The blood is all from other people, there’s no way I can die.”

Jiang Xunyi wiped the fresh blood off his face to reveal a face as spotlessly white as jade. He harrumphed coldly: “The blood is all from other people, there’s no way I can die.”

Yun Xie’s eyes swept the hall. Although the smile on his face did not change an inch, those he looked at could not help but feel a chill. Yun Xie spoke slowly and leisurely: “Elder Jinghai,  have long since secluded yourself and not bothered with the outside world. Why are you now partic.i.p.ating in the infighting between these younger disciples?”

Jinghai spoke dully: “Jiang Xunyi has committed the great sin of killing his master, intolerable by heaven. Seeing my sect is currently leaderless6, I of course have to uphold justice in their place. Now why did Sect Master Yun come here?”

Yun Xie spread his hands: “Elder Jinghai, you have no need to ask a question to which you already know the answer. I came here naturally to tell you sirs——” As he spoke, he gently drew his personal sword into his right hand. His expression turned severe, and he spoke darkly: “If you want to kill Jiang Xunyi, you’ll first have to step over my dead body!”

Yun Xie had always emphasized polish in his appearance, but at this time though his expression was leisurely, his hair was slightly messy and his clothes dusty. He looked to have hurriedly rushed over here right after receiving the news. His travel speed was naturally incomparably faster than ordinary disciples, so this dignified sect master actually… had no one accompanying him.

This was the locality of Hidden Spirit Mountain, and they had a huge crowd of people. Jiang Xunyi could be said to be disadvantaged in both location and numbers. Even with Yun Xie present, he would only be dragging Yun Xie into his own trouble. Upon thinking of this, he frowned and said to Yun Xie: “Do you need to come and meddle? I can take care of all these idiots myself. You should return to your Solar Envy Mountain to plant flowers and stroll with the birds.”

Yun Xie had not yet answered, when a Hidden Spirit Sect disciple first preempted him to yell: “Jiang Xunyi, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d son of a wh.o.r.e…” He hadn’t even finished talking when his head was sent flying by an explosive strike from Yun Xie, and his body fell straight down.

Only when that disciple’s eyeball rolled to Elder Jinghai’s feet did he react: Yun Xie actually killed a disciple of his sect in the public eye! A clamor rose from the other people as well. They had all heard of Yun Xie’s sinister and cruel methods, of how those who died under his hand never had their corpses intact. Upon seeing this with their own eyes today, they were even more startled and frightened.

As if nothing had just happened, Yun Xie grinned happily and batted his eyes at Jiang Xunyi: “Ah-Xun, I’ve7 just pledged my loyalty8, and am afraid I can’t leave~”

With this great injury to his reputation, Elder Jinghai’s anger grew: “All disciples, charge forward! Kill this traitorous disciple and recapture the Sect Head Seal!”

Jiang Xunyi glared in helplessness at Yun Xie. He laughed bitterly: “Count this round as my loss, fight it is then!”

1. Jingyuan doesn’t use the usual 杀 “kill” here. He instead uses 弑 (shì), which specifically refers to killing one’s superior or parent. 
2. 欺师灭祖 lit. “bully one’s master and extinguish one’s ancestors” refers to an unfilial disciple who betrays the teachings of their ancestors and attacks their elders. Ancient Chinese culture, especially martial arts, was very hierarchical and focused on respecting one’s elders, so this is an immense crime.
3. Just to clarify, the Sect Head Seal (掌门印) is an emblem of the Sect Head’s authority, the token of their office. It works as a stamp/seal/signature. Handing it over means Jiang Xunyi is surrendering his position as the next Sect Head.
4. 剑尖斜指 is kind of hard to describe and I don’t understand it that well myself… I think it’s a swordsmanship technique where the hand not holding the sword also points two fingers in various directions, something like these two figures: 
5. For plot clarification… I believe this is a hint of Jiang Xunyi’s present consciousness struggling to break through the illusion of the Imprisoned Demons Valley 
6. 群龙无首 lit. “group of dragons without a leader”
7. Yun Xie here calls himself 哥哥 (gē gē) lit. “big brother or big bro”. Of note, 哥哥 isn’t just referring to a brotherly relationship; some girls may flirtatiously call their lover/boyfriend/husband 哥哥 too.
8. 投名状 = pledge of loyalty used in ancient times to join an illegal group, often involving swearing a blood oath, etc.

Chapter 11 Dual Jades In this empty night, the surroundings were utterly silent and still. The only sound that could be heard were the occasional insuppressible cries of grief by nocturnal birds. Suddenly, the door of the room slammed open. The freezing night wind blew straight in, cold enough to send shivers up one s spine. Jiang Xunyi slowly raised his head. His eyes were still red, but his tears had long since dried up. He stood up without looking behind him. He only spoke coldly and indifferently You all finally came. Outside the door stood grand rows of Hidden Spirit disciples, all fully armed with swords. Leading them were two old men with cold and solemn faces, one wearing black and the other wearing white. These were precisely the famous Hidden Spirit Two Elders, called Jingzhou and Jinghai, their status second only to the sect head Immortal Master Ti Ming. Jiang Xunyi s mood was originally poor. Now upon turning around to see these two people, his gaze turned even sharper. The script he got from the System only told him a few major events surrounding Yun Xie, skipping over many details and supporting roles. After he as an outsider entered, the plot had often developed according to his own exertions and directions. But he had long since known that these two old farts were up to no good. These two must be inextricably tied to today s events. Jiang Xunyi glanced at Immortal Master Ti Ming still lying in bed, and muttered By the heavens above, if I don t vent my anger by killing these two people, I won t leave even if I m being lifted by a sedan chair. Jingyuan had always disliked Jiang Xunyi s defiant and supercilious appearance. At this time, seeing Jiang Xunyi grumbling something to himself, Jingyuan grew even more impatient. He stepped forward and yelled Jiang Xunyi, you heartless and shameless disciple, you actually killed1 your master Once his words landed, Jiang Xunyi s figure suddenly disappeared from everyone s vision. The shocked Jinghai quickly ordered Hurry Don t let this fellow get away However, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Xunyi s figure reappeared behind Jingyuan. With a single shrill clang, everyone on the scene saw the boundless clear and cold dazzle of a sword. Elder Jingyuan wordlessly fell to the ground, blood spurting from his heart. This mighty elder famous for decades had actually been slain with a single stroke, without even the slightest ability to fight back Jiang Xunyi had long since been called a genius since childhood, and was said to be undefeated ever since his skills fully developed. But with his cold and arrogant personality, he was not easy to get close to. As a result, most people on the scene had never seen him fight before, and all believed the rumors were greatly exaggerated. Now seeing this today, they finally realized the sheer terrifying strength of this man, and could not help but silently recoil in shock. After Jiang Xunyi s successful strike, he drifted backwards on the tips of his toes. He knew in his heart that his attack just now took advantage of Jingyuan being completely unprepared, and also involved a significant element of luck. Now all the other people had definitely raised their vigilance, and any further attacks would not be nearly as easy. Seeing the sheer extent of Jiang Xunyi s rampant aggressiveness, Elder Jinghai was both enraged and mournful. He shouted fiercely Disrespecting and killing one s masters and elders2 is an extremely evil sin Jiang Xunyi, the Hidden Spirit Sect will not tolerate a traitorous disciple like you. All disciples, hear this order together, take down this treacherous villain After giving this nice sounding order, Jinghai himself instead retreated backwards. Jiang Xunyi consistently showed no quarter when it came to business, and at this time he had absolutely no affection for these fellow sect disciples. Hearing Jinghai s order, he sneered out loud and mustered his strength to sweep horizontally. The first few disciples were immediately sent flying, their life or death unclear. Jiang Xunyi took the opportunity to jump up, leaping towards the main hall at the front of the mountain. This person s temperament was weird, never acting according to common sense. When you feel he is tightly trapped and should be retreating, he insists on staying here to kill. When you feel he has taken the upper hand and will definitely start slaughtering people, he instead turns around and flees without leaving a trace Elder Jinghai s face was red with anger. Without any caution or fear, he led the crowd of people to chase. The Hidden Spirit Sect was one of the famous leading sects in the cultivation world with many capable disciples, not to mention the numerous defensive arrays that were not just used for display. No matter how powerful Jiang Xunyi was, after having to continuously fight and retreat this entire way, his clothes had already become ripped and stained with blood. Upon retreating to the Universal Joy Hall atop the highest peak of the Hidden Spirit Mountain, he suddenly stopped moving in place, stabbing his sword into the ground. Elder Jinghai was happy at the thought that Jiang Xunyi must have exhausted all his energy and could not flee any further. He immediately said Jiang Xunyi, you first killed the Sect Head and then an elder. These are already unforgivable crimes, but if you willingly hand over the Sect Head Seal3, perhaps your life might still be spared. Jiang Xunyi lowered his feather like eyelashes, subconsciously looking down at the jade hanging in front of his chest. The token of the Hidden Spirit Sect Head was a pure white jade pendant that had been pa.s.sed down from generation to generation. Although Jiang Xunyi had not yet officially become the succeeding Sect Head, given his extraordinary talent, no one else in the sect could compete with him. Therefore, Immortal Master Ti Ming had long since pa.s.sed the seal to him so he could handle the sect s affairs in Ti Ming s place. Upon thinking to this point, Jiang Xunyi s lips curled up Old man Jinghai, you already have one foot in the grave yet you re still fixated on this Sect Head Seal Elder Jinghai had held his respected and venerated position for many years. When was the last time anyone had ever said something like this to him He immediately flew into an agitated rage What nonsense did you just say After this, he looked all around him and in the end remembered the dignity of his position The Sect Head Seal is our sect s treasure, and naturally can t be given to a villain like you who disrespects and kills their elders2. We have already determined Huang Yan to be the next Sect Head of our sect. You re still not handing over the Seal Jiang Xunyi deliberately faked surprise Huang Yan What the h.e.l.l s that When his words landed, a Hidden Spirit Sect disciple who looked to be about the same age as him immediately jumped out of the crowd and yelled Jiang Xunyi, your insults have gone too far Jiang Xunyi glanced him over Oh, it turned out to be you. This senior brother was temporarily forgetful, no offense to Huang Shidi. I was just a little curious Shidi, your martial arts have always been weak and your personality cowardly. More importantly, neither riches nor beauty are on your side, and your appearance is frankly wretched. What good things did you give this old man to trick him into giving you the Sect Head position Huang Yan was so furious his entire body trembled uncontrollably. His hand was already pressed onto the hilt of his sword, but upon remembering Jiang Xunyi s level of skill, he honestly did not dare to pull out his sword. He could only put on a fierce appearance while remaining cowardly at heart, as he shouted If if you utter any more crazy words, don t blame this sect head for neglecting the camaraderie between fellow disciples Jiang Xunyi flourished his sword and sneered Is that so Then you re free to try it out. If I, Jiang Xunyi, can t take your life within three moves, I ll serve my head up with my own two hands Huang Yan s face paled, and he couldn t help but take a step back. Jiang Xunyi pointed his sword and fingers4, as solemn and unmoving as a mountain. Huang Yan s expression changed slightly. He hesitated again and again, until he suddenly shouted For a traitor like you who disrespects and kills their elders2, no talk of morality or righteousness is needed. Everyone, let s go together and take him take him down The disciples around him had different facial expressions, but they all hesitated and refused to move or attack. Instead, quite a few people revealed a hint of shame. Jiang Xunyi laughed out loud The so called gentlemen of character can bend and stretch. Huang Shidi really deserves to be called a gentleman of character too At this moment, light laughter sounded in the air. A clear and bright voice came from outside the door That s right, a nicely shameless gentleman of character The crowd of people with swords drawn all turned back to see a genteel and elegant young man standing at the door. In contrast to Jiang Xunyi s exquisite sharpness, his manner was refined and gentle, with a temperament as fine as jade. He looked to be a cultured scholar if no one knew he was the Solar Envy Sect Master Yun Xie famous for his ruthless and vicious methods. Yun Xie had originally been the head disciple of Solar Envy Sect, and had only just taken over the Sect Master position for less than a year now. Everyone knew that he and Jiang Xunyi were fire forged friends. The crowd of Hidden Spirit Sect members had been right about to take down Jiang Xunyi, but they did not expect Yun Xie would actually rush over at this critical moment. Their expressions thus changed in unison. Jiang Xunyi was also extremely surprised. But he did not know why he was surprised he only felt that upon seeing Yun Xie like this, he could not help but think Yun Xie was not supposed to appear here.5 On the other hand, Yun Xie looked completely normal. He looked Jiang Xunyi up and down, sizing up the latter s battered and exhausted appearance. With a cheerful grin, he said Brother, I haven t seen you for a long time, you truly are getting better and better at dressing up Were you injured Jiang Xunyi wiped the fresh blood off his face to reveal a face as spotlessly white as jade. He harrumphed coldly The blood is all from other people, there s no way I can die. Yun Xie s eyes swept the hall. Although the smile on his face did not change an inch, those he looked at could not help but feel a chill. Yun Xie spoke slowly and leisurely Elder Jinghai, have long since secluded yourself and not bothered with the outside world. Why are you now partic.i.p.ating in the infighting between these younger disciples Jinghai spoke dully Jiang Xunyi has committed the great sin of killing his master, intolerable by heaven. Seeing my sect is currently leaderless6, I of course have to uphold justice in their place. Now why did Sect Master Yun come here Yun Xie spread his hands Elder Jinghai, you have no need to ask a question to which you already know the answer. I came here naturally to tell you sirs As he spoke, he gently drew his personal sword into his right hand. His expression turned severe, and he spoke darkly If you want to kill Jiang Xunyi, you ll first have to step over my dead body Yun Xie had always emphasized polish in his appearance, but at this time though his expression was leisurely, his hair was slightly messy and his clothes dusty. He looked to have hurriedly rushed over here right after receiving the news. His travel speed was naturally incomparably faster than ordinary disciples, so this dignified sect master actually had no one accompanying him. This was the locality of Hidden Spirit Mountain, and they had a huge crowd of people. Jiang Xunyi could be said to be disadvantaged in both location and numbers. Even with Yun Xie present, he would only be dragging Yun Xie into his own trouble. Upon thinking of this, he frowned and said to Yun Xie Do you need to come and meddle I can take care of all these idiots myself. You should return to your Solar Envy Mountain to plant flowers and stroll with the birds. Yun Xie had not yet answered, when a Hidden Spirit Sect disciple first preempted him to yell Jiang Xunyi, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d son of a wh.o.r.e He hadn t even finished talking when his head was sent flying by an explosive strike from Yun Xie, and his body fell straight down. Only when that disciple s eyeball rolled to Elder Jinghai s feet did he react Yun Xie actually killed a disciple of his sect in the public eye A clamor rose from the other people as well. They had all heard of Yun Xie s sinister and cruel methods, of how those who died under his hand never had their corpses intact. Upon seeing this with their own eyes today, they were even more startled and frightened. As if nothing had just happened, Yun Xie grinned happily and batted his eyes at Jiang Xunyi Ah Xun, I ve7 just pledged my loyalty8, and am afraid I can t leave With this great injury to his reputation, Elder Jinghai s anger grew All disciples, charge forward Kill this traitorous disciple and recapture the Sect Head Seal Jiang Xunyi glared in helplessness at Yun Xie. He laughed bitterly Count this round as my loss, fight it is then Footnotes 1. Jingyuan doesn t use the usual kill here. He instead uses sh , which specifically refers to killing one s superior or parent. 2. lit. bully one s master and extinguish one s ancestors refers to an unfilial disciple who betrays the teachings of their ancestors and attacks their elders. Ancient Chinese culture, especially martial arts, was very hierarchical and focused on respecting one s elders, so this is an immense crime. 3. Just to clarify, the Sect Head Seal is an emblem of the Sect Head s authority, the token of their office. It works as a stamp seal signature. Handing it over means Jiang Xunyi is surrendering his position as the next Sect Head. 4. is kind of hard to describe and I don t understand it that well myself I think it s a swordsmanship technique where the hand not holding the sword also points two fingers in various directions, something like these two figures 5. For plot clarification I believe this is a hint of Jiang Xunyi s present consciousness struggling to break through the illusion of the Imprisoned Demons Valley 6. lit. group of dragons without a leader 7. Yun Xie here calls himself g g lit. big brother or big bro . Of note, isn t just referring to a brotherly relationship some girls may flirtatiously call their lover boyfriend husband too. 8. pledge of loyalty used in ancient times to join an illegal group, often involving swearing a blood oath, etc.

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